Deeply Held Personal Beliefs – IOTW Report

Deeply Held Personal Beliefs

Bruce Springsteen has a right to his deeply held beliefs.  He has a right to control his business and refuse to do business with those he disagrees with.  He exercised that right when he refused to serve ticket holders in Greensboro NC,  for a concert he agreed to perform on April 10th., 2016.  He cancelled the concert just days before he was to perform, and did so specifically because he disagreed with the beliefs of the people of North Carolina.  He has that right, and so should every business person.   He did so, even though he knew it would cause financial harm to those who had non-refundable hotel reservations and non-refundable airline tickets.  He did so, even though he knew he was causing financial harm to people who had no control over a decision he disagreed with.  Rock on Bruce!  You exercised your rights as a business person and we support your right! Sign this petition, and support the right of Bruce Springsteen and ALL Americans in their right to control their own business!!
ht/ menderman


36 Comments on Deeply Held Personal Beliefs

  1. That’s awesome…hang them by their own petard as it were…if Bruce can follow his “deeply held beliefs”, then so can the bakers, florists and B&B owners…if it’s good enough for the Boss, it’s good enough for everyone else…HA!

  2. My deeply held personal belief is Bruce Springsteen is a musical hack and a really bad singer. I’ve heard high school age bands write and perform better music.
    Even before this episode I would always turn off the radio any time one of his songs came on. Same with Neil Young.

  3. @Brian in BC – I agree wholeheartedly with your point: hoist¹ with their own petard, indeed! Of course, “logic” is something that is outside the abilities and knowledge of those most in need of having this point driven home (preferably right up their butts).

    1. The expression – using the word “hoist” – has become famous because of Shakespeare’s Hamlet III.iv: “For tis the sport to haue the enginer Hoist with his owne petar.” A petar or petard is a small bomb, and hoist in this context means blow up.

  4. I’m with Baddie. Springsteen does NOT have the right to break a contract, absent language that specifically allows him to cancel the show because of his “deeply held beliefs.”

    What about the venue? It’s facing a loss of revenue, plus added costs for refunding ticket prices. The venue may also have had contracts with secondary vendors such as food concessionaires for the event.

    It’s a big mess. I hope every party that can sues the living daylights out of Springsteen.

  5. Interesting that in none of the articles and comments dealing with BS’s last-minute cancellation is there any mention of contracts, penalty clauses, and damages. I hope he’s trying to make everybody whole but I’m inclined to think not.

  6. I’d like to hear from Bruce or any of the outraged! people, quoting the portion of the law they are protesting. Or are they just responding to a meme they saw, something reported with a bias perhaps that didn’t tell the story accurately?

  7. If I was the promoter, I’d sue the SOB for every penny he has and every penny he’ll ever make! If Bruce Bedspring (as an old Pittsburgh mayor once called him) has a daughter I wonder how he’d feel about pervs in the bathroom with her?

  8. Thanks Uncle Al, you educated me on the saying, ‘hoisted on his own petard’.

    I always thought it meant to be hoisted up by ones enemy by your own spear.

    The other interpretation I’d heard was that a petard is a fart, and one lets loose a huge ‘petard’, powerful to raise the person from a seated position.

  9. Glory (Hole) Days
    Born to Shun
    4th of July, Asbury Park (Pandy)
    57 States (and concerts not on)
    Born in the D.N.C.
    Freaks of Philadelphia

  10. If someone were to sue it ought to be each and every ticket holder in a class action suit. If they one they could bankrupt Springsteen. Imagine the poor fellow having to sell his NJ home that he pretends is some sort of farm that he collects a government agriculture subsidy. Fuck him.

  11. @Boehnerdict Ryan Arnold – Heh! A petard is indeed a fart. In French, the word for fart is “pet” and a great, big, stinky fart is a “petard”. That meaning came before the “bomb” meaning. Aren’t the changes in usage and language fun? (-:

  12. I’ll leave this here at the end. I grew up listening to Springsteen. His rebellious music does not match his political views. Born To Run, Down By The River, and I’m On Fire, are beyond classic. Fuck you Bruce for not having the balls to stand with the music you sang .

  13. Well said Brad.
    That asshole can pull these bullshit stunts but he can’t remove the actual American values from some of his songs.

    I hear them and take from them what is in MY heart.
    I never read anything about what he meant when he wrote them.
    The same goes for most artists.

    I will interpret things quite well on my own.

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