Only the Rich Shall Have Guns – IOTW Report

Only the Rich Shall Have Guns

“The Second Amendment makes it difficult to legally ban guns, but Hillary has led the way to explaining you can achieve the same thing with high taxes.”


$1,000 per gun tax in U.S. territory follows Seattle’s $25 gun tax, Cook County (Ill.) gun tax, and Hillary Clinton endorsement of a 25% national retail gun sales tax

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Northern Marianas Islands this week enacted a $1,000 per gun tax. As reported by

On March 28, Chief Judge Ramona Villagomez Manglona, of the U.S. District Court for the Northern Mariana Islands, ruled the U.S. territory’s 40-year-old total ban on handguns was unconstitutional, saying “because the people of the Commonwealth are part of the American people who have overwhelmingly chosen handguns as their principal means of self-defense, the Second Amendment protects that right here as well.”

In a reply to the court order barring enforcement, the Commonwealth Senate passed a strict gun control bill earlier this month to which the House added a $1,000 per pistol excise tax, which the Senate approved unanimously on April 7, sending the bill to Gov. Ralph DLG Torres which he signed into law Monday.

The $1,000 gun tax follows Seattle’s 2016 imposition of a $25 per gun tax (and a two to five cent tax on bullets) the Cook County, Ill. gun tax, and Hillary Clinton’s endorsement of a new national 25% retail sales tax on guns.

“The Left is now seeking to tax guns out of existence,” said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform. “The Second Amendment makes it difficult to legally ban guns, but Hillary has led the way to explaining you can achieve the same thing with high taxes.”

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ht/ fdr in hell

11 Comments on Only the Rich Shall Have Guns

  1. First you have to have “permission” to exercise a right, now you have to pay a tax?

    Can we spell T*R*E*A*S*O*N?

    And, yes, willfully violating the letter and intent of the Constitution, and denying their sovereign his rights expressed in that Constitution, is TREASON.

    Most foul.

    How long will we Americans abide this?

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Poll taxes are unconstitutional because taxing a constitutional right infringes it. If we weren’t living in a post-rule-of-law nation the same would apply to other enumerated rights. Is it torch and pitchfork time yet?

  3. As a matter of principle, any elected official who tries this crap is violating his oath of office to defend the constitution. By any reasonable standard, this is at the very least an impeachable action. It is a major failure of the U.S. Constitution that it does not spell out any penalty for violating an oath of office save for the general process of impeachment – which is now been rendered politically incorrect by the incumbent despots.

    As a matter of practicality, all my future firearms dealings will be private. I will not comply with any laws mandating any paperwork of any kind, especially not background checks, nor will I pay one damned cent to exercise my natural, civil, and constitutionally guaranteed right to self defense with a gun or any other personal weapon.

  4. Maybe there should be a tax on treason, extortion, bribery, conspiracy, hypocrisy, infidelity, lying under oath, influence peddling, political lies, voter fraud, enemy’s lists, political executions, tax evasion, off shore accounts, theft of Government property, crony capitalism, fraud, domestic violence, and not driving for 20 years. That otta take care of the Clinton Charitable Trust for awhile.

  5. I’d much rather see a 99.99% tax, on income derived from giving “speeches,” in excess of $250,000 per year.

    I’d call it the Treasonous Corporate Whore Bribery Abatement Act.

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