Day of Silence For Day of Indoctrination – IOTW Report

Day of Silence For Day of Indoctrination

Today isn’t just for paying taxes, The Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) declared it a “Day of Silence.”


According to their website it is “a student-led national event that brings attention to anti-LGBT… name-calling, bullying and harassment in schools.” 

 A number of schools appear to have joined the campaign and are using the day to raise awareness on their campus’ of the LGBT movement.


 But religious leaders and parents are questioning all the other LGBT wish list items that are being dovetailed in with the anti-bullying message and are either pulling their kids from participating schools or holding a “Day of Dialogue” to counter the LGBT message of compliance with their agenda.

15 Comments on Day of Silence For Day of Indoctrination

  1. It’s always about THEM.

    Don’t these little self-absorbed, drama-queen snowflakes get that there has always been bullying in schools, and it isn’t always about sexual stuff?

    From third through seventh grades, I was bullied, picked on, and made fun of relentlessly. I was the smartest, tallest kid in my class, a poor WASP in a rich Jewish town. I also took a lot of heat for my mother, who wasn’t your typical suburban soccer mom.

    These people disgust me with their gender-identity politics.

  2. “a student-led national event that brings attention to anti-LGBT… name-calling, bullying and harassment in schools.”

    Good thing they scheduled it on a Saturday! LOL

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