Couple May Go To Jail For Overdue Dr. Seuss Library Book – IOTW Report

Couple May Go To Jail For Overdue Dr. Seuss Library Book


The Durens say they received a letter in December advising them to pay the fees and return the books or pay the replacement costs if they could not find them.

If they didn’t pay up they could be charged and taken to court, the letter warned. Cathy and Melvin were able to find the The Rome Prophecy – a thriller by Sam Christer – and return it.  After failing to find the Dr. Seuss book, Cathy Duren sent a $55 money order to the prosecutor’s office to cover the late fees and replacement costs for the lost book.


15 Comments on Couple May Go To Jail For Overdue Dr. Seuss Library Book

  1. Ah, the ol’ court costs scam. There was no need for the library to involve the court system. The people with the overdue books evidently didn’t need any more prompting than the letter notifying them of the problem and the cost to make it up, which they paid. Whacking them with another $210 is just another petty govt way to squeeze a few more bucks out of their subjects just because they can get away with it.

  2. Wow! Good job the authorities are serving arrest warrants on these two and not for petty crimes like border jumping, rape, fraud, comforting the enemy and shit like that.

    And what the hell is a diversion fee? Apart from another way to get revenued, of course.

  3. If it was on the other side of 5 pm,
    I could write a parody verse,
    Penned in the style of Seuss,
    Or maybe much worse!

    But since it’s before dawn,
    Writing verse is not to be.
    Instead, I just sit and yawn.
    Oh no! I’ve got to go pee!

  4. There is something seriously wrong with the so-called justice system in this country today. Years go I was taught by my parents to respect the police and the laws. By and large I still respect most of the police but when, in Texas, they send a swat team in at dawn to arrest a grandmother for a white collar crime as was reported last year I have to wonder. Now an extra $210 fine for over due library books is beyond ludicrous. The judge, supposedly the thinking person in this travesty, should have dismissed this stupidity immediately with prejudice.

  5. Corrected headline
    “Couple faces jail for stealing library books”
    They took the books, ignored requests that the books either be returned or paid for.
    What is the library to do? Just ignore theft?
    The library did what anyone who has been a victim of theft would do, turn it over to the courts.
    When someone steals from you, then when confronted over it they give you the FU, compassion is in order?
    Also, why do I suspect that this massively overweight pair is already growing fat on our dime?

  6. Brooke, as they refused to pay for or replace the books when asked, what difference does their ignition intention make.
    If they initially intended to return the books, and later decided to keep them, that becomes a distinction with out a difference.

  7. At least the Library’s are one part of gov’t that doesn’t shirk their responsibilities. Borrow something and not return it, you owe for it. Al Sharpton owes how much in back taxes?

  8. I bet u everyone that had overdue books from that Library quickly found or replaced theirs in a heartbeat. They must have an overflow of books now & a chunk of late fees paid their sitting on. Hmm

  9. Haha yes I agree the library doesn’t mess around with their dr.suess books so watch out kids u better be careful what u checkout don’t wanna do time if your book is missing u will end up like these 2 “scandalous crooks” so that’ll teach ya. i am still thinking the library is a little TOO strict going to the law. So Glad our tax dollars are being spent wisely wow meanwhile real shit is goin on under their nose but they are too busy worrying about these dr. Suess crooks at large. ?Thanks to the library and our government for being money hungry.

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