College Protestors Find It Too Exhausting To Listen To Ben Shapiro – IOTW Report

College Protestors Find It Too Exhausting To Listen To Ben Shapiro

Ben Shapiro spoke to the students of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill on Wednesday, but not before some of the students had to demonstrate their intolerance for ideas they disagree with.


After being asked not to disrupt his address, a number of minority students and their sympathizers walked out. There were applause from the audience as they filed out.

The seats were quickly occupied by those waiting outside the room watching on closed circuit TV.


The leader of the walk out declared they left in order NOT to engage, “I will not waste my energy because it took a lot of energy to sit in there for five minutes to be quite honest.”

The attention span of a five-year-old.

11 Comments on College Protestors Find It Too Exhausting To Listen To Ben Shapiro

  1. Must be rough when they leave their safe zones.

    Why don’t all these regressives get together someplace in California and build a “City of Domes” like in the 70’s movie “Logan’s Run”. Throw em all in there, close it off, then historians can come back in about 10 years to see the massive downfall of the society in there.

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