Bathroom Door Signs That Offend – IOTW Report

Bathroom Door Signs That Offend

These were once humorous and were just common sense. Now they offend and do not reflect the new reality.



16 Comments on Bathroom Door Signs That Offend

  1. Funny, thanks.

    Good gravy, I remember when feminists got hysterical over bathrooms labeled “ladies”. The ladies signs had to come down and be replaced by “women”.

  2. Saw bathrooms at one NY ad agency with nothing but hardware pictures: a bolt on one door and a nut on the other door.

    You know, that creates a modern dilemma: it specifies that the choice of bathrooms is tied to the equipment being used, rather than gender labels. Hmmmmmm, that would be an interesting legal case!!!! “Hey, you in the dress, you can’t go into that room unless your bits look like what’s on the door.”

  3. There is a restaurant in Winnipeg which has a painting inside the Men’s room of a woman putting on make-up looking in the mirror…it gives you a total “did I go into the wrong door” moment when you first see it…now unfortunately, it looks like a preview of our reality.

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