3 Things People Don’t Know About Islam – Our Readers Being an Exception – IOTW Report

3 Things People Don’t Know About Islam – Our Readers Being an Exception

I watched this video expecting to see 3 things I didn’t know about Islam. Well, we’re educated here at iOTWreport.com, thanks to you readers in the comments, thanks to Robert Spencer, thanks to Pamela Geller, and thanks to all the other sites in the conservative blogosphere.

No thanks at all goes to sh!tstain lefty sites that are either clueless, or intentionally whitewash the truth.

This country can only be saved by the right. The left needs to be eradicated.

10 Comments on 3 Things People Don’t Know About Islam – Our Readers Being an Exception

  1. I was hoping to see even 1 thing I didn’t already know. One thing I do know is that I don’t like videos with the text flying in from all directions. Someone with ADHD must have come up with that.

  2. I have been thinking about the Fermi Paradox that the Universe is old enough that we should be seeing Alien societies rising but we don’t
    The Great Filter theory suggests that a majority of civilizations are stopped by some ‘Great Filter’ before they reach the ability to travel from star to star.
    I think this Great Filter is predicting something like Islamism.
    A mental disorder masquerading as a theology shrouded by ideology, enabled by Political Correctness.
    A civilization wide cancer that destroys the civilization, keeping the inhabitants in a barbarous existence until natural selection and entropy do away with them altogether

  3. The disgust with that barbaric hoard is palpable. The time is nigh upon us to be at the ready to introduce Islamic sludge to the red mist society. I ponder the affect of a round from my 416 Rigby on Aziz as he shouts anti-American slogans (thought up by his handlers).
    Allah Shlockbar!

  4. Excellent information in the video, for most people are still blissfully ignorant of the nature of the vipers in our midst.

    If you have any Eurotopian or American left wing friends, send them a link to the video. The vast majority of them still have no clue what they are dealing with in the muslims.

    Some of them are willfully ignorant, some of them are complicit, and these need to be dealt with as with all traitors.

  5. In addition to the great info in the video, jihad is another aspect of Islam. Jihad is the striving or the “struggle” to make Islam the law of the land. Jihad requires every Muslim to participate in whatever vile, heinous, deceitful, manipulative act, including taqiyya, necessary to crush a nation and bring it under submission.

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