Evil Hedge fund Managers – IOTW Report

Evil Hedge fund Managers


9 Comments on Evil Hedge fund Managers

  1. Acceptable to whom?

    See, Mrs. Clinton, here in America (unlike the socialist Hell-holes of which you are so enamored) a Kindergarten teacher can manage Hedge Funds if she likes! She is constrained by neither society, nor law, to “teach” Kindergarten exclusively! She can do both, or switch careers – whatever she chooses!

    That’s how Freedom and Liberty work!

    If you weren’t a totalitarian national socialist hate-mongering corrupt old thieving murderer, you’d probably understand that.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. And her son-in-law is a millionaire HEDGE-FUND Manager !! So how many kindergarten teacher salaries go into keeping Chelsea and the granddaughter living in the style they’ve been accustomed?

  3. The next day she can give a speech in front of those 25 big wigs, to the tune of about 10 mil, and tell them they are not making enough. They’ll cheer her on. Just like the crowd she told just the opposite, cheered her on. Bill, the master, taught her that one.

  4. Hedge fund managers receive a percentage of the returns they earn for investors, in addition to earning a “management fee”, typically in the range of 1% to 4% of the net asset value of the fund. On the other hand, Killary Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, combined to earn more than $153 million in paid speeches from 2001 until Hillary Clinton launched her presidential campaign last spring, a CNN analysis shows….

    7.2 million
    Number of teachers in the United States in 2009. Almost 3 million taught at the elementary and middle school level. The remainder included those teaching at the postsecondary, secondary, preschool, kindergarten levels, special education and other teachers or instructors. Lets call it about a 700,000 K teachers. (4.2mil / the 6 other types of teacher (postsecondary, secondary, preschool, kindergarten levels, special education and other teachers).
    Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics as cited in the Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2011, Table 615

    The national average for K teachers was $52,800. High school principals earned $99,365 annually in 2008-09.
    Source: National Education Association and Educational Research Service as cited in the Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2011, Tables 252 and 255

    $52,800 x 700,000 = $36,960,000,000. the approx total salary of K teachers in amerika.

    $36,960,000,000 / 25 managers would be $1,478,400,000 per manager… a pretty good salary, but not true.

    $52,800 x 15years = $792,000, so that “makes more in a 20min speech” aint real accurate either.

    10 minutes with google and a calculator folks… it aint that hard.

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