Reposting This Image Cost Someone A Job – IOTW Report

Reposting This Image Cost Someone A Job

On Monday, a well-known sports figure and broadcaster reposted this image and immediately found himself at the center of a fecal storm.


Last night he lost his analyst job. Who was it?

“ESPN is an inclusive company,” said the network in a statement on Wednesday. “Curt Schilling has been advised that his conduct was unacceptable and his employment with ESPN has been terminated.


I expect Mr. Schilling’s social media to become very interesting now that he’s been set free.

From Mr. Schilling’s Twitter account


21 Comments on Reposting This Image Cost Someone A Job

  1. ESPN clearly has the right to hire and fire whom they want for whatever reasons they may have.

    And I clearly have the right to regard ESPN management as a cowardly gaggle of deviant-pandering lily-livered jerks whose products I will rarely watch again.

  2. So it’s not that we don’t have free speech in this country, the reality is that we have a pack of feral wolves who endlessly hound anything that means anything to those whose speech is unapproved. The government can just sit back and let its useful tools make us into a de facto Soviet state where people lose jobs, sponsors, club memberships and the like when they express an opinion not approved by the privileged class.

    The government is, however, working for the next steps to come to fruition: the ability to deny those with unwanted opinions an education or jobs in the first place. I’m just surprised there isn’t already a Progressive Party one has to join in order to prove their loyalty to The Cause.

    It sounds bad, comrades, indeed it does, but the ones I feel sorry for, really, in the long run, are those progressives who survive the coming rebellion and its aftermath, when they are going to have to justify what they’ve done to this country and its real citizens.

  3. TO Menderman

    Compared to
    eliminating Common Core
    eliminating ObamaCare
    stopping the Trans Pacific Trade Deal and
    Building a Mexico border wall

    do you think this is more important?

    (if YOU’RE gonna bring the GOP primaries into it, so will I)

  4. Ah, Disney strikes again. I keep telling people that if you want to truly send a message to them cancel any vacation trips to Disney resorts and make sure you tell the agent why, don’t go to Disney movies even if your little one is screaming (hell, it’s probably a good life lesson for the little tyke anyway) and don’t buy Disney merchandise. If even a fraction of conservatives in the US (and Canada for that matter) did this it would do more to get them to take notice then a million emails or calls.

  5. People working for large media organizations know they shouldn’t be using social media for personal things in the first place.
    The employment contracts are very clear about this.

  6. @czar, I would argue that if we drop all morals and understanding of a higher power then all the walls and TPT and …. won’t matter for a hill of beans. Here is a quote for y’all to chew on for awhile

    We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” – John Adams:

    Take morals away and the best you can hope for is a kindly King!!

  7. God never will though, because of Jesus. A lot of the old testament punishments are null and void, so to ask for such a thing is to forgo the forgiveness of Christ. It’s a bitter pill to swallow sometimes, but Jesus is for everyone, unless they literally reject him outright.

    That said, I hope Mr Shilling gets a way better job in the future, soon, maybe not this decade, but soon… people are gonna realize how absolutely insane and nutty this is, I’m sure of it.

  8. Czar, my state is the target of this issue right now, and the federal government is threatening to withhold $billions from us because we don’t let dudes in the girls showers, so yes, it is as important as those other issues. Trump is dead wrong on the issue and should be called out for it. Plus, I favor Ted’s positions on every issue you presented.

  9. Matthew 10:34

    “Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.”

    Forgiveness isn’t automatic. It follows repentance and faith.

  10. #NeverGOPInc
    April 21, 2016 at 7:25 pm

    It’s OVER for Ted Cruz



    He’s in 3rd place Nationally


    He could NEVER beat HRC


    Time to Unite behind Trump

    Heh! Now wait a minute. Lyin Teddy Swaggert Cruz says he’s the only one that can beat Hillary. He claims he’s got more votes than Donald, has won more states than Donald, and only he is qualified to be President, and he’s in third place. I think Jimmy Swaggert can do the math better than Teddy.

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