“Inclusive” Policy Causing People To Exclude Target – IOTW Report

“Inclusive” Policy Causing People To Exclude Target

A video posted four days ago has laid bare the implementation of Target’s new transgender bathroom policy.


In the video a man dressed as a man and in no way claiming to be transgender, asks if there would be any problem with his using the women’s bathroom.

Reaction to the stated policy in the video has ballooned the boycott of the store to 700,000.

Video  (go to the 1:00 mark to avoid the walk into the store)


Target has been asked multiple times if indeed this is their official policy, they have confirmed that it is.

I tell you what, the next time I’m in Target needing to leave a deuce and the men’s room is an untended cesspool, it’ll be bombs away! in the Ladies Room.

29 Comments on “Inclusive” Policy Causing People To Exclude Target

  1. Perhaps the foppish man-sissy from a previous post can stage a Bear Grylls pottery class in Target ladies rooms. He can fashion in clay the manhood he will never know.
    Will Snap-On Tools weigh in on this bothersome Target vs morality issue? I think not.

  2. While everybody is worried about Target boys and men in our schools, YMCAs, locker rooms showers are being forced by threat of lost federal tax payer dollars to let men and boys into those spaces.

    even the great and wonderful Trump wants it that way.

    I am telling you right now, this is going to end badly.

  3. Tsk, I overlooked the gay obsession Target seems to have become while it’s an expensive store, they have really nice stuff that doesn’t cost me an arm and my first born (hello Dillards).

    This new policy though… way too far, I pray that any woman and girls who continue to shop there are protected by God because this is just a whole new level of scary.

  4. It will end badly if the government and schools and businesses allow men and boys into areas that should be private and safe for women and girls.

    I don’t know who I can support for president, or any other politician across the board that will make this a national issue and turn it around.

    All politicians at every level must be forced to answer to this issue before the election.

  5. @Zonga – you are quite right in calling this a major issue, and quite right in calling on all candidates to state clearly what, if anything, they intend to do about it. Unless someone in a position of high authority steps up and says, “Stop it! This is WRONG!” you are, again, quite right that things will get bad very quickly, but I can’t quite see where they’ll end short of vigilante justice meted out on pedophile predators and pandering politicians.

    NTTAWWT – I just hope it doesn’t go that far.

  6. I coulda sworn they “went back” on this stupid policy!

    Oh well. I guess they don’t need the business.
    (Hmm…I coulda sworn that’s why businesses are IN BUSINESS, though…I’m so confused….)

  7. Somebody at Corporate HQ thought it a safe assumption that most men will behave themselves and use their own bathroom, that leaves a few sexual deviants and the gender confused and there aren’t that many of either one.

    But there are a whole lot of SJW in waiting just for their chance to signal their virtue to all their fellow SJW that they are ready to condemn the first department store chain that denies a weirdo access to the bathroom of their choice.

    That person weighed the business lost from normal people objecting versus business lost when SJWs and the media bring down accusations of discrimination and unfeeling disregard for another’s feelings and decided to go with the latter group.

    We are, as a nation, truly boned.

  8. Dumb Shitz with MBAs that can’t even figger out if they’re sposed to shit or wind a limp-wrist watch!
    It’s a basic formula kids. Sell products that people want at a reasonable price and make a profit.
    But noooooo the anal-warts running Target marketing have to be Social Engineers too! If I were CEO they’d be hittin the bricks!

  9. No pervert, deviant or “confused” male person will enter the bathroom when my wife or daughters are present. I’ll block the entrance or perform an emergency sex reassignment surgery with my EDC knife.

    I no longer care about the repercussions.

  10. This is the problem I have with the pee-where-you-feel-comfortable policy. If a person announces, “I identify as the opposite gender,” how can I verify that?

    Another peachy quality-of-life improvement brought to you by Libtard Nation.

  11. Another reason I have a ccw.

    If I’m bored tomorrow and have nothing to do I may head to Target. This won’t be a shopping trip but a trip to see what happens if I pop into the men’s room and stare at the guys using the urinals.
    I expect that will go over like a turd in a punch bowl.

  12. The general problem with Progressives is they constantly confuse the way things SHOULD be with the way things actually ARE. They constantly make these proclamations while completely avoiding the reality that they have just opened the door for the sicko brigade. Ok, you made .001% “feel” good, but you put 99.99% in actual demonstrable danger of being abused…and the percentage of abusers is several orders of magnitude higher that those who need their feeling coddled.

  13. I expect most men who are shopping in Target will behave themselves simply because they are men and not deviants.
    However, Target has set themselves up as destination #1 for perverts and deviants rather than shoppers.

    FU Target. I can easily live without your Archer brand Cayenne and Lime sauce.

  14. Ladies, rest assured I will only use your bathroom when trying on a pair of women’s panties from the clothing department. I haven’t ever done it before, but there’s no reason to not start.

  15. Anonymous, thank you for solution to dilemma. Having women relieve themselves in the dressing rooms will get the attention of those limp wristed, light in the loafers, bone smoking fags at Target’s Headquarters. The libs at HQ are not at all worried about making a profit in a competitive market place. Are the libs at the Head Shed spending quality time pleasuring each other at the foreskin fountain rather than trying to compete in a very competitive market place?

  16. Why does Target always feel the need to get involved in shit like this? They can barely keep their shelves stocked, and when they do, it’s in the wrong damn place under the wrong price point. (Because they hire illegals on the stock team who can’t read or write English, in case you were wondering.) Maybe concentrate on actually running a business for a while, dipshits.

  17. There is a psychologist in that COUNTY catering to mentally ill adolescents. It makes no difference what SJW psychologists and politicians say. I KNOW that “transgender” is a MENTAL ILLNESS.

    LOOK AT JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL. They have quit sex reassignment surgery and admitted it is a MENTAL ILLNESS.

  18. Over 900,000 signers now, and it looks like they took down the video from utube; hope that was because it finally embarrassed the shit out of them for revealing how utterly ignorant, careless, and disrespectful of women’s safety they actually are.

    I quit shopping there back when they trashed Christmas. Bunch of homosexual crap merchants.

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