Drudge Muses on a Future President Trump Era Newspaper – IOTW Report

Drudge Muses on a Future President Trump Era Newspaper



HT/ FDR in Hell

15 Comments on Drudge Muses on a Future President Trump Era Newspaper

  1. “Drudge Muses on a Future President Trump Era Newspaper”

    My understanding is these are the headlines the Boston Globe intends on running in tomorrows edition. An attempt to scare voters.

  2. Brad, agreed, this isn’t a Drudge thing, just Drudge reporting it out front (as usual).
    It seems as though the Globe will actually run with this. It should be very interesting. And for you New Englander’s get a couple of copies and save them, they may be worth some money decades from now.

  3. “Boston Globe gets free advertising from pro Trump sites.”
    That is the real headline.
    Drudge is in the tank for Trump and puts Charlie the Tuna to shame when it comes to grabbing at these kind of hooks.

  4. Sylvia. Trump did say he would force our armed forces to kill the families of terrorists. When asked about possible refusal, he said he would “make” them do it.
    Many of us, myself included, have sons and daughters enlisted in the armed forces. I said at the time that if Trump forced my son at gunpoint to shoot a kid or woman in the head that millions of us would be on his doorstep the very next day.

  5. BTW – By announcing LOUDLY that he would deport illegals, he is discouraging additional illegal aliens from coming North. If every candidate announces they are pro amnesty, there would be a mass rush to cross the border before some deadline soon after the election. I am glad Trump is discouraging more border rushers.

  6. Went to their website this morning. Just the usual crap, furries and what people say when arrested along with social gossip.
    It would have been on the newsstands for a few hours already, did it happen?
    Drudge still has it as top banner, if it is a hoax, well, it made the globe a lot of money.

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