Melissa Click: I was fired because I’m white – IOTW Report

Melissa Click: I was fired because I’m white

melissa click

WT: Melissa Click, the former University of Missouri assistant professor who was fired after she tried to block a student journalist from covering a campus protest, suggested in a recent interview that her public termination was a matter of “racial politics.”

“This is all about racial politics,” she told The Chronicle of Higher Education in an interview published Sunday. “I’m a white lady. I’m an easy target.”


18 Comments on Melissa Click: I was fired because I’m white

  1. Being white made her fire-able (as a practical matter, blacks cannot be fired), but wasn’t why she was fired. It was what she did that was captured on video that caused her to be fired. I guess she’s not bright enough to understand the distinction, and she forgot to consider black privilege.

  2. Depravity and mental derangement are not pretty, especially wrapped in a cunt like this one…go away Missy, your five seconds in the lime light are well past….depart!

  3. She’ll do away with herself in some lonely, godforsaken, ghetto alley dumpster gnashing her teeth while kicking some of her 20 or more cats. No loss to Academia, no loss to the world, no loss to herself. A hateful harpy trying to gas herself in her electric oven – cursing God, the Alumni Association, the Chancellor, the videographer – blaming everyone but herself for her reduced state – sucking off hobos for swigs from their bottles of Mad Dog.

    Until she discovers that even the rats refuse to eat her face.

    And therein lies a tale …

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Well, you might have been able to get away with it all, if you hadn’t put yourself front, center, and vocal before a journalist’s camera and just BEGGED for the story to go viral.
    But ya had ta go there. Ya just HAD ta go there, didn’t’cha?

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