Levin Changes His Mind Within 24 Hours On #NEVERTRUMP – IOTW Report

Levin Changes His Mind Within 24 Hours On #NEVERTRUMP

Update: I have to say, nothing with me is a deal breaker. I’m not going to cast off Mark Levin. It takes a lot more than something like this for me to turn on The Great One.

I just think he should have never made his proclamation yesterday knowing who and what Trump is, only to do an about-face in a day because he is suddenly in the cross-hairs.

The country can suffer, and be led by a “criminal in waiting” because the Trump campaign is playing dirty, crazy or incoherently??

Also, it has been floated out there that the Trump campaign is trying to intentionally implode. It’s a good theory. There’s something very off about the way this primary is being run.

But it’s still not as bad as the Clinton Machine.


Mark Levin just said this yesterday:

“Now those people out there, those people out there who are saying ‘stop Trump,’ I can understand ‘stop Trump’ in a primary process,” Levin said. “But stop Trump or you’ll vote for Hillary? Stop Trump or you won’t vote at all? These people are not conservatives. They’re not constitutionalists. They’re frauds. They’re fakes. They’re not brave. They’re asinine. They’re buffoons.”

‘Yes, I will vote for Donald Trump easily over Hillary Clinton.’ Well the answer is really quite simple. If you believe as I do or as many people have said that Hillary Clinton is a criminal in waiting.”

Now, within 24 hours he’s announced that he’s part of #NeverTrump.

But nothing has changed about Donald Trump. So, what happened?

Mark Levin got pissed off at Roger Stone, calling his campaign tactics Nixonian, and sleazy. Levin also said he doesn’t like bullies. (Levin didn’t like an article where Roger Stone said he’s bought and paid for by the establishment.)

So, because of a beef with someone other than Donald Trump, Levin now wants Hillary or Sanders to get the presidency? All that stuff he said yesterday? Out the window.

And he says if Stone says anything else he’s going to urge his millions of listeners not to vote for Trump. (C’mon Mark. You’re not a crybully?)

Mark Levin’s credibility has been dealt a blow on this one.

My opinion has absolutely nothing to do with Trump versus Cruz, and who should or should not be president. You can remove the names and put candidate X and candidate Y in the equation and Levin comes out looking a little silly here.

Levin, I love ya brother, but you just made this all about you, and you’re threatening to tell millions to not do what you just endorsed they do yesterday (saying they’d be buffoons and non-constitutionalists otherwise) because a guy said you’re bought and paid for.

I’m afraid you’re going to have to make a better case for installing a “criminal in waiting” into the presidency than this one.




73 Comments on Levin Changes His Mind Within 24 Hours On #NEVERTRUMP

  1. You see again, none of them can be trusted. This #NeverTrump shit is just that. I refuse to buy into their hash tag crap. I could give two shits about who and why they vote for whoever they do. Why can’t they get over themselves and see it for what it is. The Repugs are done. I’ll never register as one ever again.

  2. I wouldn’t have known Levin said what he said yesterday or what he said today if you hadn’t told me. I’m no longer a listener of his.

    He’s got Trump Derangement Syndrome.

    Has he threatened to move “the bunker” to Canada yet?

  3. Audio??? Ahh, I’ll pass.

    He was a nightly ritual for many years. His hypocrisy finally undid my loyalty. Never a word about the multiple Cruz merry-go-rounds or position flip flops or TEDDY BEARS ON THE BORDER with the Rubber Room King, Beck. Not A Word.

    We hardly knew ye Mark.

    I have to believe that all of these guys-Hannity, Rush, Levin are suffering big time ratings crashes.

    Assholes. Bought and paid for. Every one of them. Just as bad as Erickson who at least has the decency to be overt with his stupidity.

    Unfortunately you can smack morons like govlawyer/woody in the face with 20 loads of facts and they’re on board with Levin arguing about which way to point the deck chairs on the Titanic.

    Sweet dreams, don’t worry the water will numb you even worse then you are now.

    When Trump wins with you assholes sitting it out, you oughta just FOAD. AAMOF do us all a favor and do it now.

  4. Trump and his hatchet men like Roger “Dirty Tricks” Stone are such lying sleazeballs there will be many people in the #NeverTrump camp by the time election day rolls around. There are a multitude of reasons not to vote for Trump ranging from lack of moral character to just not being prepared for the job of President. His ignorance on any number of subjects is absolutely astounding.

  5. OK I’m confused,frustrated, and terribly pissed off. I will not comment again until one of these assholes has been nominated to run for President of the United States of America.
    Fuck it, no more talk. If Killary or Sanders win the election, well I’ll just apply for food stamps, transportation to the welfare office, and live out my life in luxury.

  6. Oh, please. Y’all spare me. Please. Levin is being attacked and slandered by trump personnel and he’s supposed to just take it? I don’t think so. And remember Stone is threatening delegates, and trump doesn’t even tell him to knock it off or come out saying that Stone is nuts so don’t listen to him. Is Trump TRYING to wreck this for himself???

    It isn’t just Levin getting trashed here, but how long til Trump’s people [mainly Stone] start trashing Limbaugh and other Conservative radio hosts like this? Then what? Will Trump finally say something? Or does he love this?

    I think Trump has a death wish or he wouldn’t be letting people run off at the mouth like this on his behalf.

  7. There is only ONE person engendering abject fear among those inside the beltway. They rail against him, they use the utterances of Grima Wormtounge in denouncing him as the worst that could possibly be.

    Couldn’t make my choice of vote any easier at all.

  8. November is what, 7 months away? Holy fuck. I refuse to listen to conservative crybullies smash each others’ mouths this Spring, Summer and Fall. I got a remainder of life to live. I may die, but all of you are condemned to Live.

  9. For the paranoid/conspiracy theorist-

    Trump’s camp is now mowing down people with a wide scythe.

    Why go after Levin, the day after Levin makes an announcement that NeverTrump is asinine?

    It’s almost like they are The Producers.
    They see Levin make a reasonable pro-Trump argument and they panic and say, “we can’t have that. Attack Levin. That’ll show him not to make favorable remarks.”

    This is the goofiest season ever BY FARRRRRRRRRR.
    All we need now is for the Cruz women shit to be true.
    That would just be the show stopper.

  10. “Why go after Levin, the day after Levin makes an announcement that NeverTrump is asinine?”

    Hmm, let me ponder this question. I know. I got it. How about cause GOP idiot Levine has been after a Trumps ass for three months straight. No quarter. Trump, the business man, not an fing attorney or politicians knows when attacked, respond with equal intensity. What does Trump have to lose? Levin zombies were not going to vote for him anyway. If Trump gets 1237 Levin can plan on washing cars for the rest of his career. I used to really like this guy. No more.

  11. Ive been listening to Levin for years and I cut back for the first time a couple weeks back because I couldn’t take the constant vitriol directed at Trump. And mind you I’m a Cruz guy first and foremost, but I am also an enthusiastic supporter of Trump as well because of his bold stance on the border. Levin’s gone too far in my book with this most recent statement.

  12. I’ve never gotten Levin. The Great One? Yeah, right. I once wrote he sounds like an angry drunken dwarf on the air. I stand by my words. He’s a jerk to anyone who doesn’t march lockstep with him and, thank you, but I’ll make up my own mind who I’ll vote for.

    Personally, anyone who votes or doesn’t vote for a candidate based on the endorsement of someone else shouldn’t vote. If you’re too damn lazy to study the platforms of candidates and make up your own mind and must rely on the endorsement of a celebrity, radio host, newspaper, etc, just stay home!

    Conservative radio is just awful these days. All of them!


  13. Trump leads in delegates. Trump leads in states won. Trump leads in the popular vote. Trump has brought in record number of new voters.
    Disenfranchise Trump, you disenfranchise the will of the people. Disenfranchise the will of the people, you lose to Hillary.
    Do you want to be right or smart?

  14. Quick comment to MM, I am not onboard the #NeverTrump train. I won’t be voting for admitted socialists or communists and that is all the Democrats have for candidates.

    At the same time I am going to sit back and watch the train wreck that is Trump happen. All the folks who have staked their hopes and dreams on him are going to be seriously disappointed.

    This is all going to come to an end soon enough. I just wait to see how many Trump supporters suddenly turn into #NeverGOP or #NeverCruz or some other #Never because they won’t vote for the Republican nominee unless it is Trump.

    As for Roger Stone, that man is unhinged and deranged. And as for him supposedly NOT being part of the Trump campaign, he sure talks like he is part of the campaign. He uses the “we” pejorative frequently in his interviews as if he is speaking for the campaign.

    This is all going to work itself out and it isn’t going to be pretty. I just wonder what happens to all this ginned up anger that Trump created.

  15. The above was brought to you by Woodies opinion only. We do not endorse or agree with such ludicrous opinions. But we do let him spew his opinion with no factual basis at will and Indescimantly. And he does. Woody also bites at the bubbles when he farts in the bath tub.

  16. Admittedly I have #NeverTrump heat flashes like a woman in menopause.
    Right now I could still vote for him but after I finish this drink?

    Seriously, Trump has gone full steam ahead towards that iceberg.

    I actually find myself feeling sorry for him…and us.

    FUCK…what might have been.

    Standing in a daze at the edge of night
    In a world that’s needing to stop the bleeding
    Stumble through the crowd like a vagrant light
    Spreading joy around
    Innocent one you taught me well
    If only they could, see behind the veil
    See the other world

    Oh carry on, carry on sweet child
    And break on through you,
    Never save the world from behind the glass
    Oh yea
    Just take your time, between the lines sweet child
    You’ll find the answer,
    Balanced on a razor,
    You’ll be dancing with angels

  17. I still say NOT VOTING does not equal #NeverTrump.
    No matter what Levin or anyone says.

    I believe in climate change but man has nothing to do with it.
    Don’t fucking tell me the science has settled and don’t tell me that you are either for us or against us.

    If principles don’t matter then lets just burn this mother fucker down right fucking now!

    You can not vote on principal because the son of a bitch can’t control the virulent diarrhea of the mouth.

    Trump has sown this shit!
    He had it…he blew it!

  18. Little doggie. I’ll remind you what you said here at the end of the month. You’re delusional. I hate to break it to you, Trump is still has 30% more deligates than Teddy Bear. I call him Teddy Bear because he like to hand them out to illegal aliens, on I’m sorry, undocumented people, didn’t mean to offend Cruz supporters, along side the Profit Glen Beck. You guys are blind.

  19. It is odd, the nature of time and humans.
    I supported him at first.
    He poisoned that relatively quick.
    I still had hope.
    He lost me again.
    He then filled me with contempt for the man.
    Then I regained hope for the wall, burning it down, etc.
    Then he acted like a twelve year old again.

    Now I truly feel sorry for him.
    He turned out to be a billionaire carney.

    Perhaps you don’t believe me when I say I supported him at first, but I did.
    Hell, last Fall, Mark Levin and Trump had a veritable romance blooming.

    TRUMP poisoned that well. Trump owns that.

  20. Holy Crap FUR needs to put a mentally handicapped sticker on this place. Meerkat you mental giant that’s Cruz supporters plus 30%. But I’m guessing you knew that. Just another cheap dig on behalf of Teddy Bear. You’re a born Hillary supporter.

  21. Meerkat, what ever, Trump is 33% ahead of Cruz in delegates. Yes or no. True or false. So Trump has 66% of the delegates. True or false? Try and be an honest man and answer the question. It’s Friday night, I have had a few, but only pussies drink wine.

  22. I asked that question knewing you would never man up. Check the deligates count. Do the math. Trump currently has 66% of the deligates awarded so far. Of course that doesn’t account for the delegates Teddy Bear is sneaking around and trying to steal. And I’ve read justification for this on other places. But here’s the deal. What right do those deligates have swapping their vote if their voters voted solidly for Trump. Seems a little treasonous to me.

  23. First time i listened to Levins show it was interesting. After a few months he became boring and i quit listening. Same gravelly voice, same feigned anger, same subjects

    He’s a smarmy jerk. Wouldnt go around the corner to see him.

  24. @Brad.
    Why do you continue to use the term “Stealing Votes’?
    Delegates are bound to a candidate and vote as the state primaries command at the convention. Unbound delegates vote as they please (I believe there is close 400 nation wide) But if the candidate they’re bound to doesn’t get the 1237 votes for nomination, then what? Do the delegates do the same again? That would be just a stalemate.

    After the first vote they are released to vote as they please. That is for the purpose of breaking the stalemate. Ted Cruz is doing nothing that isn’t done in any close primary. It’s called a ground game. Trump just hired Paul Manafort to do the delegate swaying for him. And Ronald Reagan almost grabbed the nomination form Ford in 76 by doing just what Cruz is doing.

    That’s the way both parties have done it since expanding the primaries. It’s just politics.

    It’s explained in any civics book.

  25. I am DONE with Levin. Like that unhinged lunatic Beck he has now ABUSED the bully bulpit we GAVE him. There is NO excuse for what Levin did tonight. NONE WHATSOEVER! If he has a problem with Stone who is NOT with the Trump campaign then GO AFTER STONE! Instead, by stating he is #NeverTrump that means NEVER. Not even in the General. His stance WILL sway up to 9 million listeners and that could CHANGE the outcome of a general election in the favor of a serial lying, felonious COMMIE!. That is UNFORGIVABLE!

  26. Diogenesd, also by your own definition things are not right. delegates are changing their allegiance way before the primary. Take Colorado for example. If I’m in a county that goes all in for a candidate and my “delegate” disenfranchises” my vote, I’d be pissed. Wouldn’t you?

  27. I didn’t say I agreed with the way it’s done. All I’m saying is that is the built-in way of breaking the stalemate. The delegates just represent the election results, but are free to change their minds ONLY after the first convention ballot, not before.

  28. What do you mean outside the process? Nothing nefarious is being done. Both Trump and Cruz will try to sway delegates in the next few weeks. Can you suggests a better way to break a stalled
    convention nomination other then someone changing their vote to move the numbers? You can’t just give it to someone, unless we go back to the old smoke filled rooms.

    Just a side note. Hubert Humphrey was the nominee of the dems in 1968 – he didn’t participate in any of the primaries. Don’t want to go back to that kinda shit do ya? At least the way it is now we have a say so most all the time.

  29. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. THEY CAN’T. They are bound by the rules to vote as the primary results dictate. Only unbound delegates can vote as they please on the first ballot. Those are the primary target of both campaigns.

  30. Once again, we are not communication well, I understand the process. Reports are Cruz people have ALL the Colorado deligates freely announcing after the first vote they are switching to Cruz. It was on Drudge a couple days ago. Is that right? Has that ever been done before? The GOP is pulling out all the stops.

  31. All 37 delegates in Colorado are unbound and can vote the way they please. Trump didn’t contend the state and will probably get minimal delegates if any. I still don’t see any nefarious vote stealing conspiracy on the part of Cruz. Sounds like CTH stuff.

  32. “Mark Levin got pissed off at Roger Stone, calling his campaign tactics Nixonian, and sleazy.”

    Yeah, uh huh…I guess he’s never heard of Jeff Roe and his sleaze…err…I mean Ted Cruz’s Campaign Manager.

  33. TO Diogenes

    ““Thousands of people vote for a candidate, and the delegates are their proxy to the convention. The delegates therefore should represent their voters through any number of rounds of voting, UNTIL THEIR CANDIDATE IS ELIMINATED. Then they can be freed to vote for someone else.

    This is the moral argument against what Cruz is doing. Some people may have put in rules to try to cancel the moral obligation, but since when do written rules ever replace morals and duty? This argument was thrashed out at Nuremberg when people said they were just following orders (ie the rules).”

    see link at

  34. “Also, it has been floated out there that the Trump campaign is trying to intentionally implode. It’s a good theory.” – BFH

    In 10 days NY votes. 7 days later, 5 other states vote. Trump is expected to win 5 of those 6 states. Now, granted, there are many, MANY external forces working against Trump which will have some impact.

    However, if Trump does as expected, he sure will SUCK at self-imploding!

  35. Re: rumors of Trump’s planned self-destruction

    Either he’s allowing his campaign to disintegrate and does nothing of substance to stop it – meaning disintegration has been the plan from the start – or he’s so arrogantly reckless and full of himself that he can’t even see that it’s falling apart, and so acts like it isn’t.

    Pick one.

  36. Oh, and the third option: this is all been a big ego trip for a guy who could afford to pull it off but who was never really serious about it, and so now doesn’t have a clue what to do when faced with the possibility of actual success. Kinda like empty suit puppet boy but without the teleprompter programmers, string pullers and puppetmasters…all image, no substance.

    Pick one.

  37. You know, it’s Obama that has destroyed the right and lots of help from Republicans. The right is now completely split into 3 camps: GOPe, conservative purists and America 1st crowd. I think Trump has known since the beginning that he’ll take his voters 3rd party with GOPe games at the convention. Cruz crew is increasingly annoying and Cruz will never get the nod from a contested convention. Conservative purists will not vote Trump much like they didn’t vote Romney, giving us Obama’s 2nd term. The Democrats are weak this time around.

    Levin is a good guy but I read the transcript from this message. Attacking Ann Coulter, defending Michelle Fields. I assume his media numbers have taken a hit since the Cruz endorsements. Bad timing for a pay-per-view TV channel launch. I think he is under enormous duress but I digress. America on the edge of destruction or a new beginning, time will tell but we are all feeling the stress of its importance.

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