Sanders to release tax returns Friday; Clinton refuses to release Wall Street speeches – IOTW Report

Sanders to release tax returns Friday; Clinton refuses to release Wall Street speeches

HT/ All Too Much

Washington Times

Sen. Bernard Sanders will release his 2014 tax returns on Friday, but his presidential primary rival Hillary Clinton still refuses to make public transcripts of high-priced speeches she gave to Goldman Sachs.

Instead, Mrs. Clinton said at Thursday night’s Democratic presidential debate that she’ll release her private speech transcripts as soon as Republicans such as Donald Trump do the same.

6 Comments on Sanders to release tax returns Friday; Clinton refuses to release Wall Street speeches

  1. “hillary clinton still refuses to make public transcripts of high-priced speeches she gave to Goldman Sachs.”

    then says this to Bernie:

    “She followed up by attacking Sanders’ claims that her acceptance of money from big banks harms her judgement, calling such allegations “phony.”
    “asked to name an instance when Clinton’s acceptance of money from Wall Street affected her decision making,”

    such theatre.

    clinton really thinks we are all “grubers”.

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