The System of Whiteness … Very Bad – IOTW Report

The System of Whiteness … Very Bad

Western Washington students want to form college focused on defeating white supremacy

Two students who are helping form a new college aimed at social justice told KIRO Radio’s Dave Ross the “system of whiteness is the problem.”

Students at Western Washington University have banded together to form the college. Two of those students, who identified themselves as Aisha and Berger, said the issues at the forefront of their cause can be confusing for people unfamiliar with the academic territory. “White people are not the problem. The system of whiteness is the problem. There is a huge difference between those two things,” Berger explained.

“… We have been socialized to be very much steeped in white supremacy,” Berger said. “When we talk about whiteness, it’s not just about the color of your skin. We’re talking about all these norms that are created and pushed on us through institutions such as schooling, religious entities, and family units. That is how culture is reproduced, through these systems. Schooling being key sites.”


Where is the system, untouched by whiteness, that is superior?

I’m open to discussion. I want to see a working model of what we are going after.

Have these pinheads thought this through?

How can they be building a new system, untainted by whiteness, when they are part of this system?

How are they able to parse in their minds what is good and bad about themselves and divorce it from their brush with whiteness?

Kids. lol.

ht/ illutr8r


20 Comments on The System of Whiteness … Very Bad

  1. Proof that over half a century of civil rights and trillions of dollars in benefits has been effective. Now they’re simply fabricating “Racism” where there is none cuz they’re scared shitless that the gravy train is comin to the end of the line. They need a cause to keep “Racism” alive to maintain their entitlements and keep that free shit comin in!

  2. I think I know how to cure this shit. Mandatory 2 years military service after high school! One thing I learned in combat in Vietnam is that ALL Marines are green on the outside no matter their ethnicity and all Marines bleed the same color blood. That pretty much puts everyone on a level playing field.

  3. I think that this is joke worded in verbose “academia speak” and calculated to liberate Western Washington University from some of its money. What is this “system of whiteness” of which they speak? There is just a system, which in our case is a system of laws, and everyone is invited to participate.

    To liberals, and particularly SJWs, social justice (and what is that, exactly?) is a sum zero game – if you have rights, then someone else does not have rights. But everyone has rights, and if one wants “social justice,” then everyone should have the same rights. But SJWs are not content with equal rights – they want preferential rights for some groups which means they are trying to promote the very injustices they claim to be trying to eliminate, and white people need not apply.

    But I say let them establish their College of Eternal Anti-Whiteness. This way, these folks can engage in their incomprehensible gibberish in the name of … something, I guess, and continue their mental masturbation without really impacting anyone engaging in a worthwhile activity.

  4. I guess I’ll have to go kill myself now. I’m a honk, and apparently I exude honkness in some sort of noxious manner. Just being a honk makes me cry. Crosby, Stills, and Nash makes me cry. Simon and Garglefunkle makes me cry. The Cream makes me cry. Dave Brubeck makes me cry. Goethe and Beethoven make me cry. Buckley Jr., and Friedman make me cry. I mean, I just hate being a honk.

  5. darn those mean old white people for messing everything up! we could all be living in mud huts or tepees or …. in trees! chanting & living off of what Mother Gaia grows for us, living in communes, all our needs taken care of by the all-knowing, all-wise, all-caring government… but noooooo ….. they had to screw everything up & give us stuff like, cell phones, climate-controlled buildings, motor vehicles, computers, comfortable clothing & footwear, medical breakthroughs so good that living until your 80’s is common-place, hot & cold running water, hygiene, airflight, television, radio, universities themselves, & the finest delivery-of-goods system the world has ever know

    …. oh …. wait

  6. WWU is in Bellingham and is the most lilly white part of the state. Really the only people of color are the native Americans, mexicans who live there for the work in agricultural and restaurants and the blacks that the college brings in. The state needs to start pulling funding for this kind of crap. Who the hell is running these schools, if the president of any school can’t stop this then they need to be fired. Look up the head of any college in your state and they will be the highest paid state employee after the football coach.

  7. “Two students who are helping form a new college aimed at social justice”

    Justice is equal, fair, and blind. It needs no, and in fact cannot have, a modifier.

    Whenever someone puts a modifier in front of “justice” (social-, economic-, environmental-, etc.) they are talking about injustice. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

  8. Speaking of old white people, Hubby & I watched a nice I think PBS.. documentary last night about Niel Armstrong ‘s Life from age 15 years of age on up.Beautiful planes,doing what he loved to do.Ending with the Landing on the Moon.
    At the end we noticed that, Wow not a Muzzie in sight.
    Had to turn in,so he could get his privileged self up at 6 AM to do another 10 today.Lots of “Folks” to feed these day’s.

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