Hated Koch Brother Open To A Hillary Over GOP Presidency – IOTW Report

Hated Koch Brother Open To A Hillary Over GOP Presidency


Billionaire businessman Charles Koch said in an interview airing Sunday that “it’s possible” another Clinton in the White House could be better than having a Republican president.

Koch, the CEO of Koch industries, made the comment to ABC News’ Jonathan Karl for an interview airing on ABC’s This Week.

Koch and his brother, David, and their associated groups plan to spend nearly $900 million on the 2016 elections.

The comment came after Karl asked about former President Bill Clinton’s term, to which Koch said Clinton was “in some ways” better than George W. Bush.

“As far as the growth of government, the increase in spending, it was two-and-a-half times under Bush that it was under Clinton,” he said.

Karl followed up by asking about whether or not Koch could see himself supporting Hillary Clinton.

Koch hesitated before giving an answer that didn’t rule out the possibility.

“We would have to believe her actions would have to be quite different than her rhetoric, let me put it that way,” he said.


Even our most hated bogeyman is a squish.

15 Comments on Hated Koch Brother Open To A Hillary Over GOP Presidency

  1. Sad to say but I haven’t given a fucking farthing to the GOP, State or National, since the Romney debacle. But my few pence don’t mean much compared to the Koch brother’s millions, unless, of course, there are millions like me.

  2. 4arepublic, Fucking Koch industries is Multi National heavy into oil. Pals with the CofC, the money train for the Uni Party. Mean while 6 out of 10 households in America lives pay check to pay check and has no savings. Labor participation rate is at 62%.

    Fuck yea I’m voting Trump, and if they steal it believe me there’s enough pissed off people to make something happen. Ever wonder why they got all that LEO doing the riot training? Maybe it’s not for Black Lives Matter.

  3. Bad Brad is waiting for the people he threatened to die of old age because he is just a kid with a keyboard.
    Like I said Bradly, you call me out, I will call you out.
    You obviously are not going to man up and apologize for being a punk.

  4. Holy Shit! JohnS calls Bad Brad a punk. “Hold yer horses now,”
    as Barry Fitzgerald said in “The Quiet Man.” “There’s a bus load
    on their way from Ballybaloney to observe, and I need time to get a drink, and, and, mind you, the Marquis of Queensbury Rules will be observed. And no hitting above the belt.” “Now shake hands and have at it.”

  5. TO MoeTom
    Yeah, I’m *sure* Bad Brad is quaking in his boots as we speak.

    TO Loco
    Maybe…but: how many 16 year old hookers can Hillary get for $250k?

  6. Why should little Bradly be afraid, I didn’t threaten him. Threatening people, especially over the internet, is what cowards do.
    He thinks I should be afraid due to him threatening me.
    Well, I am still alive, and if the day comes that I am afraid of a keyboard warrior I will do a Kurt Cobain and put myself out of my misery.

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