When Will Ted Cruz Sue Roger Stone? – IOTW Report

When Will Ted Cruz Sue Roger Stone?

Roger Stone put his stones on the chopping block. He said publicly that he *knows* for a fact that Ted Cruz had affairs with more than one woman.

That is the kind of libelous talk, against a guy who is inching into the lead for the GOP presidential nomination, that doesn’t need any sort of “liable reform initiatives.” Cruz should be able to sue Roger Stone for every penny he has.


I need this explained to me, because I don’t get it.

How is calling the Enquirer story “garbage and false” not a denial of the allegations? I’m seeing this in comment-land, that saying the story is garbage and false is “not quite a denial.”

It’s not?

53 Comments on When Will Ted Cruz Sue Roger Stone?

  1. I suppose one could say “distinction without a difference.”

    Talking about the allegations is one thing.
    Talking about his in/fidelity is another.

  2. This story will fade away and the come back in spades during the primaries and if Ted’s the guy, even bigger in the general. Something tells me the GOP wasn’t quite ready for this story to break yet. Not while Cruz is still a useful tool against Trump

  3. Gladys – five stories down

    TED CRUZ: Look, I’m going to give a very brief answer to your question. Which is that the National Enquirer is complete garbage, it is total lies, it was planted by Donald Trump’s henchmen, and I don’t think the people of Wisconsin or the people of America have any interest in tabloid trash. I’m going to focus on the issues that matter.

    Isn’t it nearly impossible to prove a negative; evidence of absences? The alleged affair story is this year’s model of the “when did you stop beating your wife” question.

  4. Standing next to Fiorina while she speaks for him, and then his wife cancelling her appearances and staying off twitter looks pretty damning. It if was just so much BS, I think Ted and Heidi would be more outraged. But I guess they can’t act innocent and outraged, if he’s going to have to own up to it later.

  5. Roger Stone, Long time Trump operative of sleaze and slime.

    The Dirty Trickster – article 2008

    (Stone’s rules: “Attack, attack, attack—never defend” and “Admit nothing, deny everything, launch counterattack.”)

    “It’s so rare that I’m accused of something that I’m not guilty of…….,” Stone told me. Rather than simply deny his involvement, Stone went on cable news to deepen the controversy and lob his own accusation—equally baseless—

    “Remember,” Stone said. “Politics is not about uniting people. It’s about dividing people. And getting your fifty-one per cent.”

  6. I look at it this way.

    I’ve been married for almost 29 years and I’ve never even remotely considered being with another woman. I’ve got two kids, two dogs, I’m a committed family man, and I think people who step out on their spouses are the lowest form of fucking scumbags.

    So if these allegations were made about me, what would I say?

    I’d say “I’ve been married for almost 29 years and I’ve never even remotely considered being with another woman. I’ve got two kids, two dogs, I’m a committed family man, and I think people who step out on their spouses and do that to their families are the lowest form of fucking scumbags.”

    To me, anything less than that seems like lawyer weaselly bullshit.

  7. Don’t worry all you CDS Trumpsters.

    Hunting season for the MSM doesn’t start until after the convention.
    Perhaps Trump will enlist your suggestions regarding denial when he gets peppered with accusations on a daily basis?

    MSM is locked, loaded, powder-dry & patient.

    Hillary has binders full of Trump.
    You can bank on that.


    Admittedly it will be bittersweet but I won’t feel a damn bit sorry for the deranged fools that beat down Cruz on a daily basis.
    You will be getting your just deserts soon enough. 🙂

  8. Czar, it is so easy to say “if it were me I would have said this”, he didn’t, therefore he is guilty.

    Do you remember Richard Jewell?
    Accused of the Atlanta Olympics bombing.

    He was real timid with his denial.
    Me I would have gotten in everyone’s face with vehement denial, going on TV every chance I got to proclaim my innocence.

    He did not and I thought, man he must be guilty.

    He was definitely 100% innocent.

    It goes to show you cannot just jump to these conclusions without proof.
    Many here already judged, juried, and are ready to administer the firing squad.
    The hypocrisy is so thick because if it were Trump…
    well, you know.

  9. Just curious if any of you Trump followers have even bothered to take a look at the National Enquirer article. Do you know what it says? Do you believe it declares that Cruz has had these affairs? Do you believe Cruz can sue the National Enquirer?

    Because I bothered to at least take a gander at what the article actually says and not accept the media “interpretation” I can tell you that no one could sue the Enquirer for the article because it completely and totally deals in reporting that “rumors” exist and then lists websites and other source who have put forth opinion or reported on the rumor from an “unnamed source”.

    The NE article begins;

    Republican Presidential candidate Ted Cruz is the target of a vicious “dirty tricks” campaign. Political operatives are compiling an explosive “dirt file” on the finger-wagging, conservative Senator from Texas, The National Enquirer has learned.

    “They’re outrageous claims, but private investigators are digging into at least five affairs Ted Cruz supposedly had! The leaked details are an attempt to destroy what’s left of his White House campaign!” a political snitch told The ENQUIRER.

    The article goes on just like this with absolutely no proof, no direct claims, and no named sources.

    How exactly does one go about denying a story that is merely claiming that rumors are being spread about something you have never done?

    This is exactly like trying to ask Trump when he stopped beating his wife.

    Cruz said the story is false, which is all he needed to do because to say anything else continues this fairy tale of a false story.

  10. Absent specific allegations on date, time and location, how do you prove a negative?
    But I agree with Loco–if Trump gets the nomination, the LSM is going to be ready with crap they’ve gotten on their own, and the crap her thighness will feed them; three wives and girlfriends up the yingyang has to produce a lot of interesting tidbits.
    Maestro, a little schadenfreude music if you please.

  11. Its not libel if true.

    His denials come off, to me at least, less than believable. He was wrong about Trump planting the story, wrong about Stone working for Trump, wrong about how long Stone has been a slime ball operative. His never addressing the Rubio ocnnection and his claim he knew nothing of this while the rest of the political junkies did just rings false He also appears, to me, eager to have this discussed so he can attack Trump. A simple no, the story is a lie would allow him to get to issues he claims are so important. Add to that Heidi is now cancelling fundraisers appears there is something they want to avoid.

    All that said, I dont believe the story, yet. But I can’t overlook Cruz is definatley being deceptive

  12. Ted seems like an honest guy, I give him the benefit of the doubt.
    I will pull the lever for him if he wins the Nomination
    But Trump is my preference
    I just want to watch the GOP burn to the ground
    He is going to derail the gravy train.
    It will be as messy as a field amputation,
    But if the GOP will embrace Cruz its because they are afraid of Trump.
    I like them afraid.
    That’s the best state of mind for Government

  13. Check out Statement Analysis for an explanation of Plausible Denial.
    He blamed trump and whoever else, he never said he didn’t do it.
    If you were accused of cheating on your wife, would your answer be “no” or to discredit the person accusing you.
    That’s what made Clinton such a gifted liar.

  14. The level of misrepresentation here is astounding. First, it was the Rubio clan that was “shopping” the Cruz philandering story to several MSMs in the first place. Second, If Cruz has a problem with it, then do something other than snivel to the media. Man up sucka! If you want technical details, you might click on over to Conservative Treehouse. Sundance has a whole section, just on the Cruzer and his crotch hopping problem.

  15. While Cruz has criticized his accusers, made many statements that the rumors are false, and accused others of smearing him, he has never once declared his absolute innocence by stating in no uncertain terms that he did not cheat on his wife.
    When my wife left, the first questions that even my friends and family asked me was if I’d beaten, abused, or cheated on her. The first and only answer I ever gave them was, “NO! NEVER!”, because that was the truth. I knew their accusations and assumptions were entirely groundless, so I did not waste my time and effort casting aspersions against them for their suspicions.
    Ted Cruz, being a lawyer, should at least file the papers to start a lawsuit against all parties involved. Even if the case gets tossed out of court, he has at least made a solid effort to prove he is innocent. If he doesn’t, then this will follow him around for the rest of his life and ruin whatever trust the public still has in him whether the allegations are true or not.

  16. Maybe someone should ask each of them if he ever had sex with a woman who wasn’t his wife (while married) … or if he ever STOPPED having sex with women not his wife …

    see, it’s a cultural thing …

    marital fidelity is for middle-class people …

    The LSM should be looking into HRC’s homosexual liaisons, or Bernie Sanders … uhhh … forget that!

    izlamo delenda est …

  17. The problem for Cruz is that he doesn’t have big hands.
    Trump has big hands so it is only natural that he openly cheated on his wives. Apparently 2 of them weren’t very mature about the situation and divorced him, but his current wife is smart and mature, so that won’t be an issue.,
    Trump 2016!

  18. Y’all need to practice saying this, and getting used to it:

    President Hillary Rodham Clinton

    President Hillary Rodham Clinton

    President Hillary Rodham Clinton

    I see no recovery from all the infighting, so just get used to it.

  19. Meh, I see it’s the same old “My guy is better than your guy!” stuff here, looks like IOTW is about to join Moonbattery on my list of deleted links this week after years of enjoying the site. The retarded infighting going on now has me wondering if I even care enough to vote this cycle, I’m pretty fucking done with the whole thing now after watching people who are supposedly on the same team going after each other’s throats unapologetically for so long. Hope you guys turn this place around sometime in the future, maybe I’ll check back in 2017 and see if the kiddies have settled down by that time.

  20. @chiefillinicake – you said “I think people who step out on their spouses are the lowest form of fucking scumbags.”

    Does this mean you also think Trump is the lowest form of fucking scumbag? Because he has admitted he has cheated on his wives, but then it’s Trump, so it’s A-OK, right?

  21. Mr BFH – you know I love you and I’ve been here a long time. I read all the pro-Trump comments and figure that’s just politics. Everyone has their opinions. But I honestly cannot stand this “Ted Scruz” newcomer. Negative video after negative video, vile and pornographic comments…it’s disgusting. Can people not make a case for their candidate without being a total prick?

  22. Agreed r_callie, he is indeed a one-trick pony.

    I question the person that is SOLELY dedicated to the destruction of a conservative candidate on THIS site.
    Not a peep about Hillary, even on negative Hillary posts.
    Perhaps he is a Hillary or Bernie bot?

    I don’t see anybody with a negative Trump screen name.
    That’s his choice but if all he adds is pure venom towards Cruz I would think all of us will tire of that.

    I can deal with him, not asking for banning or anything.

    I do grow tired of all the live video posts he peppers everywhere.
    Most of us get reprimanded for that.

    It’s disappointing that the pro-Trump regulars here suck up to his kind of crap when it is so transparent.

  23. @Loco – he is certainly vile enough to be a Hillary or Bernie bot. I wouldn’t presume to ask anyone to be banned, but I do skip right past any post with “Ted’s” disgusting screen name. I question the purpose for stuff like that. Is it meant to convince people to vote for his guy guy being as rude and disgusting as possible? Yeah, that should work. 😉

  24. Aww, Brad. I still love you too. BTW, I’m really close to joining you and Menderman in your “Never [fill-in-the-blank]” crusade. This entire primary season has jumped the shark.

  25. RiverLife

    Trump isn’t “raising the spirit of Christ” or running a tent revival, is he?

    Cruz better get straight with this or he’ll swing in a noose he made for himself.

    And Loco

    STFU for a change. Give the site a rest for a few weeks.

    You used to be funny and now you’re just another bore, like Menderpman.

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