Dissident: Why are ever more Millennials reportedly dissociating socialism from the oppressive, communist regimes that helped define global politics during their parents and grandparents’ lifetimes?
Do these inheritors of a free America under appreciate their country’s recent struggle and victory over communism in general and the Soviet Union in particular? Or perhaps they think learning how America won the Cold War requires a thick tome, and thick tomes have been known to incite despair. More fun would it be to attend a Senator Bernie Sanders rally with one’s comrades and pretend socialism was not an indispensable cog in the communist machines that murdered a hundred million people between World War II and the launch of the Internet.
Beck has a series on socialism/communism for the lo-fo, millenial Boinie voters. Guess who first used the term “democratic socialist”? You know, the same thing Bernie and Hildawg call themselves, ’cause it sounds nicer than commie.
Part I : http://bit.ly/22YroxZ
Part II isn’t up yet. It has the death tolls from Communism worldwide.
History may not repeat, but it certainly does rhyme
History does repeat….but the names and places change.
They have not been taught what socialism means. They think it means something like being sociable and getting along with people.
A recommended reading list for millennials if they dare, Witness by Whittaker Chambers and The Chronicles of Wasted Time vol. 1&2 by Malcom Muggeridge and The Gulag Archipelago, all 3 volumes by Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
“The Black Book of Communism” – Courtois, et al
“The Great Terror” – Conquest
“The Harvest of Sorrow” – Conquest
izlamo deleda est …
If we bring back the cold war, will this cancel out global warming?
“History always repeats …
first as tragedy
then as farce.”
izlamo delenda est …
the torch of knwledge was not passed on. my take.
right now reading joe rochefort’s war. he was a cryptologist, code breaker in oahu for navy. remarkable. he could keep a secret!
not so today. a selfie stick and twitter killed paucity.
my initial takeaway is commencing early 1960’s, youth embraced vanity, sloth, and abandoned morals. and had kids who had kids.
The Bridge at Andau