I don’t condone this video – IOTW Report

I don’t condone this video

I’ve been urged to post this video of Trump as a gladiator.

I don’t like the video. It’s gratuitously violent and doesn’t really convey a positive message. It seems to imply that some of the people that Trump is slaying are either in league with Obama, or that Obama has a stake in seeing someone in particular on the right as victorious.

Maybe it’s my mood, not liking what’s going on this entire primary.

I’ll post it after the jump and you guys can comment on it.

67 Comments on I don’t condone this video

  1. Well I don’t know who else sent it to you besides me, but after watching FOX news tonight, yes it’s this serious. Wisconsin is the selected ambush by the GOP and Ted Cruz. Who the GOP hates by the way. If they fail, they are screwed. They are screwed anyway, they are trying to preserve their money train. Don’t be surprised if Trump pulls out Wisconsin.

  2. “However Cruz joked about murdering Trump.”

    Really Plain Jane?
    Murdering? Murdering?

    I watched the Sunday shows and read all the top news sites.
    No one, NOBODY, nowhere, anywhere, gives a rats ass about a stupid joke made the other night.

    Only you have this fake, bullshit, prevaricated, false angst about a nonsense statement made entirely for an attempt at humor on a TALK SHOW.

    If you happen to hear a muffled voice talking into a radio receiver outside your domicile, don’t worry, it’s only the Secret Service surveilling you from the bushes.

  3. Loco yes I’ll say the dumb ass shit that’s been posted is Stupid. Cruz running over Trump with a car when Cruz said it, I laughed. However I believe Jane missed the point on this, suddenly personalities that are on the GOP feeding trough are feeling threatened. Not cool. Cruz is not the guy you think he is bro.

  4. I don’t think you want to meet typical Bad_Brad. After all you are the one who lied through your teeth about the armed confrontation between your tiny bra holster and some criminal. Several shooters called you out on that, including me. You are a fake. Drift.

  5. Hey, I’ll arange for you to be flown to the most a tactical place in the world. I’ll meet you there. I’ve got no patience for liars. Let’s figure it out.

  6. Brad don’t play that shit with me, I ain’t impressed with your tough guy crap.

    As for my incident in N.O. You and “those shooters” weren’t there to see what happened. 3 armed women, one a world class martial arts teacher confronted by a scared guy with a knife with bills to pay. We were at no time in danger and had fun with him. You’d of laughed your ass off, just as the cops did. There was no reason WHAT SO EVER to harm him. Of course, you’d of killed him.

  7. No disrespect Jane, Just who cares about what a Canadian thinks of our elects was my point. And I don’t know what Brad’s problem is. Just doesn’t like strong women speaking out I guess. Mommy problems maybe.

  8. It will be very interesting here in 48 hours.

    I have my preference, but I will NOT bash and trash SUPPORTERS of the “not my guy”. I’ll trash talk the “not my guy” candidates – but not their supporters.

  9. “Well, like I said, penned in corner you change the subject and throw insults. There have been a few BS artist around here over the years, brad. But you take the case.0

    Fuck that shit. You are the one lying about your pistol exploits. I’ll cut you no slack. This is easy to prove, let’s do it.

  10. Blah, Blah ,Blah Brad. Save it for some one else.

    I don’t think Fur appreciates this kinda flaming stuff on his site. NO one has ever come here and started shit with people like you do and I want nothing of it. And you can believe anything your little uneducated mind tells you. I’m starting to believe you really need help.

  11. You lied about your pistelero exploits. That’s easy to prove. You attack Plane Jane and any female Trump supporter here. That’s easy to prove. If FUR wants me to shut up just have him tell me so. I’ll shut up.

  12. Brad, I don’t think Jane has a problem with me. She has been around here a long time and I think she understands the difference between someone asking a question, as opposed to attacking them for the political views as you do. Sorry if I used to many big words for you….

  13. Illegal hormone injections that athletes and body builders sometimes use damage the adrenal gland as well as suppress the production of natural testosterone from the testicles. One can obtain what is called “steroidal rage” from these adrenal steroids.

  14. Ah, the usual and customary “Big Word” insult from idiots that don’t shy away from lying and are a tad bit over confident. Yea, I’m an idiot. Could you just draw pictures from now on?

  15. You know the only reason you’ve pursued this is you know I’m right. Other wise you would have tapped out a long time ago. I’m out. Sorry if I’ve stirred up to much shit.

  16. @ Diogenes,

    Not trying to be confrontational but Cruz finally gave up his Canadian citizenship in May 2014. Maybe Canadians are valid in the discussion.

    That’s not why I distrust him, and I’m not sure his citizenship means anything, but I find it strange that he waited so long to do it. He’s too smart to not have known.

    The Framers were too darn vague in their wording.

  17. I thought the video was good and VERY FUNNY!

    Fur, it seems you’re working overtime to be critical, and missing the overarching, positive “he’s fighting for us” message in this piece.

    This is sort of a poor-man’s equivalent to Sabo’s “tattooed smoking” Cruz poster.…except it’s PRO-TRUMP.

    Maybe it’s because you are the only one who even *tries* to post 50/50 (either pro-Cruz/anti-Trump OR pro-Trump/anti-Cruz) here, since you exiled Pinko for being too pro-Trump, AND have MJA and Dr.T going 90+% pro-Cruz/anti-Trump in the political postings they do.

    Maybe a bit more “balance” couldn’t hurt…hmm???

  18. @ Plain Jane – I too am VERY suspicious of why Cruz waited so long to give up his citizenship. But the point I was trying to make before someone decided to start a piss fight was the link you posted was an the opinion of college professor in Ontario. His opinion has no more weight to me then a professor in Zambia. It’s not their election.

    I have not picked my horse in this race yet.

    I was born in a foreign country to an American mother. My birth certificate states I am an American Citizen. My understanding of the issue is that the framers used term natural born citizen as opposed to born under the rule and allegiance of the English Crown / foreign government, and as far as I can see, it has been interrupted so up until now.

    If not, there goes my plans to be the first female dictator of the U.S. 😉

  19. @ Diogenes

    You can be my Vice-Dictator if you don’t qualify otherwise. I’ve had 57 years of preparation for the job, not counting the 13 years of pre-puberty prep.

    We were given one of my deceased brother-in-law’s books. It’s quite fascinating to read of the power struggles and leaves me questioning how we survived this long as a country. It’s _The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution_ by Kevin R.C. Gutzman, The Constitution IS too vague.

  20. Jane I have that book!
    If you can find one, check out the “Letters of Jefferson and Madison. If you can find it, printed before 1959, it also has very interesting discussions between the two on their views of Church and State. Those printed after 59′ have been purged of some letters not in line with present history teaching.

    It was very enlightening.

  21. TO Plain Jane

    AMAZING article you linked!

    I like the part laying out why the notion of a “constitutional, outsider Cruz” was likely an intentional facade:

    ♦ Worked for George W. Bush.
    ♦ Was John Boehner’s attorney.
    ♦ Married a Bush alum.
    ♦ Wife connected to Council of Foreign Relations and Goldman Sachs.
    ♦ Was Vice-Chair of NRSC when Thad Cochran re-elected
    ♦ Ran for Senate with sketchy financials.
    ♦ Refuses to release his campaign loan information to FEC.
    ♦ Hired Neil Bush.
    ♦ Hired entire Bush financial team.
    ♦ Played strategic hide/cover with TPA/TPP.
    ♦ Supported the unconstitutional Corker/Cardin amendment.
    ♦ Hired Phil Gramm as an advisor.
    ♦ holds a political PAC of campaign donors that looks like Wall Street and K Street comined

  22. —-It seems to imply that some of the people that Trump is slaying are either in league with Obama, or that Obama has a stake in seeing someone in particular on the right as victorious.—-

    They are and he does.

    The video understands that both the left and the power brokers on the right prefer Hillary.

  23. Video is ok, BFH. It is probably your mood. Heh. It focuses on the GOP infighting which is a nasty distraction. I’d rather see a boring vid of Trump building a wall. I’d watch that all day.

    Sorry to see your wonderful IOTW has a Brad parasite.

  24. That video is great!
    That male Trump supporters are fans of gladiator movies (sausage fests of oiled up muscular men), is just the kind of insult that would fly so far overhead that they wouldn’t even feel the breeze in their hair.
    Thanks for the morning laugh!

  25. @ Tye,

    Bad Brad is a good guy – big heart. We all have our own ways of arguing and/or protecting others or our candidate of choice.

    If Diogenes was in need of something, he’d be the first to lay himself on the line, and seeing Diogenes here for so long, she would do same for him. We are all siblings here, and we fight like siblings.

    The real culprit in all of this is the GOP establishment (McConnell & cronies) who is one with the Clinton crime family, Obama and the globalists.

  26. Are you still imbibing Loco? 🙂 I sure hope you are kidding about your Cruz crush just for sake of discourse, because you would just be helping to solidify global rule of our country via Cruz or those who he is letting use him.

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