Aldi forced to change paint name after complaints from a sex assault victim – IOTW Report

Aldi forced to change paint name after complaints from a sex assault victim

rapeseed paint color offends

DailyMailUK: Supermarket giant Aldi is set to change the name of its ‘rape yellow’ paint tins following an angry outburst from a sex assault victim.

The woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, branded the product name ‘offensive’ after she spotted the tins while she was shopping with her son. 

The furious customer said she started ‘choking’ when she came across the product at the Radford Road store in Coventry, Warwickshire.

Although the online tubs are listed as ‘rapeseed yellow’ – in reference to the brightly-coloured plant that begins to flower during spring – the in-store tins are plastered with the label ‘rape yellow’.
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24 Comments on Aldi forced to change paint name after complaints from a sex assault victim

  1. This shit will stop when these snowflakes are told to FOAD. Instead it’s only getting worse. It’s like that black guy who was offended by the word niggardly. When did it become a crime if you’re offended?

    Hey I’m offended when I’m in the aisle to pick up a box of Ritz. So change the names of all of those snacks. Yeah.

    Obese women showing rolls of fat in tight clothes offends me. Cars on cinder blocks in front yards offends me. One round outside my grouping offends me.

    This offends me, today in the gym there were a couple girls giggling their way through whateverthefuck they were calling a workout. I swear, I’m the charter member of the first gym here that is for men only. Yeah, good luck with that, huh MM.

    Man it’s a wonder my head hasn’t exploded….I guess.

  2. I am disgusted that this lo-fo shopper wouldn’t take this “horrible name” as a chance to expand her vocabulary instead of sticking with her hurt feelings and victim attitude.

    I’m not a victim of rape, so I can’t truly understand her position, but one needs to move forward, not stay in the past with the hurt and trauma and allow this one incident to rule ones entire being.

  3. The Rape is a plant with yellow flowers.
    Ignorance is curable, but stupid is forever.
    By the way, yellow is also a racist term for Orientals so that word should go also.

  4. This reminds me of several years ago (when I didn’t even know what “PC” meant) when “they” changed the name of finch food from Niger Seed to Nyjer Seed.

    I guess they were afraid that if you planted it, you would grow more Nigers.

  5. I think the descriptive word for the color of yellow has something to do with rape seed, seems like when I was a child and played with oils for painting it was used for describing the shade of yellow.I bet you would find it in an Art Supply store.I could be wrong. I do remember the fool who wanted “Niggardly” removed from our
    Dictionary (definition) holding one’s cash close to the chest(SQueeeeek). So The Speech Police has been around a long time.

  6. While I agree people have become overly sensitive, and I blame that on the doping of children with drugs for such things as hyperactivity for the last 30+ years, I still feel companies need to review words and what they mean in all languages where they do business. Aldi is German company and they should know better. It is just common sense.

    There once was an oil company previously called Esso in the USA, and it was still called when I was in Germany in the mid-1980s.

    They decided they wanted a new corporate name to do business worldwide. Their first attempt was Enco, which I remember being used in the late 1960s in Canada, while Esso was used in the US.

    However, Enco meant something like “won’t run” in Japanese, so they changed it. The oil company was eventually named Exxon because it means nothing in any language.

  7. There’s the job for me; naming paint That’s right up my street
    Monkey shit brown
    Fresh corpse blue, but I digress..

    We have crossed the Rubicon.
    I am sorry the Lady had something bad happen to her and I do not in any way diminish her trauma or make light of her.
    However, a large portion of our society has determined that they can be emotionally derailed by inanimate objects with writing on them. This does not bode well for the continuation of the race.
    So, they read something and it ‘triggers’ them to have a physical reaction. The only thing that changed in the entire physical universe other than a few photons-a-flyin’ is a (very) few synapses fired in the head of the observer. This is not damage.
    Without wilful intent on the part of the manufacturer, there is no tort. Her emotional instability allows her largess to react and re-victimize herself and thus receive sympathy and attention.
    The political correct eunuch society bows to her plaintive cries.
    The nattering class goes “tsk tsk”
    People of stable comportment practice withering face palms
    Were I the Manager of the store I would have promised to fix it and cranked out a label maker and made her watch me make new labels for every can in the store.
    “Sticks and stones may break your bones, but something written on a paint can; that will really screw you up”

  8. It is a method, ill-advised, to get attention on one’s self… are these oh so Politically Correct nobodies really that starved for the limelight? How about putting up a billboard in town paid for by the complainant, picturing their face, real name, and edited account of what they seek attention for, such as, “i was raped and i don’t like yellow paint named after Rape Seed. It’s offensive to my overly sensitive monkey brain”….

  9. Somebody should buy an island, far away, and donate it as a “safe place” retreat for the perpetually offended.
    The sooner, the better.
    Maybe Trump could do this as a gesture of good faith.
    He’d attract even more supporters.

  10. Rape seed is what canola oil is processed from. Is some offended knucklehead going to take offense driving thru Eastern Wash. and North Central Idaho when they drive by a field of bright yellow rapeseed flowers during the Spring and Summer. And just like wheat rapeseed also has Spring (Winter rape seed) and Summer blooming late harvest rapeseed planted in the Spring. Try and tell some farmer down on the Palouse his crop is sexist because it’s called rapeseed and you’re liable to be shot for being an idiot.

  11. Maybe they should also ban the use of the word grapes because it has the word rape in it! A don’t even get me started on therapist/the rapist. Are professional shrinks now going to have change how they describe themselves since they might be rapists?

  12. norman einstein
    March 26, 2016 at 1:11 pm

    Somebody should buy an island, far away, and donate it as a “safe place” retreat for the perpetually offended.
    The sooner, the better.
    Maybe Trump could do this as a gesture of good faith.
    He’d attract even more supporters.

    Brilliant idea! Why hasn’t anyone thought of that before? We could round them up on trains and and….

    Wait. This does ring a bell..

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