The long, strange history of John Podesta’s space alien obsession – IOTW Report

The long, strange history of John Podesta’s space alien obsession

john-podesta-aliens MJA

WaPo: You know how sometimes you stake out a controversial or weird position solely for effect, using it to troll people you know, and then over time you sort of convince yourself that your position is right? For example, one time I was hanging out with friends and I decided that I was going to tell everyone I hated Stanford. There was no reason for it; it just seemed funny to me. But then I just … started sort of hating Stanford and its fancy campus and its “oh, we’re Ivy League but not weird and old and also no snow” thing. By the time I ended up actually moving to California, I legitimately thought Stanford was pretty lame. A tree mascot? Get over yourselves.

So every time there’s a news article about where Hillary Clinton adviser (and former Bill Clinton chief of staff) John Podesta talks about how President Hillary Clinton would release classified information about UFOs — as he did again on Thursday — I’m led to wonder. Is he just taking the joke too far? Has he committed so completely to the bit that now he just sort of answers the questions about space aliens without blinking? Or … does he think that the government has information about visits from outer space that should be shared more widely?  more

11 Comments on The long, strange history of John Podesta’s space alien obsession

  1. He’s looking for the origins of Hillary. She definitely is such a human aberration that she may be part of the UFO phenomenon.

    That would explain her confidence of not being brought to justice: off planet aliens do not have peers here on earth, as required by our system, to judge a person’s ‘alleged’ crimes.

  2. Yeah, well there’s people who think wrestling is fake and that the moon landing was real, too!

    I KNOW that I have melted ICE – through the incredible power of my incredibly powerful mind!

    And sometimes, I can close my eyes and see flashes of insight as they insightfully flash through my incredibly insightfully flashing mind!

    Uhh … two! … or tu? … uhh … to?

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