Prank Callers Get Employees To Smash Windows At Various Fast Food Joints – IOTW Report

Prank Callers Get Employees To Smash Windows At Various Fast Food Joints

Newser- Police say a prank caller tricked workers at a Minnesota Burger King into smashing the windows of the restaurant on Friday, mirroring similar deceptions at fast-food restaurants in other states recently.

9769459_G The AP reports employees at the restaurant in the Minneapolis suburb of Coon Rapids got a call Friday night from someone claiming to be with the fire department. The caller said dangerous levels of gas building up could cause the restaurant to explode, so they needed to relieve the pressure. The manager and other employees believed the caller and smashed all the windows on the ground floor. Police are trying to identify the caller.

A similar call placed to a Burger King in Shawnee, Oklahoma, on Thursday night resulted in $10,000 of damage to the windows. A similar call to a Burger King in Morro Bay, California, in early February resulted in $35,000 in damage. Not only did employees smash the windows in that incident, but a manager went as far as ramming his car into building. And police in Tucson, Arizona, say several similar prank calls were placed to Jack in the Box restaurants there in early February, fooling workers at one store. A similar incident happened at a Wendy’s in Phoenix in late January.

27 Comments on Prank Callers Get Employees To Smash Windows At Various Fast Food Joints

  1. When I was a kid we limited our crank calls to the classics, Is your refrigerator running? You better catch it. Do you have Prince Albert (pipe tobacco) in a can? You better let him out. And as we became teenagers calling up the bowling alley and having them page Ima Butt or Ima Fag. We thought it was hilarious especially if we heard them fall for our prank call. And believe me we would’ve been in deep trouble if we got caught even if my dad or the neighbor kids dad’s laughed at us first.

  2. In the suburbs around DC about 20 years ago some wags had women setting their hair on fire. No shit. Said they were from some doctor’s office or public health and that was the only way to get rid of whatever it was supposed to be.

    I think 3 women, or so, had to be hospitalized.

    There are some profoundly ignorant people in this country (see “Demonrats” or “socialists” or “Sanders supporters” or “Clinton supporters”).

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Eternal Cracker I think your mom, my mom and all the other mom’s must’ve known each other because of that standard response. Except my mom would say, “Would you jump off a cliff if all your knucklehead friends did it first.” “Yeah sure mom”, would’ve been my response and I’d get smacked for being sarcastic and a smartass.

  4. If they’re that stupid to fall for that prank what the heck are they doing with the food we eat inside? No thanks. But heh, that’s what you get for $15/hr – they don’t deserve it!

  5. Think how much fun it must be to throw chairs through the windows of The Man, who is paying you only $8 an hour.
    These callers are tapping into some level of latent dissatisfaction and aggression.

  6. Geoff, your post about the old phone pranks reminded me of this. I once or twice even heard Ima Goner paged by the receptionist at a major corporate R&D facility. At another workplace the receptionist used to periodically announce for workers to “turn off their Wangs”. Of course she meant computers. Very funny nonetheless.

  7. As a young apprentice I remember being sent down to the plumber’s shop the borrow the “sky hook.”
    The plumber told me that the bricklayers had borrowed last week, I should go over there and ask for it.

    It finally dawned on me. WTF is a sky hook?

  8. Moetom,
    I was sent to the Storeroom to pick up the “Fallopian Tubes” for the Plumbing Foreman … didn’t fall for it, though … fucked off for about 3 hours out by the West Underground Fountain looking at the girls.

  9. hahaha- in school my auto class teachers name was Harry Butts-no lie, and when I was in the army as a recruit telephone repairman-(opps-repairperson for PC people) I was told to go down to the basement and get a bucket of dial tone. WTF was that all about. have a nice day 🙂

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