She is a tour guide on the public dime and giving out factually inaccurate information to tourists about the constitution and the founding fathers.
The name of the ranger is Holly Holst (Thank you Uncle Al)
PJ Media –
“the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were the product of “class elites who were just out to protect their privileged status.”
“the Founders knew that when they left this room, what they had written wouldn’t matter very much.” Hogan told the group that the “most important part of the Constitution written at Independence Hall was the ability to change it.”
Hogan also inaccurately told the tour group that “King George III paid more attention to Parliament” than the colonists “because they were right there and could remove him from office.” Parliament did not possess the power to remove the king from office in the 1770s, and does not possess that power today.
Yes most were educated land owners but they risked it all to break from the Crown. She won;t get fired, maybe promoted.
Update at PJM:
Fired? Yes, and I hope all those involved in her hiring and performance reviews and retention as employee are fired as well.
I read where her annual salary is $90 grand+, plus benefits.
Why couldn’t she have taken Prince’s place instead?
Prince died the day after 4/20.
Purple Reign is over…
This spurious young lady should now be forced to use men’s restrooms and vigorously piped by a Prince impersonator.
Fire this jackass; but waterboard her first, just for fun.
I don’t anything other then a reprimand will happen to her while the Obama Administration is in power. You may see her conducting tours but with another ranger there to keep an eye on her.
I’m guessing that her supervisors don’t have a clue, either.
Nor a care.
She won’t be fired – or disciplined – or even told that she’s an idiot.
The Dept. of the Interior honchos will scratch their asses wondering what the brouhaha is about.
This is the Age of Obola. The Preznit uses the “moron excuse” every time something serious is mentioned, just as did (does) the Sec. of State, the Dirs. of the NSA, FBI, IRS, &c, with complete immunity – and impunity.
izlamo delenda est …
So in Philadelphia one should expect Park Rangers to be no more qualified for their jobs than the folks that work concessions at a Phillies game that hand you a soft pretzel with unwashed hands.
She was probably a busy little jackboot on the Sequester Barrycades. One of the cuts was to eliminate walking tours there. Instead, we get this. I detest Howard Zinn.
How’s it feel? As a member of the SCV, we have been subjected to slanted versions of the War Between the Union an the Confederacy from the National Park Dis-Service for years. And the rhetoric is gaining momentum every day.
How. Does. It. Feel?
here’s its FB page:
It must be nice to have a mobile alternate reality.
Well Bitch, How about we WI FI the tours to wireless headphones that are dispensed by a vending machine, and you can save your talents for when that Fartknocker in the White House sends you in to manhandle some ninety year old veterans out of a Park they gave the blood in their veins to put there.
That was probably what she was told to say. Nothing to see here, Obama will Jedi wave it all away. Oh excuse me, Josh unEarnest will.
Actually, this is very typical of parks department employees, even long before the Obama administration.
1. The nature preserve MUST tell you all about the book Silent Spring and how Eagles were being killed by DDT.
2. The guide at Hurst Castle tells about the hundreds of craftsmen who were hired during the Depression to build it and how evil it was to waste money on a castle when so many were hungry.
3. The “interpretive artist” working in the kitchen of Lee’s ancestral home in Virginia, who tells us that we get the word for “toaster” because bread would get browned on a device and the cooks would “stir” it with their Toe to change sides. Totally unaware that “toaster” is a device that “toasts”, having nothing to do with toes or stirring.
The flaming libs that run the park service tours of Alcatraz are just as bad. They spent 20 minutes telling me how I was the criminal for killing all the Indians, not the guys who were locked up on the rock.
The entire government has been weaponized by the left. And Ryan and Boehnor call ME the problem.
I wonder if she’s the gal I saw tossing D-cell batteries at an Eagles game two years ago.
I’ve been in Independence Hall, way before this shit stain was born. Her voice must be peeling the paint in the room. Like the Lord Of The Rings films, when she walks by, nightmare bugs must festoon the ground where she graces her horrid presence.
So Curt Schilling’s unemployed while this crunt still has a job? How’s that work?
I’m leaving soon to go to Big Bend National Park to ride my duel sport for a week. I will not be interacting with any park rangers as they are generally a bunch a douchebags. Most are gay and all are smug. I sick of being told how man is screwing up the earth.
Holly Holst – FUCK YOU!! You Leftist, Progressive, unAmerican Piece Of Shit. Again FUCK YOU!!
You are a cheesesteak-snarfing, Tastycake-gulping, soggy-soft-pretzel licking, scrapple-gobbling, Ortlieb’s-swilling, Gummint Tit-sucking SHOOBIE!! You’re a fucking SHOOBIE!!
p.s FUCK YOU!!
pps – BayouWolf – amen brutha! It wasn’t the “Civil War”, it wasn’t even the “War Between The States”. It was The War Of Northern Aggression. (BayouWolf – with a great name like that I reckon you’re somewheres near my redneck of the woods, SE Louisiana)
ya know what? Fuck the National Park disService. I live nearby the WWII Museum in New Orleans and its run by a private foundation overflowing with still-surviving WWII Vets (God bless ’em). You can be damn sure the tour guides and docents don’t allow any goddam PC bullshit in their spiels!