Barbara Boxer At Her Sniping Combative Best Arguing With Priest Over Global Warming – IOTW Report

Barbara Boxer At Her Sniping Combative Best Arguing With Priest Over Global Warming

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canada free press

ht/ js

17 Comments on Barbara Boxer At Her Sniping Combative Best Arguing With Priest Over Global Warming

  1. Thanks for posting this. Rather than vilify Boxer, I’d like to call attention to Fr. Sirico’s excellent statement about funding and free inquiry and free enterprise. Really fine statements.

  2. Yikes! Every time I hear her speak, I am reminded anew of Michael Savage’s observation that in a just world, SENATOR Boxer would be selling girdles at J.C. Penny’s.

  3. Deranged doesn’t even BEGIN to describe this bint! Holy crap! When was the last time she had a full top-to-bottom medical examine: physical including blood toxins, mental, psychiatric, physiological, check for Alzheimer brain plaques, radioactive, etc.???

  4. I was at the range one day with this guy:

    There were a couple females who were about as obnoxious as this Boxer bitch. Bob walked up to them and looked one right in the eyes and then turned and looked the other right in the eyes and then he took a step back so he could look at both at the same time and he said – Pussy Snatch!

    I thought both were going to lose their mind.

    On the way home I asked him what he meant by Pussy Snatch and he said I don’t know it was all I could think of and I knew it was going to send them into orbit.

    It did too. I would give a month’s pay to see anyone do the same thing to this old bag

  5. She is just one of many insufferable cunts in government.

    She used the same condescending tripe toward Mr. Harry Alford, Chrman. of the Black Chamber of Commerce. He called it racist.

    She asked General Walsh to please call her Senator, not ma’am.

    Carly Farina was right, Boxer is worthless and has been for 28 years.

    Carly lost to her, which doesn’t say much for her constituents in LA. She’s right up there with Pelosi, Waters, Jackson Lee: Fucking retards.

  6. Hey Boxer…you hag. I dare you to win election in a state that isn’t just a bunch of fruit cakes and queers. Quit pretending you matter, are doing something for the good of the American people, and for hell’s sake STOP BREATHING!!!

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