Media Forgets about Ted Cruz – IOTW Report

Media Forgets about Ted Cruz

When you’re simply observing the action it is very comical at times.

Laura Bush hinted that she may be voting for Hillary and the Telegraph quickly uses it as an opportunity to bash Trump, completely forgetting about the existence of Ted Cruz.  Hilarious.


Laura Bush, the former first lady, has hinted she would rather vote for Hillary Clinton than Donald Trump, saying she wants the next American president to be someone who cares about women in Afghanistan.

The Democratic front-runner is the only female candidate left in the race and visited Afghanistan four times during her stint as Secretary of State.

… she signaled she was among the growing band of establishment Republicans whose anyone-but-Trump stance extended to voting for Mrs Clinton in the general election.


Ted Cruz says, “hey guys, I can hear you.”

ht/ kpark

14 Comments on Media Forgets about Ted Cruz

  1. Wow are we missing the point of this story or what. I linked this earlier and Menderman discounted it as bull shit. Make no mistake, GW’s wife likes The Bengahzi Killer over Trump. Anybody getting the picture yet?

  2. What I’m taking from this is that the media is like many women, able to concentrate on only one thing at a time, usually the wrong thing.
    I wonder if Mrs Bush is becoming another data point in the theory that Libtard-ism is an age and mental deterioration disease.
    Now before I start getting hate mail and death threats, there are also many women who are intelligent. So put down the keyboard MJA.
    Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for the presstitutes in the Dem-S-M media. I’d say dumb as a box of rocks, but that would be an insult to rocks.

  3. Completely marginalizing our dead Americans in Afghanistan or the dead Americans on Hillary’s watch in Libya.

    What a tragedy, Laura. Open your vision a bit. The woman has left a black, slimy residue everywhere she has been.

  4. She didn’t say it , but if Laura stood on the tallest soap box she could find and screamed #NEVERTRUMP for 12 hours, I would completely understand. Trump, in a nationally televised debate said her husband lied about WMD’s in Iraq so he could start a war. I imagine Laura saw her husband cry many times as he was writing letters to the families of the brave soldiers that paid the ultimate price. I’ll bet she wouldn’t piss on Trump if he was on fire.

    Trump was a major asshole for saying that.

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