Head of Colorado GOP – “Go Ahead and Burn the Party Down” – IOTW Report

Head of Colorado GOP – “Go Ahead and Burn the Party Down”

Daily Mail –

…the party shouldn’t shy away from doing whatever is necessary to win the White House, adding that Republicans should ‘go ahead and burn the party down’ if it is necessary.


‘What happened over the weekend wassimple and had no manipulation or underhanded process in it. The Cruz campaign worked harder than anyone else over a longer period of time, using the process that we have to create a victory for him’ he said in the letter.

‘I will support whoever wins without hesitation but blaming other people when you don’t get what you want is only relevant if you did the work honestly and someone manipulated the process. That didn’t happen here.

‘I think people are upset right now because they either don’t like the process or don’t understand it. I am one of the people who doesn’t like it. It’s complicated and many don’t understand why we don’t just have a national primary across all 50 states in about June, pick the winner and go after the democrats in the general election. There are complications to that as well but it comes down to states rights on how we pick candidate. We should have a presidential primary here but the legislature eliminated it in 2002 because it costs to much and that is a limited government move. Up until this year no one cared.’


31 Comments on Head of Colorado GOP – “Go Ahead and Burn the Party Down”

  1. The GOP is broken.
    What do you do when something is broken?
    You fix it. However, if it is too broken to fix, or too expensive to fix, you get a new one, hopefully one that works better than the old one, and learn how to use it.

  2. If you don’t know the rules, the process, find out what the process is or you don’t even go to Colorado to speak to win delegates, you have no standing to complain, whine or cry about it after the fact.

    Even the Colorado Party Chairman doesn’t like the process but the legislature changed the process “14 years” ago to save money.

    Blaming everybody else to cover your failings is standard for obama….I expect better of trump. Admit you mistake and move on.

  3. It ain’t broke … it’s corrupt.

    All the *blah, blah, blah* can’t conceal the fact that the voters have been disenfranchised.

    Whether that’s a good or bad thing should be left to the philosophers, but from a purely “optics” point of view – it SUX.

    Age old question, for which thousands, if not millions of people have died – Oligarchy v Democracy – Sparta v Athens – Weimar v Berlin – All Over Again.

    Once the facade if off – ANY POLITICAL PARTY – and the Public has to actually observe the “making of sausages” – and all the repellent and repulsive coruscations of the deceivers, the disgust is enormous and the fiction is in mortal danger. The RNC is in bed with the DNC, and both of them embody an elite which enriches itself off of the sweat of the American taxpayers – and now they have dropped the curtain and displayed their perfidy to a largely somnambulent public – much to their chagrin.

    America needs to rise, shake off its slumber, and kill the ravening beast.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. You know how a person can get wrapped up in making a living etc. , that being said were the citizens of Colorado even aware of the rules that had been passed? This seems more like a monarchy picking their king.

  5. It took 14 years for the republican voters of Colorado to realize that they don’t like the rules? Amazing. Just like driving, democracy needs your attention.

    If you seem to not care what your ‘elected’ are doing, they will do and grab whatever they can.

  6. Those willing to beleive these rules have been in place for 14 years and no manipulation took place in Aug last year are either being played or dont care.

    In 2008 the CO GOP caucus voters gave Romney the win with over 42,000 votes and McCain a pultry 12,000 votes

    In the 2012 CO GOP caucus voters gave Santorim the win with over 26,000 votes and Romney over 23,000 votes.

    Now I’m not claiming anything illegal was done, but the little people were given a vote in the most recent Pres. elections. This year they were played and did not get to cast a vote for a candidate.

    COGOP tweet: We did it #NeverTrump

  7. “adding that Republicans should ‘go ahead and burn the party down’ if it is necessary.”

    It’s been necessary for a very long time. It’s been smoldering for years and years. No dousing it out now, let it burn! They don’t deserve to exist, the leaders burned it down. Finish them off Donald, DO IT!

  8. It strikes me that if the rules were changed 14 years and three presidential elections ago and I’d be willing to bet that after the change every registered GOP member received a communication outlining the changes shortly after they went into effect. I believe the only reason for the uproar now is that Trump lost and he’s back to his whining about how the system is fixed against him. You can bet money that had he won he wouldn’t have said a damn thing about the process. This is what drives me most about this guy (well that and he changes his position on issues way to often. By the by, that doesn’t show growth as a person it shows he’s willing to say or do anything to win) and it’s his inability to shake off a loss, be gracious and fight on. I know that being from Canada (we now have out own serious political/leadership problem that arguably is worse then yours unless Bernie wins) and I probably don’t know all the minutia but I believe that Trump would not make a good president. Having said that if I had a vote and he was the GOP candidate I would say a little pray and vote for him as while he may not be a good choice, Hillary or Bernie would be fatal.

  9. Gladys- Quote from the article: “We should have a presidential primary here but the legislature eliminated it in 2002 because it costs to much and that is a limited government move. Up until this year no one cared.'”.

    That is a long time for the people of CO to figure it out. They didn’t seem to care during the duration and that is surely enough time to catch the ‘sneaky’ rules changers, and do something about it.

    Trying to catch cows is difficult, once they get loose, just as it is to set politicians right after you wake up and find you elected crooks. But it can be done.

    Whining after you discover the sneaky bastards lied to you, does not change the system or those willing to take advantage of it. Paying attention, vetting candidates and the ruling bodies of local, state and federal government are one way to not be surprised. Protest before the bastards do harm, not after.

  10. The Cruz campaign worked harder than anyone else over a longer period of time, using the process that we have to create a victory for him’…

    Which has exactly fuck-all to do with selecting the people’s choice for a candidate.

  11. Molon I don’t know when the rule allowing this happened, but obviously it was before August. I have assumed it happened during the major rule changes a dozen or so years back, but I haven’t looked into when it happened.
    No matter how you cut it, though, everyone was OK with it until Trump lost. Had Trump won, this would be no big deal.
    It is important to remember that Trump new about this situation last August, he also knew about it coming into the situation, and like Cruz, was OK with them having the rules they had.
    Only after he lost did he raise a stink.

  12. Gladys you mean like Florida and other states where Trump got 100% even though people voted against him. In Florida 45% of the people voted against him and he got 100%.
    See, different rules different states, but when Trump wins it is all good.

  13. JohnS – you are so full of crap. No one even KNEW about it until Cruz Jong IL said f*ck the people, let’s just take ’em. No matter when or for what reason, if you think this is okay, then you are part of the problem.

  14. JohnS – Like I said – you are full of crap. I think you just make this sh*t up. I would bet my next paycheck that you are a professional liar. The time frame when you and a few others all of a sudden showed up here and started your Cruz spam is very suspicious. Also very suspicious how anything sensible that’s anti-cruz is just ignored by you like you didn’t see, read it, or comprehend it. FOAD

  15. JohnS, you lie.

    On several threads now you point out its been since August and Trump was just a bad campaigner and sore loser.

    It was made clear there would be no voting for a candidate. In the past Colorado favored the anti-establishment candidates. To avoid such freedom of choice they took the vote away.

    “It takes Colorado completely off the map” in the primary season,” – Ryan Call, a former CO GOP chairman

  16. Aggie I and others have repeatedly posted links to the original story back in August.
    Everybody involved, and most of us who follow the news, knew what was going to happen in CO.
    Even Trump.
    We didn’t know how it would end up, but we all new the early vote setup was cancelled back in August to save money.
    The liars are those who claim otherwise, and they know it. Even several Trump supporters here have pointed out how long this situation has been known.
    Cruz was VERY concerned about the situation and had his people all over it. Trump thought he had it in the bag, so he stayed away.
    Tortoise walks, rabbit sleeps.
    Rabbit loses.

  17. No….you’re dishonest JohnS, nice try though

    You said…”Molon I don’t know when the rule allowing this happened, but obviously it was before August. I have assumed it happened during the major rule changes a dozen or so years back, but…..

    You know it was August. It was not to save money. The 2002 change from primary to caucus was that excuse. It was to avoid a preferential vote. To not vote for a candidate They said it outright.

  18. Aggie,
    The rule change did take place in August and one of the main reasons they gave for the change was they were afraid to many would turn out this year to vote.

    By JohnS logic, it’s OK to rob a liquor store and shoot up the place, as long as everyone knows about it in advance. That dudes got a charlie horse in his brain.

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