Obama relents on Fast & Furious executive privilege, turns records over to Congress – IOTW Report

Obama relents on Fast & Furious executive privilege, turns records over to Congress

eric holder

WT: The Obama administration caved to a judge’s order Friday and sent documents from the botched Fast & Furious gun-running operation to Congress, complying with a subpoena the House Oversight Committee issued years ago.

President Obama had claimed executive privilege in trying to shield the documents from Congress, but a federal judge rejected that, insisting lawmakers had a right to see the information in order to complete their investigation into an operation that saw thousands of guns trafficked into Mexico, with the administration’s knowledge.

With just hours to go before the judge’s 60-day deadline, the administration complied Friday.  read more

13 Comments on Obama relents on Fast & Furious executive privilege, turns records over to Congress

  1. About f##kin’ time.
    So much for the “most transparent administration in history”.
    And I’ll really believe when Issa starts issuing arrest warrants for highest ranking Do(i)J administration, past and present.

  2. Yet another repetition of the “botched operation” lie, and, disappointingly, from the Washington Times.

    F&F was not “botched” – it worked exactly as planned. The guns involved were never supposed to be tracked to cartel thugs. At least one ATF agent was ordered NOT to follow the guns. The purpose was to boost the numbers of US-sourced guns found in and tracked from Mexico so Barky’s administration could torque down the screws on “gun traffickers”.

    It all came apart only because a handful of ATF agents couldn’t stay quiet after Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered with a gun from the F&F program, and because of the tireless efforts of those agents and citizen journalists David Codrea and Mike Vanderboegh who to this day don’t get anything like proper credit for getting this out in the open (as much as it is – there’s lots still under wraps).

    This should go on H-Rod’s shit list, also, because it involved US govt agencies sending guns across national borders. Technically, this requires a license from State, and it is beyond belief that very high State people didn’t know the gist of the F&F program. Maybe not H-Rod herself, but I’m convinced that one of her direct reports knew what was happening and OKed it.

    Perhaps George Stephanopoulos will ask her about this the next time she’s on his teevee show.

  3. Given the amount of time that’s past I’m sure anything useful or informative has been fully scrubbed away.

    At this point it’s as useless as a multi-layered pdf “birth certificate” with windows fonts.

  4. I have to quit taking muscle relaxers.
    Lazlo did some stone work this week and tired his old ass out and taxed his old man muscles…but I had the sweetest dream
    ..at the fifth and final round of voting at the contested convention in Cleveland Trump and Cruz reveal their diabolical plan..
    They both appear on stage arm in arm and announce they devised their fight to eliminate the competition
    Trump announces he will serve only one term if Ted Cruz can serve as VP…
    The crowd goes wild.
    Kasich refuses to accept defeat and climbs the line array speakers at the side of stage and had to be darted like a bear and as usual, he missed the target on his way down.
    The crowd goes wild.
    President Trump issues an executive order in the first ten minutes in office negating each and every Pardon the outgoing President issued. Then announces his refusal to be paid for serving as President and urges the new VP to do the same.
    Cruz does not appear pleased in the photos.
    AG Trey Goudy announces his new raw meat diet in preparation for the string of upcoming trials.
    In a rare move Hilary’s entire staff strike immunity deals for testimony.
    Hilary is indicted for one felony count for every classified e-mail found on her server and AG Trey Goudy announces he’s filing his teeth into points for the occasion.

  5. Justice delayed is justice denied. Fu-k the liar, Obola!

    Brian Terry’s estate should be awarded the FakePreznit’s entire pension in a civil trial. Zero is cut from the same cloth as Revrun Sharpton

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