Salon Says 10 Questions By FBI Ends Hillary’s White House Run – IOTW Report

Salon Says 10 Questions By FBI Ends Hillary’s White House Run

1. What was the political utility in owning a private server and never using a email address?

2. Were all 31,830 deleted private emails about yoga? 

3. Why didn’t you know that intelligence could be retroactively classified?

4. Why did you use a Blackberry that wasn’t approved by the NSA?

5. What did you say to Bryan Pagliano? 

6. Why were 22 Top Secret emails on a private server?

7. Was any information about the Clinton Foundation mingled with State Department documents? 

8. Did President Obama or his staff express any reservations about your private server?

9. Did Bill Clinton send or receive any emails on your private network?

10. How was your private server guarded against hacking attempts?


ht/ just the tip


14 Comments on Salon Says 10 Questions By FBI Ends Hillary’s White House Run

  1. The thing about being hacked… A good hacker will make sure you don’t know you’ve been hacked.

    This server was set up for remote access via port forwarding.

    This is common. I do it. I know people who do it. For stuff that isn’t really that important.

    For something that needs to stay secure you use a VPN and have a multi-thousand dollar firewall device to facilitate secure access in and out of the network.

    Something like the state department would probably have, not some mom and pop IT firm’s bathroom.

    I would wager with confidence that the freaking secretary of state had her server hacked by every other country in the entire world. Twice.

    I’d put the odds at 100% roughly. They all hacked in as a matter of principle. You just do. It would be rude not to.

  2. Those deleted emails amount to 22 per day for four straight years, seven days a week.

    So, 22 per day of PERSONAL emails?
    Gonna have to call bullshit on that.

    The fact that she NEVER used a .gov address means that she feels she was far above the law.

  3. Agreed Joe6, I would like to know the network layout of her entire system.
    I read about a server in her basement, a server in Colorado, even something in DC.

    Who all was involved in her IT dept?
    Where are the banks of backup drives?
    Where is all that hardware now?
    Who and how many have .Clinton accounts?

  4. did salon hire one of the college kids that are afraid of chalk words to write this crap?
    hillary? scared of her upcoming interview? 10 questions that will derail her campaign?
    not on your life.

    that’s ice water running in her veins! ice water and vodka.

    her ass is too big to jail.

  5. They can ask her any thing they want – there will be NO indictment as long as a Demonrat (or establishment Republicrat) is Attorney General.

    This goes FAR beyond the fact of the server.

    Just a guess – but she (they – Obola was aware of the server before she was sworn in) had to shield the data on the server from the prying eyes of the NSA and State AND had to allow foreign intelligence services access without leaving a trace. She also had to carry on her illicit Clinton Foundation “fund raising” while ensuring that Obola and his cronies got their cuts. It was also necessary to contact Huma’s (or ValJar’s) people in the Moslem Brotherhood (or whatever moniker they were using that week) to kill Amb. Stevens, et. al., for uncovering the movement of weapons and chemical agents to Mali and Syria.

    Don’t hold your breath.

    izlamo delenda est …

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