The Criminalization Of Political Activism On The Right – IOTW Report

The Criminalization Of Political Activism On The Right

obama charmin

BlazingCatFur:ย Californiaโ€™s raid on the pro-life activists who conducted a sting against Planned Parenthood for selling baby parts and the FEC attempt to crack down on an anti-Obama documentary both reflect the growing criminalization of political activism on the right. ย more here

5 Comments on The Criminalization Of Political Activism On The Right

  1. I was for Bush’s Patriot Act, because I trusted the government at the time, and desired the security I thought it brought.
    Then Shithead took office, and turned the U.S. government onto half its citizenry. I no longer trust the U.S. Government. I distrust the U.S. Government.
    There was a time the U.S. would admonish dictatorships for holding dissenters as political prisoners.
    Now the U.S. has political prisoners.
    And if the anti-Trump imbeciles have their way, Hillary will be elected, and this political imprisonment will only become worse. If you think Obama was a nasty paranoid ideologue who appoints prosecutorial Leftists to every government opening, you ain’t seen nothing until you see the nasty paranoid ideologue Hillary Clinton in action.

    Clinton: “Republicans are my worst enemy.”

  2. Watch… in a Clinton Administration, Valerie Jarrett stays on until all of Obama’s enemies are “dealt with.”

    BTW, a little bird flew in my window this past week and tweeted this cryptic warning, “A Red Herring will be your first female President.”

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