Time To Play Dude or Not a Dude – IOTW Report

Time To Play Dude or Not a Dude

It’s tough with Asians, I understand.

But try your best. Answers here.dudeornot

15 Comments on Time To Play Dude or Not a Dude

  1. Being a 67-year-old happily and faithfully married man, I will gladly say that all of those people are very good looking and I will never ever get close enough to any of them that whether they’re boys or girls will make any practical difference.

    As long as we don’t find ourselves in the same rest room.

  2. @ NOT Anice Porker

    “Other people who witnessed the shooting said some of the attackers were transgender, and they thought the group targeted Thompson out of jealousy.”

    And ‘her’ mother still calls him a he. Taking bets on how many in the lgbtqwerty crowd gets the vapors over that bit, right after they smooth over the rough edges that it was a number of their own that had a hand in it.


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