GOP Convention Rules Member – “Even if Trump Gets to 1237 it doesn’t mean he’s the nominee” – IOTW Report

GOP Convention Rules Member – “Even if Trump Gets to 1237 it doesn’t mean he’s the nominee”

Now we’re back to the reason Trump became popular in the first place – the GOP simply tells the voters what they’re going to get, whether they like it or not.


If supporters of Donald J. Trump were angry after the GOP handed every one of Colorado’s delegates to Ted Cruz — without a vote by the people — they are going to be furious after what a top GOP official just said.

Republican convention rules member Curly Haugland told CNBC that even if Donald Trump wins 1,237 delegates that does not mean he will be the Republican nominee.

Unbelievably, Curly said: “It doesn’t matter….The votes during the primary process are only estimates.”

“Even if Trump reaches the magic number of 1,237 the media and RNC are touting, that does not mean Trump is automatically the nominee,” Haugland said. “The votes earned during the primary process are only estimates and are not legal convention votes. The only official votes to nominate a candidate are those that are cast from the convention floor.”


Just issue a proclamation. Trump will never get the nomination no matter how many votes and delegates he gets.

Welcome to Nicaragua.

No wonder the GOP doesn’t want the wall.

56 Comments on GOP Convention Rules Member – “Even if Trump Gets to 1237 it doesn’t mean he’s the nominee”

  1. How long has this been going on?
    Over 100 years is how long.
    Until the loser Bernie, and the ‘winner’ Trump came along there were few complaints.
    They both have had their entire lives to this point available to change the situation.
    They didn’t, because they were satisfied with it.
    Did they have any complaints when they started their campaigns, no.
    Now at the end game, they want to change the rules.
    Would they want to change the rules if they thought they had it in the bag? Obviously not or they would have started complaining before the road got rough.
    Politics is hard and messy, if you don’t have the stomach for it, pick another profession, say running casinos.

  2. JohnS

    Name one candidate, from either side, that went into their conventions with half of the available delegates, and a majority of votes, and didn’t win the nomination. As usual, your logic sucks.

  3. BB
    Every election is different. None can be exactly compared to another.
    Every kid thinks their life is somehow massively different than every other generation.
    Grow up and face the fact that you are not special. Believe me kid, once you get a few years under your belt you will realize that others faced hardships far greater than you have.
    Until then, pay attention, you might learn something.
    By the way those here on this site that you threatened to kill, they still around?
    Also haven’t heard the follow up on your push for dildo rights.

  4. You are and idiot and a fool. Statistically how often does this happen? ZERO. But I’m glad you think it’s fine to drift further into Communism. If this doesn’t bother you, you’re insane in the membrane.

    I’ve told you this before, I’m 59 old wise one. Jeez.

  5. So, one of the 2,500 GOP delegates said something stupid. What’s you point? Destroy the GOP and replace it with _____________?

    Do we want to nominate our potential president by popular vote? Popular vote by state or by national total? Maybe every state gets equal representation at the convention regardless of population?

    I know things are crazy this time, but what process do you recommend?

    As to the line in the article that says that the people of Colorado didn’t vote, that is untrue. They voted for their delegates. It’s kinda like saying the people had no vote on Obamacare. The people did vote. They voted for idiots to go to congress. The idiots the idiots voted for gave us Obamacare, and many got reelected.

  6. False.

    BTW, how should the GOP select a nominee for president?

    Open Primary?
    Closed Primary?
    State Conventions?
    Magic 8 Ball?

    Seriously, what process do you want? Should the GOP mandate how each of the 50 states and many territories do it their way or the highway?

    What’s you plan?

  7. False?

    I’m not lying and you seem to be oblivious to the fact that nobody voted in the Colorado Primary. It’s all over the news and Internet. Please do some research.

  8. Hey Donald Trump fans, stop pissing off the conservatives. Otherwise we will never vote for him.

    P.S.: Tell your candidate to also stop insulting us.

    Much Love,

    Your conservative voter

  9. Colorado didn’t have a primary, hence the absence of voters.

    This ain’t rocket surgery Brad, even a caveman can figure that out.

    It’s after midnight, I’m out. I check to see what names you called me tomorrow after the Sunday shows.

  10. Menderman,

    Colorado had a primary where nobody voted except the delegates. That’s as factual as I can state it and that is the truth.

    Paaaalease somebody else bring this guy into our century beside me.

  11. “Your conservative voter”

    Conservatives, oh you mean like Levin, Rove, The Koch Brothers, Glenn Beck, Dana Loesh, any Bush, Nancy Graham, Paul Ryan, Romney, McCain, etc etc. I’m not sure I’m a conservative anymore.
    More like a pissed off Red Neck.

  12. Oh, please stop with the Colorado bullshit. Colorado voted for Santorum last time around in 2012. 40% and a majority of votes were for him. But come convention day, Mitt Romney had already been made the candidate. And Santorum was a past wind. So I completely understand what Colorado did. And I think that other states should stop having their delegates be bound to a dead candidate.

  13. Meerkat, a fair weather conservative. So you don’t care if the voter base gets to decide who our nominee is? I beleive that’s our right. I wonder if you’d feel different if Trump stole those delegates. I think we should all be concerned about what happened in Colorado.

  14. Brad, like metal is hard, I am the conservative voter. And I’ll take Levin in your potpourri any day. The rest, Not so much. And you would do well to stop being so pissed off.

  15. IF the Repubes want to steal something, then let da boys with the bent noses meet up with them first…we can rearrange teeth (what’s left of them) jaws, and noses, blind a few in one or both them how the down n dirty otherside plays…if they survive, they may want to not fuck with us anymore…

  16. Meerkat, what does the amount of time Trump, Cruz, Ruboi or Jesus Christ spent in Colorado have to do with their delegates not reflecting the will of the people? Are you going commie on me?

  17. “If voters were not bound to dead candidates, then Trump would lose…To Cruz…You get it?”

    I can think of several ways to interpret that statement, and in every case you are wrong. But I do get your point. Voters should not decide our nominee.

    I disagree. The voters should decide our nominees, not seragots for the Wall Street crowd. You seem to be leaning hard towards socialism.

  18. To be for Donald Trump, is to be pissed off. He is always pissed off for God’s sake. “I will build a wall and make Mexico pay for it!” If you cheer when he says that, I am sorry…You are pissed off. Now if you believe it, then we can talk.

  19. Brad, suppose at the end we had a delegate breakdown as such: 16% Kasich, 16% Carson, 16% Rubio, 16 % Bush, 17% Cruz, and 19% Trump?

    Now do you understand why?

  20. Brad, I would be happy to defend, what is your question? I am willing until you get home from work. I have to go to church and teach Sunday school to a group of High Schoolers tomorrow, so I have to check out also.

  21. The SMUGNESS is classic.
    The TIMING couldn’t be better.

    It’s statements like that of
    Curly Haugland which ENCOURAGE
    more people to vote FOR Trump!

  22. People are angry because people don’t know how the electoral process works. People are ignorant because someone decided that it wasn’t important that it be mandatory that all citizens learn this. People are angry and ignorant because they’re easier to manipulate in this condition.

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