Don’t Boo or Get Mad – IOTW Report

Don’t Boo or Get Mad

Yes, it seems to be Lonely Libertarian day.

I spotted this one and I am astounded that I chuckled. I’m ashamed. Deeply ashamed.

9 Comments on Don’t Boo or Get Mad

  1. S’all right about the triple Lonely Libertarian day; LL’s good people… for a ginger.

    I’m amazed at how I keep running into the same people on different websites.

  2. LOL.

    On the afternoon of November 22, 1963, the nation plunged into deep mourning for its assassinated leader. Not where I lived, however.

    When I came home from school that day, I found my mother on the phone gleefullyorganizingamn impromptu cocktail party for the Young Republicans.

    Lessons learned:

    Libs suck.

    It’s okay to exalt in their demise.

    Don’t let yourself be guilt-tripped for hating libs.

    So yes, I laughed.

  3. Try to look at the bright side of things. Kennedy had a lot of weight lifted from his shoulders on that day.

    I’m with Yonkers on this one; Kennedy was the 60’s version of Bill Clinton. Kennedy was a philandering democrat who hired a racist welfare promoter as his VP who in all likelihood had something to do with Kennedy’s demise.

    Zero damn’s given in any case.

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