Sanders grilled during interview – IOTW Report

Sanders grilled during interview


MSN: Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders endured quite the grilling by the editorial board of the New York Daily News, and his answers — or lack thereof, in some cases — are drawing some serious criticism.

The Atlantic questioned his policy chops, a Washington Post columnist called it “pretty close to a disaster” for Sanders. Over at Bloomberg Politics, Mark Halperin suggested Hillary Clinton would be “crucified” for a similar performance.


According to a transcript of the interview released Monday, Sanders struggled to give an opinion on President Obama’s policy for drone strikes (“I don’t know the answer to that”) and to say where a he would imprison an Islamic State commander if one were captured (“Actually, I haven’t thought about it a whole lot … ”).  MORE

5 Comments on Sanders grilled during interview

  1. What really makes ’em nervous is the Hildebeest and the FBI.

    Just for fun, let’s say James Comey, cautious and thorough fellow that he is, did in fact convene a Federal Grand Jury last year, and has indeed been presenting evidence and testimony to them, and is going to be handing down multiple criminal indictments against the Hildebeest, Bill, Huma, Cheryl, Sid, and everyone they ever knew.

    When that happens, the Democrat Party and Team Clinton will collapse like a house of cards. But does anyone think that those Clinton Democrats are going to support Bernie Fucking Sanders?? Ain’t gonna happen.

    They will either sit out the election, or vote overwhelmingly for the Republican, including Trump, if for no other reason than to take the four years necessary to rebuild a national party and take another shot in 2020.

    The only supporters Bernie has are the Occupy crowd, and ignorant college students who think free shit is the answer. The Clinton voters will not join them, and will be more inclined to make sure Bernie doesn’t do further damage, (as if that would be possible at that point…).

    The Clinonistas can try and trash Bernie all they want, but their real enemy is the FBI, and they really are the Untouchables…


  2. So a communist is pissed that American companies are moving jobs to communist/socialist countries.

    Sanders – “So I think we need trade. But I think it should be based on fair trade policies. No, I don’t think it is appropriate for trade policies to say that you can move to a country where wages are abysmal, where there are no environmental regulations, where workers can’t form unions. That’s not the kind of trade agreement that I will support.”

  3. Unfortunately for Bernie he has not matured much since the 1960’s. After 25 years in Congress he has little or nothing to show as accomplishments except a lot of bluster at which he is vary good. It is no surprise that there is very little behind the bluster but he does get the good little progs to vote for the empty suit.

  4. oh, but I’d rather have him than Hillary, at least he’s honest. A crazy, sweaty, old commie moron, but honest about it.

    If we’re gonna burn it all down, burn it down GOOD. lol.

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