Mississippi Holds The Line On Religious Freedom – IOTW Report

Mississippi Holds The Line On Religious Freedom

Yesterday, Governor Phil Bryant (R-MS) signed into law a religious-freedom bill that protects Mississippi bakers, photographers, florist and other business owners from being forced against their religious objections from participating in gay marriage.


 Activist were quick to condemn the new law in the most hyperbolic terms.


 A social media campaign to boycott Mississippi was begun the same day to threaten other states that are considering following their example.




The Federalist has a good piece describing how anti-religious sympathizers in the media frame these types of stories to advance the enforced compliance to the gay agenda.


16 Comments on Mississippi Holds The Line On Religious Freedom

  1. Mississippi is in trouble now! Obama has said he is going to pull all federal school, highway and housing funds from North Carolina because men cant shower with little girls. Somehow that is discriminating against gay people.

    He might invade Mississippi and depose their leader over this!

  2. Good for him. The marketplace will settle this as I’m sure the multi-lettered parties will have plenty of places to go. They attack because it’s not enough to win but these bullies have to salt the earth of their enemies. Well, I suspect that, however slowly, the pendulum is turning to the right as people realize just how dangerous these folks and their allies are to basic democracy and freedom.

  3. Left Coast Dan, it will be the moslems in Mississiippi that will use this law to be a bigger pain in the ass than they are now.

    Checkout clerks refusing to handle pork packages, taxi drivers refusing to haul passengers with service dogs, etc.

  4. I believe the law mostly protects religious organizations’ freedom of religion to refuse to perform gay marriage and renting their space for their receptions.

    Protecting freedom of religion like this gets ahead of federal laws forcing Christian priests, ministers, even the muzz from law suits for refusing to perform such “marriages”.

    I dread the day the feds try and step into forcing churches to perform gay marriage.

  5. Good for Mississippi. Yay!

    I quit the Catholic Church last year mostly because of Pope Frank’s bizarre statements about gay marriage, global warming and Capitalism.

    But I also left the Catholic Church because I wanted to join the Southern Baptist Convention. They are the ONLY Christian organization in our nation to formally pronounce that they will fight tooth & nail against any federal, state, county or municipal law that forces them to perform gay marriages.

  6. “The wrong side of history”.
    The Jews were on the wrong side of history under Hitler.
    Freedom and civil rights have, for most of the world, always been on the wrong side of history.
    History is the record of what is.
    History is not a record of what is right, far too often it is the record of what is wrong.

  7. I hope we are seeing the beginning of “DO NOT COMPLY” concerning the federal government. All it will take is a few brave examples and the movement will flood the country. Imagine an all out Gandhi-like “fuck you” to Washington D.C. (Trump/Cruz supporters – – are you hearing this?)

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