How Do You Make Heads or Tails of This? – IOTW Report

How Do You Make Heads or Tails of This?

One would say that the country is certainly peeling leftward. But then there’s Trump.


Cruz Versus Clinton–>cvc

Trump Versus Clinton–>

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ht/ All Too Much

28 Comments on How Do You Make Heads or Tails of This?

  1. With all due respect, I fail to see the argument and the evidence pointing to that. You say, “The country is peeling leftward”, then but then there’s Trump, and finally you show a poll that shows that Hillary eviscerates Trump in am election?

    Help me along here…

  2. Trump has to be the nominee, otherwise Hillary has a tough go.
    That is why the left leaning media and the DC establishment types have been pushing Trump from the start.
    The bad news is that Kasich has been warming to whatever Trump is offering and has maneuvered for him recently.

  3. not sure how kasich can have such low poll and delegate numbers but beat clinton

    if cruz and trump are kicked to the curb by the gop and replaced with kasich, i for one stay home, and many many more will do the same

  4. The left beats the conservative Cruz.
    The left loses to the RINO Kasich.
    The left beats the populist, and supposed democrat in hiding, Trump.

    I really can’t interpret this data.

    It would seem the country is leaning left if the left beats the conservative, but doesn’t fair well against the left leaning right-winger.
    So does that mean the country is just right of center?

    Trump beats Kasich handily in a primary, but doesn’t do as well as Kasich in a national election

    Trump gets trounced by the left.

    Anyone care to explain this?

  5. @BFH – I’m confident you can figure it out once you take a close look at your assumption that you can characterize voters in the US on a one-dimensional continuum from right to left. It doesn’t work that way, if for no other reason than there are so many different possible interpretations of “left” and “right” when there is an almost total absence of moral principle in those terms’ common definitions.

  6. BFH Those polls are general, not party specific, so they really only reflect the individual candidates negatives.
    Trump has the highest negatives, Hillary next, then Cruz.
    little known people like Kasich have low negatives and win in this kind of poll.
    For a real poll you need to look at likely voters by party. Then, things don’t change much except Cruz is closer to even and Kasich doesn’t exist.
    Even in polls that allow Democrats to claim that they will vote for Trump he falls short by 10 points or more.
    Polls can be wrong, but there are reasons for when they are.

  7. @Im’ serious: the answer is simple, Drudge has jumped the shark!! He about lost me when he started pushing Romney early in the 2012 election, along with little annie. I had just started visiting his site again when he started this crap!! I predict that drudge and Hannity will take a serious hit after this election cycle and not sure sean will recover. Savage on the other hand is expected to be a bit nuts (the other half of Beck) so he will probably survive this one. Oh and Fox news will NEVER be the same. T-rump will take them down with him.

  8. no brad I do not need a link. I read the scoop but also NRO and MEF and people like Daniel Pipes, perhaps you have heard of him, not exactly a kook although once I tell you he is scared to death of a trump presidency, I am sure you will throw that label on him.

  9. Polls are:
    A) Measurement tools
    B) Influencing tools

    Why would anyone be so gullible as to believe A)? Even if the pollsters themselves aren’t trying to influence, why assume individual respondents aren’t hoping to?

    Presidential elections are decided by:
    A) Overall voter preference percentages
    B) Electoral College votes

    Why would anyone think A) accurately predicts B)? In US presidential elections the vast majority of votes are either written off or taken for granted. To the extent votes count, it’s only ones in key spots in key states.

  10. I see fox is the only poll that has anyone beating hillary, and its cruz. thats fair and unbiased.

    polls mean very little now if ever. The only accurate ones are the exit polls.

  11. Buffalo Springfield was right, there’s something happening here. If that polling is even near correct, we are being played for the fool by the so called “R”NC.

  12. Fur, what you’re seeing is called naked, boot licking propaganda from the uniparty, global elitists.

    They are absolutely apoplectic at the thought of an outsider like Trump kicking their sorry asses to the curb, that’s what you’re seeing in the so-called polls.

    The sample size is a joke, and I bet they didn’t release the metrics behind the numbers either did they?.

    Like ole Samuel said, “There are lies, damn lies, and then there are statistics!”

  13. Nobody knows how to pronounce Kasich’s name let alone know who he is, yet they have him beating Hillary.
    The data is BULLSHIT!
    Trump CRUSHES Hillary in the General Election.

  14. The commenter who stated that polls are meant to influence peoples dead on. Look how well it works on the lofos like JohnS. He’a actually convinced that Trump will sit there and take it like Romney or McCain.

    At this point in 19080 RR was down 25 points to Carter. The GOPe of the time was apocalyptic at the thought of Reagan getting the nomination. They called him a doddering old cowboy that didn’t know squat about foreign relations who would get us into a war with the Soviets. Among a host of other for sure horrible things(see yesterday disgrace, The Boston Globe).

    Reagan won by 11, a virtual land slide. And BTW, the “polls” had it a neck and neck contest right up to the day of the election. I’ve read that Carter’s own polling knew he was toast 2 weeks before the election.

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