Hillary Confirms Trillion Dollar Tax Hike Plan – IOTW Report

Hillary Confirms Trillion Dollar Tax Hike Plan

Americans For Tax Reform-

$350 Billion Income Tax Increase for a “New College Compact”  Clinton has proposed a $350 billion income tax hike in the form of a 28 percent cap on itemized deductions.
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That’s only one way she gets there, but that’s a doozy. That’s a huge blow to the little guy, the sole proprietor.

ht/ fdr in hell

6 Comments on Hillary Confirms Trillion Dollar Tax Hike Plan

  1. Just wow. Make the CGTR the same as the income tax rate and she thinks this will grow the economy? Unfuckingreal.

    She says she knows this is a heavy lift. What a cunt, it’s crippling and all she’s doing is pandering to get votes.

    There’s only one person that I’m hearing addressing REDUCING the national debt. I have some issues with a few points in his tax plan like the bottom ~50% of wage earners aren’t gonna pay anything-I fucking hate that.

    RR said the closest thing we have here on earth to immortal life is a government program-at least he’s not conjuring up more.

    This POS really would pull the handle and flush us-she’s absolutely clueless.

  2. “the cost of [everything] will necessarily skyrocket…”

    Including college tuition, as the college suck up the new available cash by raising their prices.

    Had the government stayed out of the grant and loan business, the colleges would have had an incentive to manage costs, and keep it affordable without saddling students with education mortgages.

  3. “The price of everything will necessarily skyrocket……”

    What, it’s not skyrocketing already? Every payday it’s a big tap dance to get the bills paid on time. When I first moved to Yonkers 6-7 years ago, I could get a week’s worth of groceries for about $135. The have been weeks lately when that commodity has cost more than $200–and I’m not eating any differently. Produce has gone way up, in particular.

    I’m running around in underwear, sweaters, and a raincoat that are getting ratty. I simply can’t afford to buy new. A trip to the drugstore is easily in the triple digits, even with prescription insurance. The dry cleaner just raised the price for a woman’s sweater to $5.90. Both my credit cards have balances–but they didn’t get that way through shop-’til-you-drop mall excursions, vacations, and dining out. A review of the account statements indicate charges for things like groceries, dry cleaning, and haircuts.

    My salary has been stagnant since 2013. I’m almost 60, and I’m not living any better than I did when I was a student in the 1970s. This “everyday American” says she’s #NotReadyforHillary. I’m voting Republican this year.

    Embrace the suck, you clueless bitch.

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