Handicapable – IOTW Report


Ensign Pulver saw this at the Winn-Dixie today. No sticker, plaque, tag, no nothing.

Hmmmmm. Convertible, eh?

That takes guts.


13 Comments on Handicapable

  1. why blur out the license plate? if they are ballsy enough to park in a h’cap spot without fear, then they prolly wouldn’t mind if the whole retardnet (including the local police dept) saw the tag number, hmmmm?

  2. Wal-Mart has a few dozen cripple spots about 90% full at normal hours usually. Another half-dead strip mall down the road has about 80 cripple spots lined in front without a single spot utilized. Yea, I did. My kid freaked out, I said, whatever they can tow it if there’s a problem.

  3. I do that fairly often. If I’m only going to be there a short time I usually don’t hang my gimp sticker. And it’s a bit of a pain on my mirror as it has a very fat stalk owing to the electronics in the mirror.

    I might also be a little concerned that someone might swipe the sticker if the top were down.

    It’s possible that you’re leaping to a conclusion…

  4. I know somebody who could legally get one of those handicap plates but refuses to do so and would rather walk like everybody else, even though one foot drags and it takes some extra effort to walk.

    @irony, you can park at walmart and watch all the fat-asses who walk straight to the electric carts. That is why they are fat-asses; it used to be called LAZY, now it’s apparently called “Handicapped.” That’s what we get when government encourages that kind of non-activity.

  5. Parked our car at the far end of Costco. Enjoyed several minute walk into store. In the mean time, a young, physically fit black lady in a Lexus circled us three times looking for a handicap spot. Ran into her inside the store. She was pushing a warehouse cart with an exercycle and a case of diet coke.

  6. BFH – thanks for posting the pic. Hopefully the Walk Of Shame will make this person think twice about parking in a Gimp Spot again.

    This kind of crap makes me furious. I talked to the local PD and they said next time call it in immediately and they’ll come over right away to ticket the offender. And it won’t be cheap either cuz their fines start at $250 just for scratching your ass in public. 🙂

    I told the officer I didn’t call 911 and tie it up when someone with something more urgent may have been calling at the same time. He gave me the PD’s main number and I saved it to my cell in case I run across any future Gimp Spot violators.

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