The Theory That Trump Does Not Want the Presidency – IOTW Report

The Theory That Trump Does Not Want the Presidency


You don’t need to be some insane truther to believe that Trump’s entire campaign was a publicity stunt that has spiraled out of control.

One of his former strategists has said as much. That crummy ground game of his? Not only is it a sign of laziness (and Trump is very lazy),

If only Trump was energetic enough to write essays for GQ every few days.

but it’s also a clear signal that Trump never expected to get this far and probably didn’t want to. Trump is a ribbon cutter.

At buildings and complexes that he built.

He shows up for the Grand Opening, and then never returns. That’s his deal. He doesn’t do details.

Yes, then he’s off to another ribbon cutting. He builds buildings as often as you write essays.

Of course, Trump can’t drop out of the race now. He’s come too far and built up a visibly insane following that is, frankly, too loyal.

Too loyal. They should switch to the candidate you’re loyal too, those bastards.

He can’t quit without pissing those yahoos off.

Yahoos? That’s your word for millions of people in America that go to work, pay taxes, keep their noses clean, right?

What’s your word for Obama supporters that are the polar opposite?

I’ll let you finish your theory uninterrupted.

Do you know what they’ll DO to Trump if he quits? They’ll take his f!cking scalp.

But if Trump loses at the convention? Oh, that’s perfect. Not only does chickensh@t Trump get to slitherout of the race, but he can spend the rest of his life bitching that he was “robbed” of the nomination while secretly relishing his getaway. Trump is always droning on and on about winning, but his obsession is merely with LOOKING like he’s a success and not actually BEING one. Winning is a branding exercise for him. If the Republican party pries the nomination out of his stubby, cocktail-frank fingers, he can say that he technically “won,” and then slip out the Quicken Loans Arena fire escape in disgust, leaving a mob of angry voters and tattered party platforms behind him.

What would he care? All that matters is that HE looks good. Whatever comes of that—whatever terrible consequence comes at the price of keeping up appearances—it won’t matter because he’ll just go fuck off to a golf course for the rest of his life. All of the anger he’s ginned up over the course of his campaign would be directed at party elders, with no danger of it ever reflecting back onto Trump himself. He could turn on the TV at Mar-A-Lago and squeal with delight at the chaos he’s caused, knowing it won’t ever seriously blow back on him. He won’t have to attend any more rallies. He won’t have to endure the humiliation of losing the general election to Hillary Clinton. He would be the only person to walk away from the rubble relatively unharmed.

After that, he can alternate between wallowing in his eternal victimhood and boasting about his “victory” and an imaginary Trump presidency that doesn’t end with all of us dying in a five-way global thermonuclear hissy fit.

This is the best-case scenario for Trump. He doesn’t want to be President. But he doesn’t want to lose the Presidency. A contested convention allows him to avoid either outcome. It’s almost too perfect. In a way, it would be the only decent success story of his bullsh!t career. Watch this July as he lets it happen.

141 Comments on The Theory That Trump Does Not Want the Presidency

  1. “What would he care? All that matters is that HE looks good. Whatever comes of that—whatever terrible consequence comes at the price of keeping up appearances—it won’t matter because he’ll just go fuck off to a golf course for the rest of his life.”


  2. How *convenient* for the author that “he” * doesn’t include the scenario of Trump running Independent should the Convention “spin” out of control.

    He would have the motive.
    He HAS the means.
    He would have the opportunity.

    [FULL DISCLOSURE: I’m still cautiously optimistic theat Trump will reach 1,237]

    * (I’m being generous…the name and caricature don’t really compensate for the pussified attitude.)

  3. Obama sets the standard for lazy presidents. And incompetent.
    Hillary may not be as lazy Obama, but she will be as incompetent.
    A least I think Trump would not be incompetent.

  4. I posited at the beginning of his Presidential bid that Mr. Trump was “mercurial” and I stand by it. But to transmogrify “mercurial” into “vapid vanity” is a stretch that could only be made by someone who’s looking for a “different” angle in order to sell copy – and not a serious student of psychology – or politics, for that matter.

    I hope he sells a lot of copy … but WTF is GQ, anyway?

    Isn’t that the Metrofaggotal Flagship?

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I feel stupid not having seen this-of course it makes perfect sense to me now-Trump has been flying all over the country, spending millions of his own money(~$40M? so far) giving speeches to 10s of 1,000s of people every week because he’s been too successful at this.

    Are we really sharing half of our country with these things? Can you imagine where America would be if every conservative were gone?


  6. So Trump spends millions of dollars on his campaign, spends his time running for an office he doesn’t want, takes abuse from all sides, and he really doesn’t want to be President? Bullshit!

  7. So BFH, are you smacking your lips republishing this tripe?

    I love that the Trump supporters think I’m for Cruz, and the Cruz supporters think I’m for Trump.

    Perception is reality, I guess.

  8. Fur, why no funny stories about Cruz’s #1 spox, Beck, dubbing him “Moses” then? Or how’s about the one about Cruz thanking the good GOP machine insiders in CO for his “win”?

    I must have missed all those important “newsies” about Cruz that you posted.

  9. Fur, you need to create a graphic for select posts.

    If it favors Trump or shows Cruz in a negative light, you could be exiting the Trump closet.
    Visa-versa, you exiting a Cruz closet.

    That way you can come out of that particular closet you happen to be in at that particular time.

  10. TO Abigail Adams

    Just start posting such links in the Bullpen…that’s what I’ve been doing. Better than holding your breath. Beer’s on me this weekend.

  11. WTF’s wrong with drivel?

    I drivel a little … just wipe it off, and your good to go!

    Usually after I pee … sometimes when I fart …

    Man, one time, I was getting ready to skinny-dip in front of the girl SS guys – looking all studly and shit – and drivelled all over my towel!

  12. I endorsed Cruz?
    That’s news to me.

    I said I would press a button right here and now and install Cruz as our nominee if it would get people to stop saying I am in the tank for Trump.

    I am not anti-Cruz and I am not anti-Trump.

    I am anti-Left.

    My fear is that we will not get either Cruz or Trump.

    And I was very content with a Trump/Cruz ticket until the Cruz people went on a tirade and said that “Cruz shant share a ticket with the devil.”

    Trump is the worst muthereffer to ever run for president, dontchaknow.
    Worse than Hillary.

    So, if this is going to be the attitude, that Cruz people are willing to ratf*ck Trump so that he will never win if he’s the nominee, then they got me.

    I surrender. Let’s have Cruz if that’s the way it’s going to be.
    Because I’m not a retard.
    I don’t see Cruz and Trump being so far apart on issues that I can’t get what I want out of wither one of them, so why enter the Thunderdome and lose it all?

    If only Cruz people could see it my way.
    No chance. We have fanbois on both sides.

    If I get Trump, great.
    If I get Cruz, great.

  13. Sometimes, the decision to make no decision works for some, and confuses others…While we all still have Conservatism at heart, what scares me the most about Cruz is his wife…she is hell bent on turning the Americas into EU West….her position on her job with Goldman Sachs is to work the North American Union (NAU) into predominance. Is that really what is best for the USA, to have our monetary system, linked with Canada, Mexico? Canada is overrun with Socialism…Mexico is politically unstable, as always. Think about it.

  14. @Loco — Quit being a butthead. Always interesting to me how you go for the personal instead of rebutting the substance. So, what do you think of Kingmaker Beck telling people Cruz is Moses? And do you think it’s okay for state RNC’s to load the delegate slate with anti-Trump delegates? I watched it happen in my LD about a month ago and it made me sick. But, hey, sounds like you’re down with that sh*t.

    Cruz will not win a GE against Killery. Why do you think the RNC is encouraging both him and Kasich, especially Kasich, to keep going? Why are the PACs rearranging their money and support behind both of them? Why can’t Cruz seem to win delegates without gaming the system in caucus states? These are serious questions. Drivel? Is that your definition of it?

    Also, and this is important: Kasich is the GOP’s guy. All those so-called Cruz delegates chosen by the party faithful in their states? Their second ballot vote in Cleveland is going to Kasich or whomever the GOP decides. But first they have to get rid of Trump. Cruz and his followers are all smiles now with his by hook or by crook delegate hoarding, but that’s because he thinks they’ll stick with him. What a laugh. Everyone thinks the RNC only exists as a national umbrella organization when it’s the states’ party cronies who wield all the power. Everyone focuses on the GE national election and pay no attention at all to the states’ machinery.

  15. Abigail, doesn’t all of the incompetence that has been displayed by Trump regarding these arcane rules of delegates embarrass you?

    He hasn’t hired the best and brightest.
    He has hired thugs and morons.

    Hell, his own kids, whom I like, can’t even vote for him.

    Incompetence is not a “rigged system.”

  16. Forgot to add…

    All those bright-eyed Cruz delegates at the LD/CD level? Well, most states then have a further winnowing/selection at the county level and then again at the state convention. One doesn’t stay in their party machine for very long if they don’t go along with the program, if you know what I mean.

  17. Tell us, Loco, how well you know or knew your state’s delegate selection process? Most people/voters don’t. And this year it’s worse than ever because the GOP has been making rules changes on the fly — literally at sparsely attended, mid-week and Sunday night meetings at places they don’t usually hold their monthly meetings. What’s up with that, right? Who attends? The same dozen people who have been attending every meeting and writing every rule change for the past 28 years. I listened to one of our guys gloat over his nimble and clever contribution. I wanted to smash his face in. The D’s have got nothing on the R’s for making people believe in their benign agenda. The R’s do it by calling themselves Conservatives.

    Ivanka Trump explained why she and her brother would not be voting in NY’s primary (only the primary — it won’t affect the GE). NY has the longest waiting period for one to switch affiliation. She and her brother are Independents. In order for her to vote in the Primary, she would have had to switch a year ago — before her father announced. Most states’ rules are much less onerous for switching parties and some even allow you to switch on the day of the primary, at the polling place. It’s because of this situation that Ivanka Trump has been doing PSA’s for every state regarding registration and voting. At least she feels some obligation to help others in the way she needed help.

    Morons and thugs? This, Loco, is why I cannot stand Cruz.

  18. Abigail–thank you for your reasoned replies. Trump has spent his entire life in the private sector–which is a refreshing change from these public sector career lawyers that dominate politics. So what he isn’t well versed on the cheesy despicable delegate bullshit–think Ted Cruz knows a damn thing about any of the intricacies in running a diverse enormous corporation that employs tens of thousands? Think Ted Cruz has ever worried about anything other than enriching himself on the backs of the taxpayer at the same time denigrating the taxpayer who perhaps wants someone unlike the establishment politician? I am shocked and dismayed by some of the reactions by people I thought were logical and well reasoned. So many so unappreciative , so many spoiled pampered ingrates. Sometimes I think that people need to experience the pain and misery that is communism and islam to know what truly is.

  19. Abigail, Ivanka Trump had until late last October to change her status.
    Was October a year ago?
    Are you Mayan?
    Trump announced in June, therefore you lied:
    “In order for her to vote in the Primary, she would have had to switch a year ago — before her father announced.”

    See, you post inaccurate information and fools fall for it with statements like: “thank you for your reasoned replies.”
    As the ignorant seals trust your outright crap.

    It should say, “Abigail, thank you for your full of shit lies.”

    As for: “how well you know or knew your state’s delegate selection process?”
    Um, last I checked I WASN’T RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT!

    Next I suppose you will blast me for not getting the proper permits when I build my next golf course that I do not build.

  20. The rules were not put in place to stop Trump.
    Trump joined the game full aware of the rules.
    If he can no longer play by the rules, he should respectfully step aside.
    If you’re not ready for the big league don’t step up to bat and start crying that the pitcher is trying to brush you back and strike you out. That is his job.
    Be a man and let someone who is up to the job do it, or quit complaining and do your best with the rules everyone agreed to.

  21. “Incompetence is not a “rigged system.”

    A rigged system is when a bunch of assholes don’t listen to their electorate and get behind what ever candidate they favor, there by potentially prohibiting me from getting a chance to vote for my candidate even though I live in a different state. And yes you can say the rules were set up by the GOP, I’m pretty sure that chicken shit move wasn’t included. This is certainly not the GOP living up to the contract they signed with Trump.
    Don’t start crying when he goes third party. Blame it on the rules.

  22. By the way Steve House is now in hiding. Seems he’s really pissed some people off. Specifically some ex Special Forces guy that says he’s coming for him. Should be fun to watch.

  23. BB if someone sends a threatening email claiming to be special forces that person is either a 12 year old or an overweight liberal.
    Unlike you, I know people in special forces, and not only do they not operate that way, they aren’t stupid enough to create a paper trail.
    If one decided to go after you, it would just happen. Without warning.

  24. JohnS
    You don’t know Brad.
    I bet there are EX special forces guys in Colorado who risked their lives many times over in service to this country who are spitting nails right now because they believe they were disenfranchised.

  25. Jethro I don’t want to know Brad. I already know plenty of libs.
    There are special forces guys mad about a lot of things, but when they do an op they don’t give their target a heads up. What they do doesn’t involve giving the other party a ‘sporting chance’.
    Only villains in comic books do that.
    If you don’t believe me, ask one.

  26. Jethro,

    Exactly. The guy in question is all over Instagram and he’s made some pretty specific threats. He’s claiming he didn’t risk his life for this country to be disenfranchised by some self appointed ass hole. He might have a point. I bet the feds are looking for him as we speak.


    I have a SEAL acquaintance, a handful of Rangers, and I’m swimming in MARSOC guys. And I shoot with all of them. I’m sure they’re probably posers. Maybe you should stop buy and tell them.

  27. You think you are funny referring to Brad as a “lib”. You honestly don’t know anything about him but are ready to throw out those personal insults as soon as he puts up an argument against yours.
    It’s getting old. This place was much more fun before you showed up.

  28. “So Trump spends millions of dollars on his campaign, spends his time running for an office he doesn’t want, takes abuse from all sides, and he really doesn’t want to be President? Bullshit!”

    Depends on what one is secretly offered on the back end of “the deal” after his services are satisfactorily rendered.

    Hypothetically, of course.

  29. @Loco — You’re right about NY voter registration, my apologies for the bad info. When I heard her explain it last night, I obviously misunderstood. Nonetheless, her mistake doesn’t make her a moron. I’ve heard her speak many times and I don’t think anyone would call her a moron.

    Here is a link to the NY Board of Elections explaining registration. I consider myself an average person and some of the explanations are still difficult to understand:

    Nowhere do I see anything about anything about an October deadline. Could you please point it out to me? Seriously.

    Now then, having apologized to you and everyone else here, let’s address your unbelievably crappy tone. When someone makes a mistake it isn’t a lie, it’s a mistake. You’re trying to make a big something burger out of nothing. Calling people morons and liars because of an understandable mistake calls into question your rationality.

  30. Oh, and Loco, you ever did answer my question about Beck and about whether or not your good with the GOP’s delegate selection. I see you’re using the Rules for Radicals guidelines today. Attack, attack, attack!

    LOL! Conservative, my eye! Only when it suits you, right?

  31. Thank you Abigail, you fell for my trap hook, line, and sinker.

    You are so quick with the “liar” label when it comes to Ted Cruz, I knew,
    I ABSOLUTELY KNEW you would come back at me for calling you a liar when you were just misinformed.

    How does turnabout feel?

    Please cut and paste where I called Ivanka a moron.
    You cannot because I never have.

    Once again, you are spreading misinformation.

    Let us all stick with the facts.
    What good does unproven, unsubstantiated rumors do for those that frequent this site?

  32. @Loco — so now you’re saying because I “fell” for your asinine “trap” that Cruz isn’t a liar? That’s a good one. Oh, please stop. You’re killing me.

    It wasn’t a rumor, Mr. Concern Troll.

  33. The fact is, I hate the way “liar” is used these days when someone is wrong but not intentionally.

    It gained full fruition when George Bush was president.
    The left spouted it like Mount Vesuvius regardless of any intellectual fact.

    It sucks to see Trump and his truculent ilk using those same bullshit tactics against Ted Cruz.

  34. NY has a f-ed up deadline. I thought I sent in my change of reg TWO MONTHS ahead of the deadline a year+ back sos I could vote in the locals. (No one was running “conservative”) well three weeks later I get me a notice that I was TOO LATE. I double checked, but they still said I was too late. You cannot win. You have to do it at least NINE months out or they will tell you you are too late and you have NO recourse.

    Thank goodness I am all set for this primary.

  35. Brad, I will pass on buying the guy.
    Now, a lot of the stuff you post here is pure BS as you keep coming up on the left side of things, but I trust you when you claim to be an expert on Trumps pubes and if I ever need any info on dildo rights you are at the top of my list.
    Fact is that you brag way to much to be real. You almost never provide any specific information on subjects, but are quick to point out how bad ass and connected you are.

  36. Loco that is a good point.
    The left just tosses out the word ‘liar’.
    A rational person states the facts and trusts people to be able to reach the correct conclusion.
    The use of the word ‘liar’ is intended to stop the flow of information and rational thought. That is why the left employs it so often.

  37. Loco you have now crossed the line. You’ve been close to it before. Now you are just an ass. And you might consider drying out. I’m just a nobody on a blog. Can’t imagine what you must be like under the same roof. Shameful.

  38. JohnS, seriously, we should meet in person. It won’t last long. Just a brief good bye. Your an easy drive. You think I’m a fake, a phoney? You deserve to know the answer.

  39. Brad You are a funny guy!
    I tell you what, if you ever accidentally end up here in east Oakland and I happen to be around I will help you out of the situation you will undoubtedly find yourself in.
    The laugh makes it worthwhile.

  40. Fucking Cruzbots are out of control tonight. They must have seen the new FOX Poll that shows The Preacherman barely tied with Mr. Ohio. Trump almost double. You can’t be a cheating dick and get elected. Not with the Internet

  41. Choose:

    1. Trump never intended to win. He’s been a plant for the establishment uniparty from the start (i.e., he’s a traitor).

    2. Trump never *expected* to win. This has all been an ego rush, a vanity project that’s turned into a pleasant surprise for going as well as it has. But Trump never had a clue what to do if it actually began to succeed and likely doesn’t give a damn if he loses (i.e., he’s a fraud).

    3. Trump DOES want to win and believes he MIGHT win simply by tapping into the alienation and rage of people who feel completely screwed, but he never thought further than that. So his team is woefully unprepared/uninterested in the necessary technical aspects required for a run (i.e., he’s sincere but lethally incompetent, as is pretty much everyone he has running his campaign).

    Any of these scenarios reasonably fits the present facts. I’m mildly curious which option Trump supporters would choose but I don’t expect an honest answer.

  42. JohnS, typical cowardly bull shit from an ass hole. You’ve tried to make this personal with me for a while now. Be careful what you wish for. I’ll fly that little fucking dog out to back you up. That’ll probably slow me down a couple seconds. You should watch your fucking mouth.

  43. Holy Crap!
    Bradly is threatening me!
    I am shaking in my boots!
    Oh shit, just how did a coward like me fuck up so badly?
    You are a riot Brad!
    Everybody knows the barking dog don’t bite.
    I will still help you out if I see you in a rough spot around here.
    A promise is a promise.
    Really Brad. Surely you have something else to offer other than bragging or puffing yourself up?
    Dig deep, there has to be something there.

  44. Grool, stuff it. Trump will win because the pompass ass part of the party and their hanger’s on are a bunch washed up and useless condenscending dishonest blowhards. Cruz never intended to win. He just wanted to be kissed up to by you wannabes who live to feel superior based on losing with conviction. Boring!!!

    Honest enough for ya?

  45. No threats pussies. Clearly that was an invitation to meet and get acquainted. I got one cock sucker baiting for the last couple weeks and a nother cowardly posting shit under “Sad Brad”. Take a good look folks. These two idiots are the heart of the Cruz campaign. And Loco, your mid evil wouldn’t even get to mid you drunk.

  46. Brad I am a frail 61 year old man and obviously no match for a warrior like you. I hope you are not tatted up, that is real scary and I would not want to have to face anything like that.
    I tell you what. Obviously this is important to you.
    Come down here and beat up a wino, I will provide cover so the locals stay away from you, and you will have a win.
    How about that? Deal?

  47. Aggie, no, Trump will win because people want jobs again. And even the poorly educated are smart enough to know that’s what Trump does. I’m out, and extremely disappointed here tonight.

  48. I can barely believe all the crap I’m seeing here (and other sites, AT et cetera) and all the infighting. I can see why Fur Hat is so concerned about it now; if this is how deep and bitter the rift between Cruz and Trump supporters is then we’ll never beat the Left in November. I support Trump and have deep skepticism regarding many aspects of Cruz, but I’d never let it anger me to the point of hating a Cruz supporter.

    As far as I can see, this is it for right wing unity and I wonder how long it will take to repair it.

  49. Just offering you a way out

    I guess you’re an amateur bad ass. Gee thanks for the way out. You should watch you’re mouth. I don’t imagine you insult people so freely in person. And I’m sure there’s a reason for that. Key board tough guy.

  50. BB said: “Take a good look folks. These two idiots are the heart of the Cruz campaign.”

    Yup. After this election cycle, I won’t be hanging around IOTWr anymore. And no, I’m not fishing.

    It’s plain:

    Cruzbots believe:

    1. That anarchists suppressing lawful assembly and freedom of speech, as they did in Chicago, Arizona, and other Trump rallies, is okay — so long as it reflects badly on the Trump campaign and boosts Ted Cruz. Because Ted Cruz thinks it’s okay, too.

    2. That the GOP-run caucuses are meant to be gamed in order to screw the fundamental and conservative American principle of one person:one vote. Because Ted Cruz thinks he is “winning” this way.

    3. Politics is a blood sport in which the best liar — the one who can get away with it — deserves to win. Because Ted Cruz demonstrates that on a daily basis, beginning with telling everyone he’s a committed Christian and a D.C. outsider. Cruzbots are okay with anything that Ted Cruz is okay with, including lies, distortions, hiding his personal information (sealed records), and blatant sophistry — to name only a few. Ted Cruz is a fraud.

    4. That a dishonest media that attacks Donald Trump and diminishes him and his family is good if it helps Ted Cruz. Ted Cruz agrees with this and has fueled some of their dishonest Trump reporting, most recently the Michelle Fields hoax.

    For these reasons I can only conclude that Cruzbots are in agreement with the GOP establishment they say they hate. They want to elect Ted Cruz who is in agreement with the GOP establishment, including all the special interests, Wall Street, K Street and cronies that make up the GOP and those who make their fortunes off the backs of American taxpayers. Ted Cruz is first and foremost a politician. He belongs to the Republican party. He’s not an outsider. If Trump is denied the party’s nomination through a combination of of delegate theft, media and super PAC smears/lies and other “blood sport” dirty dealing, Cruz will be handsomely repaid, but not with the nomination.

  51. Hmm, Abigail was proven to be a liar on this very thread tonight, yet wants to toss out the ‘liar’ canard with zero, zip, nada, evidence about Ted Cruz.

    Hey honey, why wait for the election cycle to end?
    Take your fat caboose back to your fantasy station directly.
    Your outright lies and vile propaganda have spoiled this site long enough.

  52. Abigail,

    I will vote for Trump if he’s it, even though I do not trust his motives or his competence. Between Clinton and him, I have no choice. There IS no choice.

    Would you vote for Cruz if he’s it?

  53. That’s twice a very simple question has gone unanswered. I wonder why. I guess the answer has to be…

    NeverTrump → Clinton as POTUS = bad

    NeverCruz → Clinton as POTUS = not bad

  54. Colorado is a state full of mostly stoners, wannabe tree huggers, and leftists. There are areas spattered with conservatives. It ain’t the 34 delegates, its the way it was handled.

    The GOP can’t have an outsider win, that would disrupt the gravy train they are riding. I doubt they even care about Cruz. I’m guessing they figure he wouldn’t have a real chance against Hitlery due to the decline of society now-a-days, no cross over votes, and if they can get enough of the GOP to hate him and stay home.Heck, Hitlery is a good enough train operator for those bastards.

    Eduardo ‘Ted’ Cruz has “old family” skeletons no one seems to know about? His dad’s first job, where and for who he worked nor why they moved to Canada. It may all be blitzed across the lefty news if he closes in and gets the nomination. If he is nominated I will vote for him.

    Trump is feared, not just by leftists, but by “conservatives” (can’t name ten) due to what they have been told to think by their masters. Cruz, seemingly alone, stood up to those GOP cronies before and may again once president. Who knows?

    The GOP has been pissing on our republican backs for well over twenty years. The GOP’s groomed team guys have ran for president since Ronald Reagan, some almost good others sort of sucked. None were conservative.

    If you don’t think the country is on the edge of the cliff because of that same old bull shit coupled with the current “worst in history” look at “Bernie the socialist” numbers. WTF!?!

    Call me names, think I’m an old conspiracy crazy, I don’t give a damn if you think I’m stupid or what not, it doesn’t matter to me. America does matter, you know, “that shinning beacon of liberty”. It could very well be over in my lifetime and I don’t want to witness the end of the only hope this world has.

    Two cents more: Trump is the first in a long while to give me hope, the hope of finally breaking the chain of events laid out years before most gave a second thought to what was happening in government. Guarded hope, but it is hope.

    I’m just an old retired Army guy that is really tired of the same old shit and I’m afraid I feel most of y’all don’t know half of what you speak. I know that won’t sit well with most of you but there it is …

  55. grool, I’m hoping you’re not part of the militant FTP branch of the Cruz supporters. Here’s how I think most Trump people view this contest. If Cruz were in the lead right now those clowns in Colorado would have been all #NeverCruz. They hate them both. Seriously, review what that bitch Lindsey Graham has said about Cruz, and then the rat bastard endorses him. Lots of game being played. So yea I’ll vote Cruz if he’s the guy. But that won’t happen. Mr. Pinko wrote once “We need to elect Trump so a guy like Cruz can get elected”. He was right on the money. We need to burn the GOP down and make it ours. I like an honest debate and am a bit embarrassed about the above exchange but one can only get insulted so much.

  56. At the very least we have received some fantastic news tonight.
    Abigail Jazera will be folding her tent this Fall.
    Perhaps she will take the Adams Enquirer with her?

    Good riddance to the lies and propaganda.
    Yes, I am serious now. Enough of the flat outright bullshit.
    Fabricated claims grow so tiresome, so bu-bye…

  57. Brad,

    Agree with you about burning it down but disagree on one thing: there is no GOP. It’s the Uniparty now…has been for awhile. They’re getting to the point of not bothering to hide it anymore. That’s why, even though I’ll vote for Trump if he’s it, I’m 100% convinced that Clinton already has it in the bag. For establishment Republicans (GOP), she is the best possible scenario: they get continued employment as the dedicated but useless opposition who pretend to agree with and represent us, but don’t, while the nation continues to rot. Paul Ryan, just one example.

    Also, I’m not sure what the FTP Cruz branch is but I don’t think I’m one of them. I have concerns about Cruz. I have more concerns about Trump.

    But no matter what we hear, they’re not completely known quantities…they may yet surprise us (in a good way). Or they may screw us over. People can BELIEVE what they want but no one KNOWS for sure.

    But Clinton is a KNOWN quantity — the worst possible end (and no real difference between her and Sanders).

    We’ll see what’s what soon enough. Gotta turn in, have a good night.

  58. “Hey honey, why wait for the election cycle to end?
    Take your fat caboose back to your fantasy station directly.
    Your outright lies and vile propaganda have spoiled this site long enough”

    Loco if you have any manhood left you should apologize for that comment. That’s way over the line.

  59. grool, agreed about the Uni party. They’re lining their pockets while the rest of us go broke. FTP, Fuck Trump People. Some of us need to start coming together on this. What should we call our selves? Back to the GOP, if we can stop them now, we can reclaim that ground, our party. There’s only one clear path to achieve that. In a perfect world we could get Trump and Cruz working together

  60. Loco you had best watch how you are talking to AA. You are a loud mouth little prick. Not once has she stooped down to your level of name calling. And you still have not answered her questions. I too have had enough and will be leaving after the vote in November. It really is to bad.

  61. Brad, seriously, explain how that is over the line?

    Abigail said: “After this election cycle, I won’t be hanging around IOTWr anymore.”

    Yes, I pretty much said “don’t let the door hit you in the ass.”
    I meant it 100%

    All the tiresome vitriol directed at Ted Cruz.
    All of those long-winded manifestos backed up with absolutely no proof.
    All of those links to crank websites.
    All of this “liar, liar” crap that she can’t back up with facts.

    Good God!
    I for one am tired of it.

    If she wants to leave…LEAVE!

  62. Brad, please go back and read all of your comments on this thread that include insults and threats of physical violence and death.
    Then get back to me about crossing the line.

    I think I have finally discovered the Trump link.
    None of them have a smidgen of self-awareness!

  63. “Hey honey, why wait for the election cycle to end?
    Take your fat caboose back to your fantasy station directly.
    Your outright lies and vile propaganda have spoiled this site long enough”


    How do you know she’s got a fat caboose? Honey? Wow dude.

  64. Abigail, please link me to any post you have on iotw that doesn’t include you denigrating Ted Cruz.
    Me, I comment on everything.
    You are a one-trick pony.
    Prove me wrong?
    You blasted BFH on this site earlier, you have nothing but hate in your heart.
    It is so very tiresome.

  65. The two loud mouth tuff guys that like to moch and belittle everyone else now seek help and protection. Amazing. Not surprising, but amazing. Good night Mr. Mid Evil.

  66. “The two loud mouth tuff guys that like to moch and belittle everyone else now seek help and protection. Amazing. Not surprising, but amazing. Good night Mr. Mid Evil.”


    I hope my browser doesn’t explode pasting this nonsense…

  67. Grool- good morning.

    Cruzers are so often wrong and love to broadcast it. I went to bed, it was late here on the east coast 🙂

    Yeah, I’ll hold my nose and vote Cruz and watch as Hillary wins in your hypothetical. I dont think we will get the chance though

    Will you vote for the GOP candidate we end up with in a brokered convention?

  68. ABC. Anyone But Clinton.

    Saying that knowing it’ll be a wasted, futile gesture since people like me were falsely broad brushed as staying home on Romney. We’ll be accused again whether it’s Trump or Cruz who loses to her. But I must vote.

  69. You avoided my question. Why?

    I wont vote for Kasich or a GOP pick, I will sit it out and let the low turnout speak for itself.

    Cruz will lose to Clinton, I feel certain. Trump is the only chance to defeat her.

  70. Sorry I missed the rest of the fun.
    Those of us with a business to run don’t have the luxury of staying up till 2AM posting on the internet.
    I guess in the machine shop/firearms manufacture business the owner can roll in at 11AM with a hangover.

  71. @BFH you posted:

    I hope that Ted Cruz wins the primaries. I hope he sweeps the rest of the remaining states.
    Read more:

    I understand some here will think I am being disrepectful and should leave the site, so be it. But there is no confusion on the part of those who remember this post and others where you mentioned you will vote and campaign for Cruz.

    You have every right to so why deny it?

  72. Aggie Those who have been following this for a while know that BFH has come out solidly for Trump also.
    Like a lot of people, he stirs things up once in a while.
    It flushes out the partisan robots.

  73. Aggie, I answered your Q. I’ll vote for whoever is up against Clinton. Under no circumstance will I not vote.

    But you just said you’d stay home if you don’t get your way.

    Difference between us is, I’m hoping against reality that Clinton may be able to be beaten, so I’m willing to vote for any R in the hopes that may happen.

    The fact that you’re willing to stay home indicates you’re potentially happy with a Clinton presidency and, under the right circumstances, will help make it happen by staying home.

    Everything that you’ve screamed for months is wrong with Cruz supporters, you just confessed is actually wrong with you. You are what’s wrong with us.

  74. Grool, poppycock!

    You hedged by indicating it will be Cruz or Trump and not “other”

    I said if the GOP picks the nominee I will not participate, yes. Cruz is trying for the brokered convention, he cant win any other way. He is most likely being played the fool, Kasich Boehner Rove Ryan Romney etc have all indicated Cruz is out. The fix is in for a Hillary victory. Just like in CO, your vote means nothing in that case. No shows can be a louder voice than lock step lemmings

    By all means, keep telling yourself you’re the superior brain backing the spoiler. Oh and trust me, what I see wrong with Cruz supporters recently, such as yourself, is profound dishonesty and bizarre hostility.

    I switched to Trump when it became clear Cruz can’t win without a brokered convention (which btw Cruz said a brokered conventon woul be illegitimate and wrong … if deal-maker and lobbyists try to parachute in and undermine the will of the people 3/2016) – where I think he will never win against Hillary if he does become the nominee

    I also never once believed Cruz was in it to win it, even though I backed him at first. He has also been proven to be absolutely no better a candidate or person than Trump imo. I hold neither one of them to the creepy adoration some do Cruz.

    JohnS, thanks, I understand that. But the quote and link are his endorsement thread.

  75. Giggle, killing us all? Who knew it’s little me – and not the GOPe thru Cruz – likely snatching defeat from the jaws of victory?

    Now where did I land that invisible plane???

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