Islamic Scholar Has the Explanation For Muhammad’s Child Rape – IOTW Report

Islamic Scholar Has the Explanation For Muhammad’s Child Rape

The hot weather ripened her.

We better solve that pesky global warming problem before letting in any rapefugees.



12 Comments on Islamic Scholar Has the Explanation For Muhammad’s Child Rape

  1. I want this ideology given the same treatment Curtis LeMay dealt out in the mids 1940’s. We are too P.C. so not only will that day never come but this kind of darkness will continue to spread around the world until the lights of Western Civ go out forever.

  2. Why are muslim clerics blind….this cretin is blind….what the hell would he know about a beautiful, mature women?….ah, all he can catch is little girls…

  3. His other motto was “Old enough to pee, old enough for me.”

    That guys eyes are really fucked up. Could it be inbreeding?
    Or is he the younger sister of the blind sheik from Jersey City?

    Really weird to watch.

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