A Look Inside Britain’s Muslim Sex Grooming Gang Scandal – IOTW Report

A Look Inside Britain’s Muslim Sex Grooming Gang Scandal

AmericanThinker: For the past few decades, British authorities have been caught up in the pervasive meme of multiculturalism


— the falsehood that all cultures are equal and that to believe otherwise is to commit the worst modern day offense — to be “racist.”

Under this fallacy, the British government in 2001 introduced a series of restrictive speech codes that criminalized criticism of Islam, followed by a Racial and Religious Hatred Bill imposing fines and even imprisonment for speech that “incited hatred against a person for their religious or racial background.”

These laws have victimized a number of Britons. Hoteliers Ben and Sharon Vogelenzang were prosecuted for “insulting” a Muslim guest. MORE

4 Comments on A Look Inside Britain’s Muslim Sex Grooming Gang Scandal

  1. The West likes to pretend only dictatorships have political prisoners.
    But we are seeing more and more examples of Western governments that oppress dissent through the jailing of people that openly speak their opinions.
    News flash – Those imprisoned (or fined) people are political prisoners. And it is wrong.
    Leftists pretend to care for foreigners’ human rights – while trampling on its own citizens’ human rights.

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