The Progressive Olympics – IOTW Report

The Progressive Olympics

What would be the Olympics in a progressive world?

Synchronized Dutch Ruddering


Hop, Skip and Sashay

Naked Leap Frog

Race For Safe Space

BN-NO411_SHOOTI_J_20160414183027-1WSJ-  Kim Rhode is hoping to win an Olympic medal in Rio this summer, as she did at each of the preceding five Summer Games.

At the London Games, which started days after a mass shooting at a movie theater in Colorado, Rhode and other Team USA shooters received anonymous online death threats, requiring additional security.

“Our sport has an unfortunate stigma attached to it,” says Rhode, a 36-year-old Southern Californian. Following December’s deadly shooting rampage in nearby San Bernardino, the media sought out comment from Rhode, who expressed sorrow for the victims and support for gun rights. Why should that crime have placed her in the spotlight? she asks: “You don’t hear them asking Nascar drivers to comment on crimes involving cars.”


The left is asinine.

It’s funny that Rhode uses Nascar as her example because the left wants that sport ended as well.





39 Comments on The Progressive Olympics

  1. There would be no Olympics, because Able-ism!
    But if there were, everyone would win the Gold Medal! But it wouldn’t be real gold, it would be a bottle of urine with a cross inside.

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