Obama to #BLM – Quit Yelling – IOTW Report

Obama to #BLM – Quit Yelling


‘You can’t just keep on yelling’: President Obama calls out Black Lives Matter activists and urges them to engage in meaningful debate

Speaking at a youth town hall event held in London Saturday, the president praised the movement for effectively bringing attention to ‘the problem of a criminal justice system that sometimes is not treating people fairly based on race. But he quickly followed the praise with criticism for what he described as their often ‘harsh tone’. Obama explained: ‘You can’t just keep on yelling at them and you can’t refuse to meet because that might compromise the purity of your position.


15 Comments on Obama to #BLM – Quit Yelling

  1. I fail to see how the criminal justice system treats them unfairly. Did tyey commit a crime, or not? If a crime has been committed, and the perp is convicted, then they’re sentenced. Doesn’t matter how much melanin is in a body’s skin. The only times I see the criminal justice system treating anybody unfairly is when a wealthy celebutard or politician sails through it (I’m thinking of Hillary’s private server).

  2. Obama explained: ‘You can’t just keep on yelling at them and you can’t refuse to meet because that might compromise the purity of your position.”

    “PURITY OF YOUR POSITION” ? Geez what an insufferable asshole. In England, no less!

  3. Holy Shit! There’s four minutes of my life gone forever. That was just so painful to watch. Looked more like a cross between a grand mal epileptic fit and a street corner rap. And they won a national champoinship? What nation? In what language? Ebonics?

  4. Understand what just happened – the President of the United States just elevated Black Lives Matter to a degree on par with other organizations in the U.S. such as the NAACP.

    Another racist, divisive and destructive organization is now recognized as legitimate by the U.S. government and entitled to rights and privileges thereof.

    Make no mistake, he just sent a message to donors, activist and supporters that this is a worthwhile organization.

    Cue Hollywood.

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