Religion of Peace Therapist Gives Clinic on How To Beat Your Wife – IOTW Report

Religion of Peace Therapist Gives Clinic on How To Beat Your Wife


Muslim family therapist advises men to ‘beat spouses with a toothpick or handkerchief’ and ‘forsake them in bed’

  • Family therapist Khaled Al-Saqaby releases video on ‘wife discipline’
  • He advises Muslim men to speak to their wives about disobedience first
  • Then men should ‘forsake their spouses in bed’ by turning backs on them
  • Finally they should ‘beat their wives’ but ‘not to vent their anger’ 
  • In the video, he says: ‘I am aware that this issue is a thorny one which contains many hazards, but Allah willing we will cross this bridge safely.

    ‘I believe the problem arises when husbands do not understand how to deal with disobedience. Some women disobey their husbands and make mistakes with them, and their husbands think this is due to inadequate treatment [of disobedience].’

    He added: ‘The first step is to remind her of your rights and of her duties according to Allah. Then comes the second step – forsaking her in bed.

    ‘Here some husbands make mistakes which might exacerbate the problem.’

    Mr Al-Saqaby goes on to explain how men should remain sharing a bed with their wives but turn their back on them, rather than one of the couple sleeping in a different room or on the floor.

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19 Comments on Religion of Peace Therapist Gives Clinic on How To Beat Your Wife

  1. I’ve always been under the impression that those white robes look much better with a couple .450 diameter holes in them. Of course the holes are much larger in the back.

  2. As a person who has filed many an Order of Protection petition for Muslim women, I can assure you that their husbands are NOT following this advice. They are abusing them every which way but loose–raping them, beating the living daylights out of them, and threatening them with horrifying consequences if they don’t toe the line.

    A couple of weeks ago I took a petition for a Bengali woman whose husband configured the locks on their house so that she could be locked inside, and he could monitor her all day from his office via security cameras. She had no telephone access, as “his” cell was the only phone in the household. He shouted her down re having a baby, attending college, becoming a U.S. citizen, and working outside the home.

    When I told her, “You’re in America now, where women have rights and their husbands are not allowed to treat them like dogs,” she burst into tears with relief.

  3. Cool story, Khaled. You need to take that material on a college campus tour. They are starving for some moderate Muslim teaching about fixing the sandwich machine when it’s on the Fritz.

  4. Enjoy your muzz culture – the’re also responsible for “rule of thumb” meaning that the switch one uses to beat on a wife or children should be no thicker than the male’s fattest part of his thumb.
    Golly, if only NFLer Adrian Peterson would have converted before he gave his kid swat or two with a switch, like he got switched when he was a kid.

  5. Yeah, he’s right. Sometimes you have to be tough.

    My first wife died from eating poison mushrooms.

    My second wife died because she wouldn’t eat the poison mushrooms.

  6. Never hit a wife with a stick thicker than your thumb.
    That’s known as :”The rule of Thumb.”
    But back in those days the wives could hit back. The rule was never hit the bastard with a rolling pin thicker than your wrist.
    That’s known as : “The rule of the Wrist.”
    Olde English Law.

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