Remember How Trump Always Used New Hampshire As an Example of Mexican Drug-Trafficking? – IOTW Report

Remember How Trump Always Used New Hampshire As an Example of Mexican Drug-Trafficking?

I always thought it odd that he’d single out a northeast state as an area hit hard by Mexican drug trafficking. But, apparently New Hampshire is in the middle of a heroin apocalypse.

Now, perhaps in homage to Trump’s “shout out,” police have arrested a New Hampshire woman selling bags of heroin with the Trump logo on them.


Darcie Hall, 36, of Troy, New Hampshire, was stopped while driving and arrested for selling bags of heroin with Donald Trump’s name stamped on them.

Darcie Hall (pictured), 36, of Troy, New Hampshire, was arrested for allegedly selling bags of heroin stamped with Donald Trump's name

Hall was taken into custody while police searched her vehicle and home and charged with selling a controlled substance.

The ‘Trump heroin’ was found dispensed into dosage-sized bags.


15 Comments on Remember How Trump Always Used New Hampshire As an Example of Mexican Drug-Trafficking?

  1. Informed people who follow this mundane stuff understand how Trump pointing this out (starting before the primary in N.H. and continuing in about every stump speech and town hall) has everything to do with the ease with which the Mexican drug cartels offload their product in the U.S. and return to Mexico with their (untaxed) money, and how both a wall and support of the tax-payer funded border patrol (of which 16,500 last week endorsed Mr. Trump for president — the first time they’ve ever endorsed anyone for president) will help put an end to the Mexican drug trade. Anyone who calls himself a conservative who is against enforcing our borders, including the ultimate enforcing power of a physical barrier, does not care about the terrible waste of American lives to heroin addiction.

    Ted Cruz and John Kasich had no intention of ever proposing these measures because they were always viewed as too extreme to win over moderates or center left voters and both candidates completely misjudged the mood of Americans who have lost and are losing loved ones to heroin.

    Trump’s strong stand on this issue is another example of his America First platform — the one in which the health, safety and potential of American lives he believes are worth defending. F*cking politicians are worried about only three things: getting into office, staying in office long enough to make lucrative connections and once out of office moving across to K street. They couldn’t give two sh*ts about what happens to our sons and daughters and both the lost potential of Americans to contribute to the greatness of America and the additional burden their debilitation adds to our social debt and law enforcement. Politicians would much rather legalize street drugs and promise to pick up the shattered pieces down the road. Or dismiss the problem altogether as they move on to K Street.

  2. Abigail, you and czar are leading the charge to your own humiliation. Yes the GOPe don’t care about you. But you really think trump does? You think he believes in anything seriously except money and winning?

    You think he is loyal to you? None of them are. Maybe Cruz because he was willing to incur the wrath of everybody on the shutdown thing… I’m not sure. But don’t let’s have this double-talker trump cleave us from our friends and erstwhile allies and leave us in ruin.

    Mark my words: trump will betray you when he needs more voters for the general.

    The sad reality as I see it is that we sat back and let the left dominate the schools, universities, television for too long. We were pliant and docile. We were ok with GWB leading the country for 8 years in no discernibly conservative direction other than an arch neoconservative military one (rife with mission-creep)… Now we’re going to be made to pay dearly for this…

  3. Sorry folks.

    Heroin isn’t the problem … heroin USERS are the problem.

    A moral problem … not a substance problem. We have lost our anchor. We have embraced evil and eschewed good – and we are beginning to reap the harvest. Yeah, mixed metaphors … so sue me … Ya get the drift, at any rate.

    If they weren’t banging heroin they’d be dropping oxycodone or drinking whiskey till their livers burst.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The wall is not a bad idea, it is a symbol of resolve, and a $10billion gift to the unions that is required for their much needed votes.
    But a symbol is all it is. It will only cover half the border, and all the major trafficking routes that are not at the Rio Grande already have a fence.
    Mexico provides a little over half the heroin on our streets. That is a recent development caused by states forcing Mexican drug farmers to switch from marijuana to poppies by legalizing pot growing by the cartels in the US.
    The other 40+ percent comes from eastern Europe, and the Muslim countries. (A small amount from Australia).
    Hillary and other politicians that are decrying the increase in Mexican heroin in the northeast are merely upset that their benefactors in the middle east are being hurt by the competition.
    That is why they kept quiet about it until the beaners muscled in on their territory.
    Drug deaths and use are up because Soetoro and his crew have stopped prosecuting blacks and Hispanics for narcotics crimes.

  5. Abigail Adams says: “Anyone who calls himself a conservative who is against enforcing our borders, including the ultimate enforcing power of a physical barrier, does not care about the terrible waste of American lives to heroin addiction.”

    Implying that if you don’t vote for Trump you are against enforcing our borders, and therefore you are not a conservative.

    Jeez – the number of logical fallacies here is mind-boggling. I’m thinking “straw man” but can someone who has studied logical fallacies please give name to the other(s)?

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