The Reader Generated Reader Survey – IOTW Report

The Reader Generated Reader Survey

These are reader generated survey questions.

Copy the questions into the comment box and answer what you’re comfortable answering. (There are questions I would never ask….. sorry)((I also passed on some that sounded like it would require too much explanation and too much.. well.. effort.)

1- Do you prefer coupe, sedan, convertible, suv, or truck and why? (Chiggerbug)

2- How many of those little silver balls that you put on cookies have you eaten at one sitting? (Birdie Num Num)

3- On a 1-10 scale, how would you rate your attractiveness. (Tony R)

4- What cartoon character would you choose to be and why? (Petrus)

(Weirdness alert) 5- If you were a cat, what part of your body would you lick first? (/NotMyRealName)

6- If Bernie and Hillary were both drowning, and you only had time to save one, what kind of sandwich would you make? (CrankyWhiteWoman)

7- If you could address the Constitutional convention what would you try to convince them to change? (JustAl)

(TMI alert) 8- At what age did you lose your virginity? (Flip)

9- What is your secret shame? (Agatha Kakalogical)

10- Do you change your own oil? (Jethro)

11- What movie do you stop and watch if you scroll past it on the TV? (Graceia)

12- Last National Park visited. (anonymous)

13- What kind of car do you drive? (Goldenfoxx)

14- Name a memorable holiday event. (billypaintbrush)

15- Coffee – black or flavored? (aggie)

16 – What is your weapon of choice? (Eugenia)

17 – Your favorite country to visit? (Sam the old one)

18-  Book that made a big impact in your life (Lisl)

19-  What person in your life makes you feel the best about yourself? (Squeaky Wheel)

(Oh my God, alert) 20 – how many times a week do you have sex? (Farmwife)


To be continued another day


34 Comments on The Reader Generated Reader Survey

  1. 1- Do you prefer coupe, sedan, convertible, suv, or truck and why? (Chiggerbug)

    2- How many of those little silver balls that you put on cookies have you eaten at one sitting? (Birdie Num Num)

    3- On a 1-10 scale, how would you rate your attractiveness. (Tony R)
    Is 1 good or bad?

    4- What cartoon character would you choose to be and why? (Petrus)

    (Weirdness alert) 5- If you were a cat, what part of your body would you lick first? (/NotMyRealName)

    My Hair balls

    6- If Bernie and Hillary were both drowning, and you only had time to save one, what kind of sandwich would you make? (CrankyWhiteWoman)

    Egg salad.

    7- If you could address the Constitutional convention what would you try to convince them to change? (JustAl)

    Occupy’s underwear.

    (TMI alert) 8- At what age did you lose your virginity? (Flip)


    9- What is your secret shame? (Agatha Kakalogical)

    See above

    10- Do you change your own oil? (Jethro)

    See above

    11- What movie do you stop and watch if you scroll past it on the TV? (Graceia)


    12- Last National Park visited. (anonymous)

    Never been to one.

    13- What kind of car do you drive? (Goldenfoxx)

    Other people’s

    14- Name a memorable holiday event. (billypaintbrush)

    My car being stolen and burnt on NYE

    15- Coffee – black or flavored? (aggie)


    16 – What is your weapon of choice? (Eugenia)

    4 iron

    17 – Your favorite country to visit? (Sam the old one)


    18- Book that made a big impact in your life (Lisl)

    Encyclopedia Brittanica. The shelf collapsed.

    19- What person in your life makes you feel the best about yourself? (Squeaky Wheel)

    Dead people.

    (Oh my God, alert) 20 – how many times a week do you have sex? (Farmwife)

    Depends on what is is.

  2. 1- Do you prefer coupe, sedan, convertible, suv, or truck and why? (Chiggerbug)

    Truck. Most obvious reason, you can haul shit. Also, sits higher for better view of traffic and legs. Hopefully safer than a smart car.

    2- How many of those little silver balls that you put on cookies have you eaten at one sitting? (Birdie Num Num)

    What silver balls that you put on cookies?

    3- On a 1-10 scale, how would you rate your attractiveness. (Tony R)

    Holding up fairly well, so compared to others my age, 8 1/2, but realistically, 5-6. (if I wasn’t acquainted with a couple of fools here, I’d stretch it a little)

    4- What cartoon character would you choose to be and why? (Petrus)

    Foghorn Leghorn. I like to prank with those around me.

    (Weirdness alert) 5- If you were a cat, what part of your body would you lick first? (/NotMyRealName)


    6- If Bernie and Hillary were both drowning, and you only had time to save one, what kind of sandwich would you make? (CrankyWhiteWoman)

    No time for a sandwich, would be running to toss them an anvil.

    7- If you could address the Constitutional convention what would you try to convince them to change? (JustAl)

    Voting age.

    (TMI alert) 8- At what age did you lose your virginity? (Flip)


    9- What is your secret shame? (Agatha Kakalogical)

    10- Do you change your own oil? (Jethro)


    11- What movie do you stop and watch if you scroll past it on the TV? (Graceia)

    12- Last National Park visited. (anonymous)

    13- What kind of car do you drive? (Goldenfoxx)

    See #1

    14- Name a memorable holiday event. (billypaintbrush)

    16th of September in Cozumel. Meskins know how to light some fireworks!

    15- Coffee – black or flavored? (aggie)


    16 – What is your weapon of choice? (Eugenia)

    XDM 45

    17 – Your favorite country to visit? (Sam the old one)

    18- Book that made a big impact in your life (Lisl)


    19- What person in your life makes you feel the best about yourself? (Squeaky Wheel)

    Persons…..children and grandchildren

    (Oh my God, alert) 20 – how many times a week do you have sex? (Farmwife)

  3. 1- Do you prefer coupe, sedan, convertible, suv, or truck and why? (Chiggerbug)

    SUV. Because I have long legs and like to annoy greenies.

    2- How many of those little silver balls that you put on cookies have you eaten at one sitting? (Birdie Num Num)

    None. Those things are dangerous.

    3- On a 1-10 scale, how would you rate your attractiveness. (Tony R)

    I don’t make small children cry. That’s good enough for me.

    4- What cartoon character would you choose to be and why? (Petrus)

    Dot Warner. She’s snarky and wears a cute skirt.

    (Weirdness alert) 5- If you were a cat, what part of your body would you lick first? (/NotMyRealName)

    Fingers. Because there would be food on them.

    6- If Bernie and Hillary were both drowning, and you only had time to save one, what kind of sandwich would you make? (CrankyWhiteWoman)

    Italian sub. I’d have to toast the bread first, though.

    7- If you could address the Constitutional convention what would you try to convince them to change? (JustAl)

    The pursuit of happiness, emotional/physical equality and political correctness is not the gubmint’s job.

    (TMI alert) 8- At what age did you lose your virginity? (Flip)

    Still saving myself.

    9- What is your secret shame? (Agatha Kakalogical)

    10- Do you change your own oil? (Jethro)

    If that’s a euphemism for changing feminine products during menstruation, then, yes.

    11- What movie do you stop and watch if you scroll past it on the TV? (Graceia)

    Blazing Saddles

    12- Last National Park visited. (anonymous)

    Never been to any national park.

    13- What kind of car do you drive? (Goldenfoxx)

    14- Name a memorable holiday event. (billypaintbrush)

    My nephew was born onThanksgiving

    15- Coffee – black or flavored? (aggie)


    16 – What is your weapon of choice? (Eugenia)

    Iron skillet.

    17 – Your favorite country to visit? (Sam the old one)


    18- Book that made a big impact in your life (Lisl)

    The Bible

    19- What person in your life makes you feel the best about yourself? (Squeaky Wheel)

    Hard to choose one. My boyfriend, friends and family affect me for different reasons in their own way.

    (Oh my God, alert) 20 – how many times a week do you have sex? (Farmwife)

    During which month?

  4. 1- Do you prefer coupe, sedan, convertible, suv, or truck and why? (
    2- How many of those little silver balls that you put on cookies have you eaten at one sitting? (Birdie Num Num)
    3- On a 1-10 scale, how would you rate your attractiveness. (Tony R)
    4- What cartoon character would you choose to be and why?
    Roger Rabbit…..No need to say why.
    (Weirdness alert) 5- If you were a cat, what part of your body would you lick first? (/NotMyRealName)
    My tail.
    6- If Bernie and Hillary were both drowning, and you only had time to save one, what kind of sandwich would you make? (CrankyWhiteWoman)
    A bacon, egg and cheese sandwich. It takes quite some time to make.
    7- If you could address the Constitutional convention what would you try to convince them to change? (JustAl)
    Tell them to put in an article banning an income tax.
    (TMI alert) 8- At what age did you lose your virginity? (Flip)
    9- What is your secret shame? (Agatha
    Hitting a chick in the face with my elbow dancing at a party…..I was drunk and she left bleeding.
    10- Do you change your own oil? (Jethro)
    Not any more.
    11- What movie do you stop and watch if you scroll past it on the TV? (
    Fifth Element
    12- Last National Park visited. (anonymous)
    13- What kind of car do you drive? (
    Ford SUV
    14- Name a memorable holiday event. (
    Fourth of July at the Outer Banks
    15- Coffee – black or flavored? (
    Cream and honey.
    16 – What is your weapon of choice? (Eugenia)
    Sig Sauer P220 Elite
    17 – Your favorite country to visit? (Sam the old one)
    18- Book that made a big impact in your life (
    The Holy Bible
    19- What person in your life makes you feel the best about yourself? (Squeaky Wheel)
    My wife.
    (Oh my God, alert) 20 – how many times a week do you have sex? (Farmwife)

  5. Voting age tp thirty, own property and pay taxes

    L’il Abner, I be hittin’ on Daisy Mae every chance I get.

    Weapon of choice Walther PPK

    National Park. Harriman State Park NY. I practically live in it.

    Ford Taurus SEL

    Sex? I have vague recollection from days of yore. (Daisy Mae)

  6. 1- I prefer a small wagon, and my VW Jetta TDI Sportwagen is just about ideal. Not too small, not too big, fold the seats and carry cargo.

    2- How many of those little silver balls have I eaten? Best I can say is “a few.”

    3- On a 1-10 attractiveness scale, I hope I am the same number as the one doing the rating.

    4- I wouldn’t mind being the cartoon character Lisa Simpson. She’s smart, sane, and has a constantly challenging and entertaining family.

    5- If I were a cat I would immediately lick the exact same body part I’d lick first if I were a dog.

    6- If Bernie and Hillary were both drowning I would walk away and make a hero sandwich, of course.

    7- If I could address the Constitutional convention I would ask them to require all new laws to be passed unanimously.

    8- Losing my virginity was my 15th birthday present.

    9- My secret shame is that I once urinated over Iguazú Falls.

    10- I used to change my own oil but haven’t for many years.

    11- I might stop and watch the car chase scene in either The French Connection or Bullitt if I happened to catch a glimpse.

    12- the last National Park I visited was Big Bend.

    13- My two cars are a 2009 VW Jetta TDI Sportwagen and a 2008 Infiniti G35.

    14- The fireworks on the Mall on the 200th Independence Day were pretty memorable!

    15- I drink black coffee unless it is one of the rare times I have iced coffee with cream and sugar.

    16- My weapon of choice is my wit. And my 870. And my Hi-Power. And my Garand.

    17- Outside the U.S. (always my favorite), I’d like to visit Singapore again.

    18- A book that made a big impact on my life was The Law by Fred Bastiat.

    19- My wife makes me feel the best about myself.

    20- How many times a week do you have sex? MYOB

  7. 1- Do you prefer coupe, sedan, convertible, suv, or truck and why? (Chiggerbug)

    Truck, I take up a lot of space and there’s more room in a truck.

    2- How many of those little silver balls that you put on cookies have you eaten at one sitting? (Birdie Num Num)

    I don’t eat cookies

    3- On a 1-10 scale, how would you rate your attractiveness. (Tony R)

    My wife says I’m handsome, that’s all that matters.

    4- What cartoon character would you choose to be and why? (Petrus)

    Road Runner. I’m convinced he owns ACME TOOL and is making bank.

    (Weirdness alert) 5- If you were a cat, what part of your body would you lick first? (/NotMyRealName)

    Male or Female Cat?

    6- If Bernie and Hillary were both drowning, and you only had time to save one, what kind of sandwich would you make? (CrankyWhiteWoman)

    I’d be too busy laughing to make a sandwich.

    7- If you could address the Constitutional convention what would you try to convince them to change? (JustAl)

    the 14th

    (TMI alert) 8- At what age did you lose your virginity? (Flip)


    9- What is your secret shame? (Agatha Kakalogical)

    I have no shame.

    10- Do you change your own oil? (Jethro)


    11- What movie do you stop and watch if you scroll past it on the TV? (Graceia)


    12- Last National Park visited. (anonymous)


    13- What kind of car do you drive? (Goldenfoxx)

    GMC Duramax, 6 inch Fabtec lift and bagged

    14- Name a memorable holiday event. (billypaintbrush)

    Thanksgiving, all the kids come home to shoot ducks.

    15- Coffee – black or flavored? (aggie)


    16 – What is your weapon of choice? (Eugenia)

    Inside 50 yards 1911, or Sig P226

    Inside 300 yards AR15 in 7.62 by 39 or 300 acc

    Out to a 1000 yds, Creedmoor

    17 – Your favorite country to visit? (Sam the old one)

    Southern California.

    18- Book that made a big impact in your life (Lisl)


    19- What person in your life makes you feel the best about yourself? (Squeaky Wheel)

    My wife

    (Oh my God, alert) 20 – how many times a week do you have sex? (Farmwife)


  8. 1- Do you prefer coupe, sedan, convertible, suv, or truck and why? (Chiggerbug)


    2- How many of those little silver balls that you put on cookies have you eaten at one sitting? (Birdie Num Num)

    Just what was on the cookie

    3- On a 1-10 scale, how would you rate your attractiveness. (Tony R)

    8, that’s what I’ve been told

    4- What cartoon character would you choose to be and why? (Petrus)

    Pepi la pue, he’s so romantic

    (Weirdness alert) 5- If you were a cat, what part of your body would you lick first? (/NotMyRealName)

    My toes, I think cats are so cute when they lick their toes

    6- If Bernie and Hillary were both drowning, and you only had time to save one, what kind of sandwich would you make? (CrankyWhiteWoman)

    A sub

    7- If you could address the Constitutional convention what would you try to convince them to change? (JustAl)

    No muzzies allowed in USA. Ever

    (TMI alert) 8- At what age did you lose your virginity? (Flip)

    Too young

    9- What is your secret shame? (Agatha Kakalogical)

    I love Asian soap operas

    10- Do you change your own oil? (Jethro)

    No way

    11- What movie do you stop and watch if you scroll past it on the TV? (Graceia)

    High anxiety

    12- Last National Park visited. (anonymous)

    Never been to one

    13- What kind of car do you drive? (Goldenfoxx)

    Puddle jumper for gas mileage

    14- Name a memorable holiday event. (billypaintbrush)

    Years and years and decades ago got wasted at Christmas and told everybody at family party to F off

    15- Coffee – black or flavored? (aggie)

    Love it any way it’s given to me

    16 – What is your weapon of choice? (Eugenia)

    Gods intervention

    17 – Your favorite country to visit? (Sam the old one)

    I’ve only been to Canada

    18- Book that made a big impact in your life (Lisl)

    Waiting for the weekend

    19- What person in your life makes you feel the best about yourself? (Squeaky Wheel)

    My kid

    (Oh my God, alert) 20 – how many times a week do you have sex? (Farmwife)

    It’s been so long I think I forgot how

  9. 1- Do you prefer coupe, sedan, convertible, suv, or truck and why? (Chiggerbug)

    Sedan. It’s what I’m used to.

    2- How many of those little silver balls that you put on cookies have you eaten at one sitting? (Birdie Num Num)

    Hey, I’ve been using them as buckshot!

    3- On a 1-10 scale, how would you rate your attractiveness. (Tony R)

    Love me for my brain.

    4- What cartoon character would you choose to be and why? (Petrus)

    Roger Rabbit. I think you know why.

    (Weirdness alert) 5- If you were a cat, what part of your body would you lick first? (/NotMyRealName)

    “And with undying servile obedience keep the stiffly starched collar of his conference shirt spotless, and removed daily the daubed bloody evidence of his dastardly misdeeds from the otherwise immaculate elegance of his pinstripe…tiger…coat………period.”

    6- If Bernie and Hillary were both drowning, and you only had time to save one, what kind of sandwich would you make? (CrankyWhiteWoman)

    A knuckle sammich.

    7- If you could address the Constitutional convention what would you try to convince them to change? (JustAl)

    Their occupations.

    (TMI alert) 8- At what age did you lose your virginity? (Flip)

    The Neanderthal Age..

    9- What is your secret shame? (Agatha Kakalogical)

    “I do not like the cone of shame.”

    10- Do you change your own oil? (Jethro)

    No, I just siphon other peoples’ oil.

    11- What movie do you stop and watch if you scroll past it on the TV? (Graceia)

    TVs have scroll bars?

    12- Last National Park visited. (anonymous)

    Never had the pleasure.

    13- What kind of car do you drive? (Goldenfoxx)

    Kia Optima. (I know.)

    14- Name a memorable holiday event. (billypaintbrush)


    15- Coffee – black or flavored? (aggie)

    Half & Half.

    16 – What is your weapon of choice? (Eugenia)

    Honey badger.

    17 – Your favorite country to visit? (Sam the old one)

    The one I’m living in.

    18- Book that made a big impact in your life (Lisl)


    19- What person in your life makes you feel the best about yourself? (Squeaky Wheel)

    (see Bible)

    (Oh my God, alert) 20 – how many times a week do you have sex? (Farmwife)

    How many times a week do I have sex with a farmers’ wife? Am I reading this right?

  10. 1- Do you prefer coupe, sedan, convertible, suv, or truck and why? (Chiggerbug) SUV, snowbelt and hauling stuff

    2- How many of those little silver balls that you put on cookies have you eaten at one sitting? (Birdie Num Num)

    3- On a 1-10 scale, how would you rate your attractiveness. (Tony R)
    No one has ever run screaming in horror. Obviously higher than Moose Sasquatch

    4- What cartoon character would you choose to be and why? (Petrus)
    Veronica, bad girl material

    (Weirdness alert) 5- If you were a cat, what part of your body would you lick first? (/NotMyRealName)
    my lips

    6- If Bernie and Hillary were both drowning, and you only had time to save one, what kind of sandwich would you make? (CrankyWhiteWoman)
    A BLT but after raising the pig and growing the vegetables

    7- If you could address the Constitutional convention what would you try to convince them to change? (JustAl)
    the 14th

    (TMI alert) 8- At what age did you lose your virginity? (Flip)
    too old to remember

    9- What is your secret shame? (Agatha Kakalogical)
    I keep the church pens I use to fill in envelopes

    10- Do you change your own oil? (Jethro)
    Used to. New car under warranty

    11- What movie do you stop and watch if you scroll past it on the TV? (Graceia)

    12- Last National Park visited. (anonymous)
    Cuyahoga Valley

    13- What kind of car do you drive? (Goldenfoxx)
    always Toyota

    14- Name a memorable holiday event. (billypaintbrush)
    Decades ago. My boy friend’s mother fell over dead while we were opening presents.

    15- Coffee – black or flavored? (aggie)

    16 – What is your weapon of choice? (Eugenia)
    My loud vile mouth. No wait my 2 tone fashion accessory Sig 226 or my plinker, the S&W 686

    17 – Your favorite country to visit? (Sam the old one)
    Decades ago it was infidel Izmer in Turkey and then there was a bloody coup and I got evacuated. Now it’s the US. No passport needed.

    18- Book that made a big impact in your life (Lisl)
    The Grumpy Guide to Life by Grumpy Cat

    19- What person in your life makes you feel the best about yourself? (Squeaky Wheel)
    My BFF

    (Oh my God, alert) 20 – how many times a week do you have sex? (Farmwife)
    Do you mean in real life or in fantasies?

  11. 1- Convertable

    2- None

    3- I pull a five when I comb my hair

    4- Vavoom from Felix the Cat

    5- Hopefully my bloody paws

    6- I would grow my own lichen for a lichen sandwich

    7- The VP choice to My Name

    8- A tender young age

    9- I think Morgan Fairchild is Uber-Hot

    10- Hell Yes

    11- Heartbreak Ridge (but only the uncut version)

    12- Zion

    13- 95 Cherokee

    14- The Weekend the Hippy friend put psychedelics in the stew

    15- One cream one sugar

    16 – Cutlass

    17 – Ireland

    18- Daniel Boorstien the Discoverers

    19- That handsome bastard in the mirror

    20 – A very non-specific, non-zero number

  12. 1- Do you prefer coupe, sedan, convertible, suv, or truck and why? (Chiggerbug)

    Truck. I fix, repair, or build anything I need. A truck gets the materials home.

    2- How many of those little silver balls that you put on cookies have you eaten at one sitting? (Birdie Num Num)


    3- On a 1-10 scale, how would you rate your attractiveness. (Tony R)

    Generally, 7. 9, if I’ve had a week to clean up.

    4- What cartoon character would you choose to be and why? (Petrus)

    I lost track in 1981. Insufficient information available.

    (Weirdness alert) 5- If you were a cat, what part of your body would you lick first? (/NotMyRealName)

    Ears. All that hair has to be itchy. Also part of the reason I need a week to clean up.

    6- If Bernie and Hillary were both drowning, and you only had time to save one, what kind of sandwich would you make? (CrankyWhiteWoman)

    A Dagwood. I’d want to be sure to have the time to watch the show!

    7- If you could address the Constitutional convention what would you try to convince them to change? (JustAl)

    As with Jefferson, term limits. “Careerism marks the death of a free society.” T. Jefferson (Note: the quote may be slightly corrupted by age, though the sentiment remains.)

    (TMI alert) 8- At what age did you lose your virginity? (Flip)

    Twenty-three, but it was….hard

    9- What is your secret shame? (Agatha Kakalogical)

    Acne on my back. Only three people on earth knew about this, until now. But now, I’m too old to care who knows.

    10- Do you change your own oil? (Jethro)

    Every 3,000 miles. Sooner if the weather is nice.

    11- What movie do you stop and watch if you scroll past it on the TV? (Graceia)

    Any old western.

    12- Last National Park visited. (anonymous)

    Pike National Forest.

    13- What kind of car do you drive? (Goldenfoxx)

    ’98 Blazer, usually with a flatbed trailer, since I don’t yet own a truck. Also, I refuse to make car payments.

    14- Name a memorable holiday event. (billypaintbrush)

    The annual Christmas Light Untangling Festival – a.k.a. zap-the-cat day.

    15- Coffee – black or flavored? (aggie)

    Black, please.

    16 – What is your weapon of choice? (Eugenia)


    17 – Your favorite country to visit? (Sam the old one)

    Still fixing my own home. When that’s done, I’ll expand my horizons.

    18- Book that made a big impact in your life (Lisl)

    Tacitus (any) – brief and terse.

    19- What person in your life makes you feel the best about yourself? (Squeaky Wheel)

    Me. Not to be arrogant, but I don’t know anyone who works as hard as I do, or as long, or as often. I’ve very nearly rebuilt my entire house, landscaping, and car. I’ve also had a 50% hand in four of my neighbors homes and vehicles. That’s in addition to one FT job and 2 PT jobs.
    “By the sweat of your brow shall you be fed.” Though I’ve often not liked what I had to eat, I’ve rarely gone hungry.

    (Oh my God, alert) 20 – how many times a week do you have sex? (Farmwife)

    0.00961538461538, or once every 2 years. The wife has had a headache for a decade, but insists divorce is immoral.

  13. 1- Do you prefer coupe, sedan, convertible, suv, or truck and why? – Coupes. Three is a crowd.

    2- How many of those little silver balls that you put on cookies have you eaten at one sitting? – None that I know of.

    3- On a 1-10 scale, how would you rate your attractiveness. – My long time squeeze thinks I’m gorgeous, so that’s all that counts

    4- What cartoon character would you choose to be and why?
    Foghorn Leghorn. ( cause he’s a first class smart ass)

    5- If you were a cat, what part of your body would you lick first? Legs. I have always enjoyed having my thighs licked.

    6- If Bernie and Hillary were both drowning, and you only had time to save one, what kind of sandwich would you make? – Toasted Cheese.

    7- If you could address the Constitutional convention what would you try to convince them to change? – Term Limits on Congress

    8- At what age did you lose your virginity? – 18

    9- What is your secret shame? Ever read my Blog?

    10- Do you change your own oil? – NO!

    11- What movie do you stop and watch if you scroll past it on the TV? – Godfather 1 or 2

    12- Last National Park visited. – Glacier National Park

    13- What kind of car do you drive? – Infinity G35 Coupe

    14- Name a memorable holiday event. – Falling into a fountain on New Years Eve

    15- Coffee – black or flavored? – Black

    16 – What is your weapon of choice? 380 PPK

    17 – Your favorite country to visit? – Southern Spain

    18- Book that made a big impact in your life – Great Letters of the World

    19- What person in your life makes you feel the best about yourself? – My Sister

    20 – how many times a week do you have sex? – Depends on the season of the year

  14. 1- Sedan. If you own a truck, everybody wants to borrow it.

    2- Zero. Whatever they are, they don’t sound appetizing to me.

    3- Why didn’t someone ask me this when I was in my 30’s, or even 40’s?

    4- Bugs Bunny, natch.

    5- If I were a cat and could lick myself down there, I’d never leave the house. ; )

    6- A “sink” sandwich (Get it?)

    7- Make Presidential executive orders unconstitutional

    8- Who said I lost it? She shot her mouth off, didn’t she…?

    9- I’m friends with a Liberal Democrat.

    10- Not any more. Jiffy Lube works just fine for me, now.

    11- Dr. Strangelove. Traps me every. damn. time.

    12- Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

    13- Toyota Avalon

    14- Christmas in Heidelberg, Germany

    15- Once I went black, I never looked back.

    16 – .38 S&W works for me.

    17 – Germany (before the Muzzies arrived)

    18- Anything and everything written by Isaac Asimov.

    19- If I don’t say “my wife” here, I’m in deep serious, you know that…

    20 –See answer #3, above.

  15. 1. Don’t care. A true cisgender, I divide the world into “boy things” and “girl things,” and guess which half vehicles fall under?

    2. WTF kind of a question is this?

    3. I’d say a five. I am a conglomeration of really great features (legs, hair) torpedoed by truly mediocre ones (lips, bone structure).

    4. I already am a cartoon character. My name is Cathy Dilbert. Twenty-five years of dating have made me the character created by Cathy Guisewite, and a period of approximately the same length of time spent working incorporate America has made me the characters invented by Scott Adams.

    5. My cats always lick my cheeks first. So, I guess my cheeks.

    6. I’d make a hemlock hero, cut it in half, give one half to each, and then watch both their asses drown while I scarfed down a popcorn, extra-large with extra butter.

    7. If we could repeal whichever amendment gave 18-year-Olds the vote, Bernie’s air supply would be cut off and he’d die. Yay!

    8. I was an old lady of 22 (in 1979).

    9. When I give books as gifts, I always read them myself before I wrap them.

    10-13 do not apply to me.

    14. Slipped on ice on Christmas Day 1995 and broke my ankle. My birthdays in 1961 and 1978 both featured record-breaking blizzards. (The one in 1961 almost torpedoed JFK’s inauguration.)

    15. Diet Coke.

    16. The Oxford Emglish Dictionary (with supplements).

    17. U. S. of A.

    18. “Will Mrs. Major Go to Hell?” by Aloise Buckley Heath (William F. Buckley’s sister).

    19. My cats. I’m beginning to prefer them to people, anyway.

    20. Zero. But I’m begging you, please don’tell the NSA.

  16. @Euginia-thank you a million times over!!!
    I asked it, so I better answer it.
    #9 What is your secret shame?
    In college, a girlfriend and I experimented….we thought we might be …….LIBERALS!

  17. 1- Do you prefer coupe, sedan, convertible, suv, or truck and why? (Chiggerbug) SUV

    2- How many of those little silver balls that you put on cookies have you eaten at one sitting? (Birdie Num Num) NEVER!!

    3- On a 1-10 scale, how would you rate your attractiveness. (Tony R) 8

    4- What cartoon character would you choose to be and why? (Petrus) Jessica Rabbit cause she’s sexy

    (Weirdness alert) 5- If you were a cat, what part of your body would you lick first? (/NotMyRealName) Neck

    6- If Bernie and Hillary were both drowning, and you only had time to save one, what kind of sandwich would you make? (CrankyWhiteWoman) Bacon Sandwich

    7- If you could address the Constitutional convention what would you try to convince them to change? (JustAl) Let me Think

    (TMI alert) 8- At what age did you lose your virginity? (Flip)
    17 in a haymow, every time I pass that barn I think about it

    9- What is your secret shame? (Agatha Kakalogical)
    On FB with an old flame

    10- Do you change your own oil? (Jethro) Hubby does it for me

    11- What movie do you stop and watch if you scroll past it on the TV? (Graceia) Pride and Prejudice

    12- Last National Park visited. (anonymous) Grand Canyon

    13- What kind of car do you drive? (Goldenfoxx) Chevy

    14- Name a memorable holiday event. (billypaintbrush) Christmas

    15- Coffee – black or flavored? (aggie) Coffee with alot of Cream

    16 – What is your weapon of choice? (Eugenia) 38

    17 – Your favorite country to visit? (Sam the old one) Canada

    18- Book that made a big impact in your life (Lisl) Bible for sure

    19- What person in your life makes you feel the best about yourself? (Squeaky Wheel) Hubby

    (Oh my God, alert) 20 – how many times a week do you have sex? (Farmwife) Lots but I dont want to brag!

  18. 1- Do you prefer coupe, sedan, convertible, suv, or truck and why? (Chiggerbug)
    Coupe. Too much body flex in droptops

    2- How many of those little silver balls that you put on cookies have you eaten at one sitting? (Birdie Num Num)
    A lot

    3- On a 1-10 scale, how would you rate your attractiveness. (Tony R)

    4- What cartoon character would you choose to be and why? (Petrus)

    (Weirdness alert) 5- If you were a cat, what part of your body would you lick first? (/NotMyRealName)
    My left arm

    6- If Bernie and Hillary were both drowning, and you only had time to save one, what kind of sandwich would you make? (CrankyWhiteWoman)
    I’d order Subway and come back when they were both dead

    7- If you could address the Constitutional convention what would you try to convince them to change? (JustAl)
    Remove the militia clause from Amendment #2

    (TMI alert) 8- At what age did you lose your virginity? (Flip)
    9- What is your secret shame? (Agatha Kakalogical)
    I once owned a Ford lol
    10- Do you change your own oil? (Jethro)
    11- What movie do you stop and watch if you scroll past it on the TV? (Graceia)
    12- Last National Park visited. (anonymous)
    Gettysburg National Military Park. Many times.

    13- What kind of car do you drive? (Goldenfoxx)
    A Kia (mostly) and two Corvettes
    14- Name a memorable holiday event. (billypaintbrush)
    July 4 parade in my hometown last year

    15- Coffee – black or flavored? (aggie)
    Love the smell, hate the taste
    16 – What is your weapon of choice? (Eugenia)
    Glock 21
    17 – Your favorite country to visit? (Sam the old one)
    Canada since it’s the only one I’ve ever visited

    18- Book that made a big impact in your life
    It, by Stephen King

    19- What person in your life makes you feel the best about yourself? (Squeaky Wheel)
    My daughter
    (Oh my God, alert) 20 – how many times a week do you have sex? (Farmwife)
    At 48, not nearly enough!!

  19. @ Agatha K, you’re welcome. I have a Bollywood addiction especially to Hrithik Roshan and Salman Khan (younger days) and a few dozen others. Hollywood makes crap with too many over inflated egos so I watch Bollywood films.

  20. 1- Do you prefer coupe, sedan, convertible, suv, or truck and why? (Chiggerbug)

    SUV. I’m not.

    2- How many of those little silver balls that you put on cookies have you eaten at one sitting? (Birdie Num Num)

    ZERO. Don’t use them. My cookies are so good, we don’t decorate them.

    3- On a 1-10 scale, how would you rate your attractiveness. (Tony R)

    DEPENDS on if my scale is nice to me in the morning. I could feel like a 3 or a 2 with 10 being attractive. 🙂

    4- What cartoon character would you choose to be and why? (Petrus)

    THE BRAIN as in Pinky and the Brain. Self explanatory.

    (Weirdness alert) 5- If you were a cat, what part of your body would you lick first? (/NotMyRealName)

    MY LIPS because that’s where the food crumbs might be.

    6- If Bernie and Hillary were both drowning, and you only had time to save one, what kind of sandwich would you make? (CrankyWhiteWoman)


    7- If you could address the Constitutional convention what would you try to convince them to change? (JustAl)

    BE MORE SPECIFIC WITH THE 2A. “All citizens shall carry and/or own weapons of choice.”

    (TMI alert) 8- At what age did you lose your virginity? (Flip)


    9- What is your secret shame? (Agatha Kakalogical)


    10- Do you change your own oil? (Jethro)


    11- What movie do you stop and watch if you scroll past it on the TV? (Graceia)


    12- Last National Park visited. (anonymous)


    13- What kind of car do you drive? (Goldenfoxx)


    14- Name a memorable holiday event. (billypaintbrush)

    CHRISTMAS EVE, 23 YEARS AGO. Sit down dinner for 33, full 7 fish Italian Wigilia, DH 4 hours away at the airport, picking up our daughter from a delayed flight, 3 hours before family is to arrive.

    15- Coffee – black or flavored? (aggie)


    16 – What is your weapon of choice? (Eugenia)

    SOON, the SIG P938, till then, the GLOCK 26

    17 – Your favorite country to visit? (Sam the old one)


    18- Book that made a big impact in your life (Lisl)


    19- What person in your life makes you feel the best about yourself? (Squeaky Wheel)


    (Oh my God, alert) 20 – how many times a week do you have sex? (Farmwife)


  21. 1- Do you prefer coupe, sedan, convertible, suv, or truck and why? (Chiggerbug)
    . Pickemup truck. Roomy.

    2- How many of those little silver balls that you put on cookies have you eaten at one sitting? (Birdie Num Num)
    . Child’s handful.

    3- On a 1-10 scale, how would you rate your attractiveness. (Tony R)
    . To whom (or what?)

    4- What cartoon character would you choose to be and why? (Petrus)
    . Popeye the Sailor Man.

    5- If you were a cat, what part of your body would you lick first? (/NotMyRealName)
    . I’m a dog person.

    6- If Bernie and Hillary were both drowning, and you only had time to save one, what kind of sandwich would you make? (CrankyWhiteWoman)
    . Well, NOT a submarine.;

    7- If you could address the Constitutional convention what would you try to convince them to change? (JustAl)
    . I admit to not knowing the fine points of the Constitution. It’s worked OK so far.

    8- At what age did you lose your virginity? (Flip)
    . A week after my sixteenth birthday, when I got my Operator’s Driving license
    9- What is your secret shame? (Agatha Kakalogical)
    . If I could remember it, I’d quote Sean Connery’s line in “The Russia House” where he described his character’s perfect answer to that question as posed by J.T. Walsh. (

    10- Do you change your own oil? (Jethro)
    . Hell no. Some guy’s job depends on that.

    11- What movie do you stop and watch if you scroll past it on the TV? (Graceia)
    . Pretty much any pre-1950.

    12- Last National Park visited. (anonymous)
    . Everglades.

    13- What kind of car do you drive? (Goldenfoxx)
    . Ford Focus (Bofus?)

    14- Name a memorable holiday event. (billypaintbrush)
    . April Fool’s Day 1986. Working in Saudi my Scottish buddy and I decided to teach our Arab manager the western custom of April Fool’s Day. He had a small 8×10 office which we filled to the ceiling with blown-up balloons. Having been trained in the US he got the joke and it became a point of pride with him, something to brag about to his Arab friends.

    15- Coffee – black or flavored? (aggie)
    . Whose old joke was it? I like my coffee like my women: black and bitter.

    16 – What is your weapon of choice? (Eugenia)
    . I’m a pretty good size guy; don’t really need a weapon for human encounters but I keep a .45 in the house and another in the car.

    17 – Your favorite country to visit? (Sam the old one)
    Without a doubt Germany in 1966
    18- Book that made a big impact in your life (Lisl)
    . The Bible is a given. Beyond that I’ve taken many life lessons from Serge A. Storms, Tim Dorsey’s lead character in his eighteen novels.

    19- What person in your life makes you feel the best about yourself? (Squeaky Wheel)
    . The question being in present tense, the answer would have to be my best friend in high school. We’re still buddies but he is a corporate VP in Cincinnati and, despite his far exceeding me in life success, he still looks up to me.

    20 – how many times a week do you have sex? (Farmwife)
    . You mean on the TV??

  22. 1- Truck – fits my lifestyle

    2- don’t know…didn’t count them

    3- 6

    4- Optimus Prime

    5- back of front paws

    6- One that would require going to multiple stores to get the stuff to put on the sandwich

    7- “Separation of church and state” is NOT there

    8- 16

    9- It was, is, and will continue to be a secret for a reason 🙂

    10- Yes

    11- Pretty much any Clint Eastwood, John Wayne, or any military movie where we kick someone’s arse

    12- the southern end of the Great Smokey Mountains

    13- Jeep Grand Cherokee 4wd

    14- Every Christmas with the family (folks/brother’s family/kids&stepkids/grandkids/nephew/niece/stepson’s and their families)

    15- I don’t drink coffee. I drink AdvoCare Spark. But when I used to, it was always black

    16 – if I was forced to have only 1….357 revolver

    17 – Czech Republic (and Austria)…for the music

    18- Bible

    19- Wife

    20- 3

  23. 1 – convertible. metallic green.

    2 – none, I’d always been afraid to eat one and then they outlawed them.

    3 – a 7 but after I lose those pesky 50 – 60 pounds, I’d be a solid 8 or 9. ‍‌‌‌‌‍‌‍‌‌ki‌ss‌

    4 – snoopy (!!!) or detective conan. (mystery solving and I’m a kid again, yay.)

    5 – my paws.

    6 – peanut butter and jelly, then I’d throw them each a roll of life savers and watch.

    7 – nothing. it’s fine as is.

    8 – none of yo business.

    9 – uh, I really love anime. Not a weaboo anymore but… I think most of my relatives would disown me just for that.

    10 – I don’t. My dad helps me, but I do know how.

    11 – the princess bride, any hayao miyazaki movie, the apartment, butch cassidy and the sundance kid.

    12 – never been.

    13 – a 2009 kia sedan.

    14 – I had a white Christmas once, the same year my only little brother was born. I made a snowman, got a ridiculous amount of toy story stuff, it was awesome.

    15 – flavored, extra whip cream.

    16 – a bow or a hand gun.

    17 – hopefully England, someday.

    18 – this present darkness and the sequel, piercing the darkness. Opened my eyes to spiritual warfare.

    19 – my little brother and little sister, they really make my life so much better. They’re both in high school and are sharp as tacks, thanks to me partly. I’m proud of that.

    20 – see answer 8.

  24. 1- Do you prefer coupe, sedan, convertible, suv, or truck and why? (Chiggerbug)

    Prefer an F150 but I’m too short to drive it comfortably, so I drive a sedan but ride in the truck with my hubby.

    2- How many of those little silver balls that you put on cookies have you eaten at one sitting? (Birdie Num Num)

    Don’t like them.

    3- On a 1-10 scale, how would you rate your attractiveness. (Tony R)

    Used to be a 10, now I like to think I’m a 6 on a good day. My husband still thinks I’m a 10, so that’s good enough for me.

    4- What cartoon character would you choose to be and why? (Petrus)

    Mr. Peabody. I’d love to use the Way Back machine.

    (Weirdness alert) 5- If you were a cat, what part of your body would you lick first? (/NotMyRealName)


    6- If Bernie and Hillary were both drowning, and you only had time to save one, what kind of sandwich would you make? (CrankyWhiteWoman)

    I’d make something that required heating up a toaster oven first and then overbake it.

    7- If you could address the Constitutional convention what would you try to convince them to change? (JustAl)

    I’d start with an amendment for a balanced budget.

    (TMI alert) 8- At what age did you lose your virginity? (Flip)

    21. After I got married. I don’t think many girls do that now.

    9- What is your secret shame? (Agatha Kakalogical)

    I listen to old Michael Jackson music.

    10- Do you change your own oil? (Jethro)

    Heck no.

    11- What movie do you stop and watch if you scroll past it on the TV? (Graceia)

    Godfather II. Goodfellas.

    12- Last National Park visited. (anonymous)

    I’ve never been to a National Park.

    13- What kind of car do you drive? (Goldenfoxx)

    Ford Fusion Titanium.

    14- Name a memorable holiday event. (billypaintbrush)

    Any Christmas when I was a youngster.

    15- Coffee – black or flavored? (aggie)

    Love the smell, hate the taste. Sorry.

    16 – What is your weapon of choice? (Eugenia)

    Depends on the situation, but having been in politics for nearly 30 years, I’d say a sharp memory and sharper tongue.

    17 – Your favorite country to visit? (Sam the old one)

    Never been out of the country. Don’t care to go.

    18- Book that made a big impact in your life (Lisl)

    The Bible.

    19- What person in your life makes you feel the best about yourself? (Squeaky Wheel)

    My husband.

    (Oh my God, alert) 20 – how many times a week do you have sex? (Farmwife)

    Ha! Is it ever as much as you’d like?


  25. 1- Truck. And a damn nice one that also doubles as a personal hotel and mobile dog house.

    2- Silver balls? What food is silver? Can you use them in a BB gun to kill some real food?

    3- Attractive? The doctor told me I was an 8 and handed me a plastic cup. Not much of a trophy. Wonder what the 10s get?

    4- Ohiyesa “Pow Wow” Smith. Skilled detective, forensic specialist, bush tracker, expert marksman. And Sioux.

    5- I would never be a cat.

    6- If Bernie and Hillary were both drowning, I would throw Barry Hussein 0bama in there with them and that would be the stinkingest shit sandwich ever made.

    7- Constitutional convention: change all the corrupt politicians into prison inmates.

    8- Not the kind of thing I would ever mention online and can’t remember talking about that with anybody but a lovely naked lady who asked.

    9- Secret shame? Not yet building my secret wilderness cabin in a remote area of the mountains only accessible by mule. Not much of a secret now.

    10- Do you change your own oil? I do all my own mechanical service and repair, always have.

    11- What movie? Good question, because I scrolled by Comanche Moon yesterday but only caught the end. Now I just finished watching the whole movie on GRIT tonight. A large part of that movie was filmed on Val Kilmer’s ranch in New Mexico.
    And just so you know, my favorite actor in that whole movie is Wes Studi.

    12- Last National Park? Hot Springs, Arkansas. The town of Hot Springs is also a national park.

    13- What kind of car? Usually the kind with an internal combustion engine and four wheels. But I prefer a truck.

    14- Name a memorable holiday event. My brother’s birthday.

    15- Coffee – had to quit coffee. Now it’s Yerba Mate (the instant powder that is sweetened with Stevia) (good shit!)

    16 – What is your weapon of choice? JDAM or nuke would be my first choice for moslems. Mini-gun for riots. .357 magnum for one-shot stops close up. I don’t discriminate against any kind of weapon that might be used in self defense. Might choose any one of them.

    17 – Your favorite country to visit? America in the early 1800s. Parts of it are still here, though it is getting harder to find day by day.

    18 – Book that made a big impact : Christian Bible.
    The book that the judge threw at me when I was a teenager had a pretty big impact too.

    19 – What person in your life makes you feel the best about yourself? Kids, grandkids. And my dogs.

    20 – how many times a week do you have sex? That position is currently unoccupied.
    I do feel like I’m getting screwed every day by the government, though.

  26. 1- Do you prefer coupe, sedan, convertible, suv, or truck and why? (Chiggerbug)

    2- How many of those little silver balls that you put on cookies have you eaten at one sitting? (Birdie Num Num) I DON’T EAT COOKIES WITH SILVER BALLS.

    3- On a 1-10 scale, how would you rate your attractiveness. (Tony R) IF 1 MEANS MOST ATTRACTIVE, THEN MY ANSWER IS 1. IF 10 MEANS THE MOST ATTRACTIVE, THEN MY ANSWER IS 10.

    4- What cartoon character would you choose to be and why? (Petrus) GROUCH MARX: HIS COMEDY REQUIRES INTELLIGENCE TO UNDERSTAND.

    (Weirdness alert) 5- If you were a cat, what part of your body would you lick first? (/NotMyRealName) MY LIPS!

    6- If Bernie and Hillary were both drowning, and you only had time to save one, what kind of sandwich would you make? (CrankyWhiteWoman) A TUNA SUB. HOWEVER, I DON’T THINK THAT IT WOULD SAVE ONE OR BOTH OF THEM. TUNA SUBS TASTE EXCELLENT, AT LEAST THE ONES I MAKE!


    (TMI alert) 8- At what age did you lose your virginity? (Flip) I’VE ALWAYS KEPT MY VIRGINITY BUT HAVE SEDUCED OTHER TO LOSE THEIRS.

    9- What is your secret shame? (Agatha Kakalogical) MY SECRET SHAME IS THAT I’M ASHAMED TO NAME MY SECRET SHAME.

    10- Do you change your own oil? (Jethro) IT DEPENDS ON THE SALAD.

    11- What movie do you stop and watch if you scroll past it on the TV? (Graceia) I DON’T WATCH MOVIES ON TV.


    13- What kind of car do you drive? (Goldenfoxx) A MERCEDES-BENZ 350 E

    14- Name a memorable holiday event. (billypaintbrush) JULY 4, EVERY YEAR

    15- Coffee – black or flavored? (aggie) NEITHER. I PREFER A GLASS OF MILK.


    17 – Your favorite country to visit? (Sam the old one) I LIKE ALASKA AND NEW ZEALAND.

    18- Book that made a big impact in your life (Lisl) THE HOLY BIBLE

    19- What person in your life makes you feel the best about yourself? (Squeaky Wheel) MY WIFE

    (Oh my God, alert) 20 – how many times a week do you have sex? (Farmwife)



  27. 1- Do you prefer coupe, sedan, convertible, suv, or truck and why? SUV, & then convertible

    2- How many of those little silver balls that you put on cookies have you eaten at one sitting? As few as possible

    3- On a 1-10 scale, how would you rate your attractiveness. 2

    4- What cartoon character would you choose to be and why? Dibert

    (Weirdness alert) 5- If you were a cat, what part of your body would you lick first? Sorry, no

    6- If Bernie and Hillary were both drowning, and you only had time to save one, what kind of sandwich would you make? Roast beef on rye with extra bacon

    7- If you could address the Constitutional convention what would you try to convince them to change? Term limits

    (TMI alert) 8- At what age did you lose your virginity? Too long ago to remember

    9- What is your secret shame? I missed Bernie when he ran out in front of my car 25 years ago!

    10- Do you change your own oil? No

    11- What movie do you stop and watch if you scroll past it on the TV? None

    12- Last National Park visited. Acadia, Blue Ridge, Gettysburg & several more

    13- What kind of car do you drive? Honda CRV/Ex

    14- Name a memorable holiday event. Any Christmas with my kids or grand daughter

    15- Coffee – black or flavored? Black

    16 – What is your weapon of choice? Debate

    17 – Your favorite country to visit? Scotland but unfortunately it no longer is may Father’s Scotland

    18- Book that made a big impact in your life (Lisl)

    19- What person in your life makes you feel the best about yourself? Wife & daughters

    (Oh my God, alert) 20 – how many times a week do you have sex? You’re kidding, right

  28. 1- Do you prefer coupe, sedan, convertible, suv, or truck and why? (Chiggerbug)
    To ride in – sedan, to drive, suv

    2- How many of those little silver balls that you put on cookies have you eaten at one sitting? (Birdie Num Num)
    As few as possible – I take them off if I can do so discretely

    3- On a 1-10 scale, how would you rate your attractiveness. (Tony R)
    Past the age where it matters what I think of my attractiveness – probably 5

    4- What cartoon character would you choose to be and why? (Petrus)
    I always liked natasha badanov from rocky and bullwinkle – she has panache

    (Weirdness alert) 5- If you were a cat, what part of your body would you lick first? (/NotMyRealName)
    too weird to answer

    6- If Bernie and Hillary were both drowning, and you only had time to save one, what kind of sandwich would you make? (CrankyWhiteWoman)
    I guess I’d have a peanut butter and grape jelly with milk and potato chips on the side

    7- If you could address the Constitutional convention what would you try to convince them to change? (JustAl)
    Term limits

    (TMI alert) 8- At what age did you lose your virginity? (Flip)
    Some things a lady never answers

    9- What is your secret shame? (Agatha Kakalogical)
    I LOVE the movie The Ritz – so very politically unacceptable now.

    10- Do you change your own oil? (Jethro)

    11- What movie do you stop and watch if you scroll past it on the TV? (Graceia)
    Terminator 2, Fifth Element, any Hitchcock film, Cat Ballou, A Fish Named Wanda

    12- Last National Park visited. (anonymous)
    Denali, but I prefer State parks – fewer visitors in general

    13- What kind of car do you drive? (Goldenfoxx)
    Toyota Sienna

    14- Name a memorable holiday event. (billypaintbrush)
    Thanksgivings – I no longer live in the US, but try to come home for that holiday to be with family, extended family and friends I consider family

    18- Book that made a big impact in your life (Lisl)
    The Bible, of course, but I can’t single out one other one

    19- What person in your life makes you feel the best about yourself? (Squeaky Wheel)
    Jesus but he also makes me try harder to be better, too

    (Oh my God, alert) 20 – how many times a week do you have sex? (Farmwife)
    Some things a lady never tells

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