The chaos scenario for Democrats – IOTW Report

The chaos scenario for Democrats

The Hill:

It’s the scenario that Republicans dream of and Democrats believe is all but impossible: Hillary Clinton being forced to drop out of the presidential race due to criminal charges over her email server.


Any bombshell findings in the FBI’s investigation of Clinton could plunge the Democratic race into chaos.

Bernie Sanders could stand to gain. As the only other candidate in the Democratic race, the party could quickly coalesce around him in an effort to halt the bedlam. But that’s far from a sure thing, with many in the party fearful he would be a weak general election candidate.


Democrats insist there’s virtually no chance that Clinton will be indicted over her server. The candidate has said repeatedly that no laws were broken, and that classified information was never sent over the server. Asked about an indictment at the last Democratic debate, Clinton responded: “That’s not going to happen.”  more

Hillary gown

14 Comments on The chaos scenario for Democrats

  1. I have a new theory. The DOJ is going to indict her all right, but they’re going to take a plea down to a misdemeanor before the Dem convention.

    That way they get the optimal solution, Obama and the DOJ can claim their not utterly corrupt, Hillary does no time, pays a slight fine and can still run for Pres and the press gets to spend the months leading up to the election ignoring and down playing what she had done.

    Yep, that’s what is going to happen and the Republicans or the FBI won’t be able to do a damn thing to stop them.

  2. I mentioned something along this line a few days ago except that the Dems already would have a candidate in the wings who is good looking, a good speaker and is charismatic. Bernie would go into the convention with not enough votes to secure the leadership but this surprise candidate would be nominated by the floor and go on to win. The GOP wouldn’t have time to put together a cohesive playbook against him/her and the Dems would stand a better then even chance of taking the Presidency. If you think about it Barack Obama was a nobody (the exception being a speech at the Democratic Convention in 2004 I think) until he ran against Clinton in 2007 and with the help of the shadowy left in the Democrat Party and elsewhere got the money, support and exposure he needed to sandbag Clinton. Obama just has to unleash his AG about a month or six weeks before the convention and give her her marching orders. Clinton gets the chop, Sanders withers in the face of a new, smooth face and a great deal of the sleaze that follows the Democrats around like a cloud gets wiped away, at least in the minds of a lot of voters.

  3. I am hoping that however the cards fall, the Democrat Party would be left in such absolute tatters that it would be rendered entirely impotent on the national level.

    This is why the Republicans have to stop sniping at each other–and also why Rience Preibus and his minions all need a good smack upside the head. The more unity the Rublicans show, the stronger the contrast to a deflated Democrat Party. This would help at the polls, surely.

  4. scr_north; I agree with you, and have been saying that for quite a while.
    One point, though, I don’t think she will go down over the criminal actions.
    I think it will be her health. That way the sympathy strings are pulled, and maybe she could even do a ‘death bed’ endorsement and be miraculously healed by Obamacare right after the election.

  5. Many Democrats want Elizabeth Warren, who is essentially a Bernie Sanders clone although she is saavy enough not to explicitly admit to being a socialist. Warren does come with some ethical baggage, but if she ends up being a brokered nominee after the convention, the Democrats hope the damage will be minimized due to the lack of scruity of the primary process.

    Sanders is too far left even for some of my liberal friends. Clinton is not a candidate that excites the base. We could conceivably end up with a general election involving two brokered candidates, which will damage both political parties – and may not be a bad thing.

  6. I’ve said it here multiple times. She’ll drop out for health reasons once she secures enough delegates to ensure the Commie can’t take the nomination. The coughing spells will get worse.

    Then then will polish up Biden’s acceptance/not running speach he delivered last fall.

    This won’t be because of her sins, but because the (D) will understand she is unelectable. The women is a nasty and everyone knows it.

  7. Here is what happens.
    DOJ informs Hilary she’s going to be indicted. Time to fall on your sword
    Bill fakes a heart attack so Hilary can ‘suspend’ her campaign to ‘fight for Bill the way she would have for America’ (he croaks soon after).
    Biden picks Fauxohauntus as a running mate.
    Trump calls Biden ‘Plagarist Joe’ and ‘Plugs’ at the first debate. Biden says the F word on live TV
    Fauxohauntus melts down after VP Pick Carson eats her alive in the VP debate, calls Carson ‘A Manchurian Uncle Tom’ she is never seen again.
    Trump wins and appoints Ted Cruz to the Supreme court just to shut his pie hole.
    Punishes Mike Lee with the same fate when Ginsberg retires.

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