Gateway Pundit Teases That They Have New Info Concerning Cruz/DC Madam Records – IOTW Report

Gateway Pundit Teases That They Have New Info Concerning Cruz/DC Madam Records

DEVELOPING: We Have the DC Madam’s Phone Records — Pages and Pages of Phone Records

33 Comments on Gateway Pundit Teases That They Have New Info Concerning Cruz/DC Madam Records

  1. Talk to me when you have Cruz going to a donor’s privately owned Island to have sex with underage sex slaves/ prostitutes and or a mistress paid with campaign donations for the up keep of their love child.

    So far there is more evidence of Bigfoot that Cruz stepping out. I don’t exclude the possibility of either mind you I’m just saying there are more people on record saying they have seen the former.

  2. IF all of this is true and comes out in the magic underwear wash, will Glenn Beck explain how this fulfills Mormon prophecy? Man. His career would be over. Hmmmm…

  3. Don’t hold your breath waiting for a smoking gun or a credible source. This story needs a press conference with a woman who actually did the extramarital deed with Cruz. The MSM won’t run with this story until then. Remember that the women that came forward about Clinton were not considered to be credible, because the MSM didn’t want to ruin their candidate’s chances. If there is actually a warm, living body with proof of sexual activity, then she must appear in person. The MSM wants to bring down Cruz, so they are working overtime on this story. Telephone records won’t cut it, they need a living hooker.

  4. I simply don’t care. The very fact that prostitution between consenting adults is illegal is simply ridiculous. Give it away? No problem, get some for a nice dinner? No problem. Exchange legal tender? Red lights and sirens!

  5. With all the DemonRats that have been PROVEN to have committed extramarital/illegal/etc deeds, and have gone/are going unpunished, I REALLY don’t care WHAT the Dem-S-M Presstitutes have to say anymore.

  6. From the link:

    “We are deciding how to present this evidence.
    Please pass this on to Ted Cruz and his supporters.”

    ^^^What the kinda crap statement is that? Blatant electioneering? Just present the evidence assholes. Don’t spend time on how you are going to spin it! This kind of statement tells me they have nothing.

  7. “Yeah we totally have a story but we aren’t releasing it yet, except we sort of are releasing it in the hopes that we can hurt Cruz in Wisconsin. And then when it turns out we have nothing, the damage is done.”

    Stay classy Gateway Pundit

  8. Or like Cruz, they can just blame it on someone else and apologize later. All’s good 🙂

    That said, I dont believe the affair stories and I don’t think it hurts him at this point. I don’t care for selective outrage either though.

  9. OK, I don’t like Cruz, but this is Bullshit
    This is why we need to bring back the Duel.
    If you have something, out with it.
    If not, run another Bat Boy episode
    Death by innuendo is a lie.
    “We are Men of Action, lies do not become us”

  10. Cruz is an experienced attorney. He knows that a lawsuit would be throwing gasoline on the embers. If you read the Enquirer story carefully, it was vetted by a lawyer and is full of innuendo and unsubstantiated claims. Cruz can sue them later if he doesn’t win the nomination, but he would be wise to remember the old saying: ” Never kick a skunk!”

  11. Cruz should just wag his finger into the nearest camera and exclaim: “I never had sex with that woman!”

    If the past is prologue, that should be the end of it …

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Glady,

    Your question illustrates that you haven’t even read the National Enquirer article. If you had you wouldn’t even think of the question much less ask why Cruz hasn’t initiated a lawsuit.

    The article is overblown and provides not one shred of evidence nor does it directly accuse Cruz of affairs.

    The entire article is all about the suggestion that there are rumors of affairs that some are spreading and that it was suggested by unnamed sources that private investigators are looking into these rumors.

    So exactly what would Cruz sue the National Enquirer for here? Is there some law that says they cannot print that they heard a rumor. And besides, once they print that there are rumors what happens but that rumors are started and suddenly it is a self-fulfilling article by starting the very action on which they are then reporting.

    I believe there is someone who is always running around claiming Cruz uses “plausible deniability”, well it seems here is proof that the National Enquirer uses it.

  13. Woody, Thanks for the link. Something about this seems very contrived. None of the Cruz defamers have facts, dates, names or verifiable witnesses. As I wrote before: they need a living hooker. I would add: not a dead madam.

  14. I don’t believe a word of it. Cruz has integrity and like him, I do. He will be a great president.

    Trump continues to make it harder to vote for him. I have begun to despise his ways and methods… plus I don’t want my First Lady to speak broken English, for goodness’ sake.

  15. Could not care less about the “indiscretions”. Problem is holding the Bible high, preaching and then having a zipper problem is when I have a problem with the HYPOCRISY and the risk of holding the office of the Presidency.

  16. TedScruz, Exacrly. Let’s all lay are hands on the freak. Maybe that will help. No matter what, his wife has filed for divorce twice. Not a good track record for a holy man.

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