#NeverTrump Told Me Trump’s Speech on Foreign Policy Was a Joke and a Clown Speech – IOTW Report

#NeverTrump Told Me Trump’s Speech on Foreign Policy Was a Joke and a Clown Speech

It was all over Twitter, big brains, with Twitter handles like @iBiteBathtubBubbles #NeverTrump, saying that Trump’s speech was pathetic.

Now I’m reading a review of the speech and BathtubBubbles is the one that sounds like the clown. Trump sounded clear, concise, specific and presidential.


“If America fights, it will only fight to win… victory with a capital ‘V.’” In the preceding sentence, we might note, first, the “if” and, second, the “V” for “Victory.”

Yet at the same time, Trump made it clear that he was going to be not only careful but also judicious. He quoted the realist wisdom of John Quincy Adams from 1821: “We do not go abroad in search of enemies.”  

Thus, in Trump’s words, we can see something that’s simultaneously both new and old:  “The direction I will outline today willalso return us to a timeless principle. My foreign policy will always put the interests of the American people and American security above all else… That will be the foundation of every single decision that I will make.”

Yet Trump, being Trump, was never going to let a speech be nothing but airy abstractions; he dug right in on familiar specifics: “We must stop importing extremism through senseless immigration policies.” 

Thus in one sentence Trump staked out of his opposition to the borderless immigration policies of the last three presidents, going back to the early ’90s. None of them—not Clinton, not Bush 43, not Obama—have adequately defended the interests of the United States and its citizens.   And some haven’t even tried.  

Indeed, Trump went further, sharply separating himself from the giddy utopianism that inspired Barack Obama to travel to Europe and try to prop up the faltering European Union: 

The nation-state remains the true foundation for happiness and harmony. I am skeptical of international unions that tie us up and bring America down… Under my administration, we will never enter America into any agreement that reduces our ability to control our own affairs.

And then he singled out, as examples of what not to do, NAFTA and policies obsessed with “global warming.”

During his administration, Trump said, “No American citizen will ever again feel that their needs come second to the citizens of foreign countries.” Again, that’s how a rookie at politics goes right to the top job on his first try.   



102 Comments on #NeverTrump Told Me Trump’s Speech on Foreign Policy Was a Joke and a Clown Speech

  1. Friends, I have a problem…apparently Lena Dunham had vowed to move to Vancouver should Trump win…so Trump wins and I lose…mixed emotions here. On the bright side, Greenpeace will likely try to make sure she’s put safely back in the ocean so we have that going for us. Sigh…this election season sucks.

  2. I listened to the speech, then had to drive and caught Rush’s review. He loved it. It was an Anti Globalist speech that puckered #NeverTrump, AKA the GOPs, exhaust port. Me, delivery a C-, content an A+. That guy doesn’t do well with Tele prompters. Maybe a good sign.

    I’m predicting Trumps VP pick is Rubio.

  3. I haven’t seen the speech yet, but when he did the one at AIPAC, he did sound presidential, then the next day when he was off teleprompter, he was…um…well, you know….an asshole again.

    He has 6 months to convince me he is not the guy he has been his entire life. I seriously doubt he can do it, but I am open to the possibility.

    Gotta link to the speech Brad?

  4. My point with this post is that Trump is not immune from ridicule, and there is much to ridicule if you are of a certain mindset.
    But when you start to clown EVERYTHING the man does, no matter what it is, you’ve crossed over into kookyland where your mind is simply closed and you’re pretty much a cement block of idiocy.

    Jeez, I hate Obama as much as the next man but I have the objectivity to admit the guy is pretty good at doing his petty little roasts.
    He has good comic timing and does a good job with them.

    Anti-Trumpers are simply hate-filled zombies that aren’t even listening at this point.
    They’re not even listening to their own guy.

  5. Ted would have given a constipated smile at all the most inopportune times had he read that teleprompter.

    And let’s face it, the words on the teleprompter weren’t moving fast enough. Trump is a fast talker. He has New York fast-talk values. Someone needs to thalk to Microsoft or Apple to speed up these teleprompters, because they are currently for losers. Trump will not off-shore Teleprompter upgrades to Chiiiina! Or Samsung!!!!

  6. Better talk to the two fanatics above you FUR. I mean really, read the text of his speech then and honestly tell me what you disagree with. At this point in time you two officially have Trump Phobia. It’s getting ridiculous.

  7. yup, Trump has gone full Obungle and is using a teleprompter.
    They were not his words, he like Soetoro, was just reading what he was told to say.
    He had to do it. He lacks the self control to keep the lies straight and not accidentally blurt out the truth as he has so many times in the past.
    No worries, he gets to join the club of readers, like Barry and Hillary.

  8. The more I think about it, the more I believe the whole #nevertrump deal is an astroturf movement started by the Hillary machine so she could go up against a weak opponent (cough, Cruz, cough, cough).

  9. Hey, Big Fur Hat, the anti-Cruzers are just as bad, if not worse. I may have missed it, but I do not recall a anti-Trumper ever suggesting that a regular here would do our country a favor by dying before the election. Several Trumpers have asked that of me. And to those that have, I disincline to acquiesces to your request.

  10. I thought it was a good speech. His New Yourke accent turns off the Harvaard type. Which is fine with me. I speak New Yorkeese.
    He did not apologize for the Allied Victory in Europe or for bombing the shit out of Japan. Which is fine with me also.
    PS. Mark Levin is beginning to irritate me almost as much as some of the closed minded at this site with whom Trump can do or say nothing right.

    A Donald Trump/Condi Rice ticket will kick demorat ass in November

  11. I read the speech I thought it was great.

    Next he MUST backtrack on the transgender bathroom locker room school, government mandated insanity.

    If Trump does not reverse on transgender BS I cannot vote for him.

  12. This is what the IOTW Anti Trump movement doesn’t understand. They’ve never competed. It’s a common denominator. They’d rather hitch their wagon to a weak jawed loser than a competitor. Cruz is self distructing while Trump grows stronger. Cruz is a born loser. Spotted it the first time I saw him. Very feminine speech pattern.


  13. Moetom, are you equally distraught with the people on this site that say Cruz can do no right?

    (I already know the answer, but, hey, they deserve to be called out too)

    Condi would be a good choice, but I doubt she would oblige.

  14. “This is what the IOTW Anti Trump movement doesn’t understand. They’ve never competed. It’s a common denominator. They’d rather hitch their wagon to a weak jawed loser than a competitor. Cruz is self distructing while Trump grows stronger. Cruz is a born loser. Spotted it the first time I saw him. Very feminine speech pattern.”

    I have been following and donating to the Cruz candidacy since he was running for senator in Texas. I live in NJ. Why do I do this you fricken idiot who calls me a non-competitor? BECAUSE I COMPETE.

    Go wash yourself.

  15. You compete in what pussy. Your decision making is in question to say the least. I’ve boxed, I’ve wrestled, I’ve played football. Go back up and listen to Bobby Knight because he gets it, and you, your a pussy. Trump knows how to compete. You? You prefer some weal jawed hollyier than though faggot. That can’t remember who his wife is but can manage to announce his loser running mate while he’s light years away from the nomination. Grow some balls, become a man. Maybe you understand Trump pussy.

  16. @Menderman, just a hat tip for the Boyd Crowderism: And to those that have, I disincline to acquiesces to your request.

    I read it to my wife and she said, “Oh, someone’s been watching Justified.”

  17. Interesting how Trump is now trying to sound like a slimy politician using a speechwriter and a teleprompter and suddenly this makes him amazing and great and shows how “presidential” he is now.

    These are the very traits that were given as reasons to hate the other candidates at one point or another, but now are considered great because the Donald is doing it.

    Something smells here and it’s the hypocrisy of Trump followers.

    The speech was fine, but it was not his original thoughts nor was it even based on his core principles or thoughts else he wouldn’t have had to read it so carefully in such a monotone voice.

    I just wonder what and how much spin will be needed later if he somehow becomes President and then we witness his true positions and he takes those unpredictable actions that lead to multiple disasters. It is going to take a lot of Band-Aids for those followers of his to survive.

  18. @Brian in BC, I have no idea who or what “Boyd Crowderism” means, nor am I familiar with a show/series/ play/ movie etcetera titled “Justified”. Basically, I have no idea what you are talking about. No insults or innuendos implied, I am seriously ignorant to what you mean.

  19. Hey Menderman, Justified was a really great show with the most incredible language, Boyd Crowder was a character who always spoke with the most interesting turns of phrase. For Our resident language lover, Uncle Al, Boyd tended to speak in Iambic Pentameter (very Shakespeareesque). We loved the show and your expression was one we distinctly remember him using…we’d never heard it before and thought it was totally gentlemanly and honourable, it was a compliment to your excellent speech.

  20. Menderman, Boyd Crowder is a fictional character created by writer Elmore Leonard.
    The FX TV show spanned six seasons and I was a big fan.

    Boyd Crowder was supposed to be killed at the end of the pilot episode, but the actor, Walton Coggins (currently in The Hateful 8) was such a powerful force, they kept him as a main character.

    He was a crook, a white supremacist, a nut, but lovable.

    I would not consider it an insult as he was an educated nut.
    (I can relate.)

    I recommend the series.
    I was sad to see it end.

  21. Brad my friend, I don’t agree with many points said on here but keep my cards close as I like the majority on here, In this case I was actually nodding to a phrase I liked actually being used…no insult intended in this case…sometimes my sarcasm button is broken so it gets lost…plenty of time for that at another time.

  22. Raylan Givens: Dear Lord, before we eat this meal we ask forgiveness for our sins, especially Boyd- who blew up a black church with a rocket launcher, and afterwards he shot his associate Jared Hale in the back of the head out on Tate’s Creek bridge. Let the image of Jared’s brain matter on that windshield not dampen our appetites, but may the knowledge of Boyd’s past sins help guide these men. May this food provide them with all the nourishment they need. But, if it does not, may they find comfort in knowing that the United States Marshal Service is offering fifty-thousand dollars to any individual providing information that will put Boyd back in prison. Cash or check, we can make it out to them. Or to Jesus. Whoever they want. In your name, we pray. Amen.

  23. @ Zonga

    The tranny in the can thing really shouldn’t be an issue. There would be an issue if it were about school showers but I don’t believe it is about that. That should be up to the school board.

    Little girls shouldn’t be going into public bathrooms by themselves. Period.

    It’s a shame that some people probably used the non-issue to grandstand. Or was it brought about by trannies to force a ruling. I didn’t follow it at all.

    Quite certainly, often there are raving crazies with body parts that correspond to the icon on the door peeing in the stall next to others with the same body parts.

    Wouldn’t it be out of the jurisdiction of a president to force people to use a specific toilet, so why should he even worry about what he needs to think about public peeing.

    Bathrooms in Europe are mainly unisex.

  24. So Brian, as I read it, you were not calling me names as Brad suggested, am I correct?

    Also, living in a place and knowing folks who have had family here for over 400 years, distinct dialects and language is a topic I love! Hop over one island, and the dialect changes!

    Moy loard, Brad hath bean momicked theese noight!!

  25. @Loco, the European washrooms may not be unisex, but they also may not have actual toilets…I thought someone had stolen them the first time I saw all “squatty-potties”…civilization…ha!

  26. Jane, the Mags season was probably the best.
    The moonshine, the family, it was an epic show.
    The young girl, who plays on the Tim Allen show Last Man Standing.

    After the second season I couldn’t watch it on FX so I waited for the Blue-ray every year.

    The last season I actually held off on watching, I didn’t want it to end.
    I need to fire them up again.

  27. @Plain Jane:

    You speak of something you have no knowledge about, yet you offer your opinion on it. Why?

    I am in NC, and have followed the “bathroom bill” for over a year.

    Tranny in a can was never an issue. If dude looked like a lady, and used the stall next to you, nobody knew or cared. Total non-issue and no nanny state laws were needed. But….Charlotte decided that since their Ex-mayor was up for re-election, against a favored liberal, for Governor, that March was a good time to pass a law that made all public restrooms, locker rooms, changing rooms and showers open to all based on gender identity rather than biological norms. Charlotte mandated that all public schools, public stores, public gyms, public fitness centers, malls, pools, bars, allow any person to access any bathroom based on what gender they declared to be. Day Care centers, grade schools, high schools every bathroom became open to all. HB2 reversed that mandate. HB2 made multi-use facilities single gender for State owned Showers and such (public schools) . HB2 reversed the mandate that privately owned facilities MUST allow all (58) genders and gave them the option to choose their own policy. Trump had about the same amount of knowledge as you do on NC-HB2 when he let his fly trap flap. If you admit you have no knowledge about an issue, than don’t give others your opinion on it. It just makes you look stupid.

  28. Ok, I’m cracking open some White Lightning http://olesmoky.com/products/white-lightnin and you are all invited to pull up a chair. We can speak crazy English and I’ll embarrass myself with my Canadianisms, we can laugh at my dumbass Prime Minister and pray that Hillary never sees the inside of the Oval Office again…and you can help me reload ammo…cause it’s coming and my compatriots on this side of the 49th parallel are far more sheep than sheepdog if you catch my drift.

  29. @Brad, no worries…I lobbed one and you knocked it out of the park…you just didn’t realize it was supposed to be an easy one for my kid standing behind you to hit…all good my friend, all good.

  30. Romans 4:4-8, “Now to the one who works, his wages are not counted as a gift but as his due. And to the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness, just as David also speaks of the blessing of the one to whom God counts righteousness apart from works: Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered; blessed is the man against whom the Lord will not count his sin.”

    See? God Loves Trump!

    (Go Trump!)

  31. Yeah Brad, we’d definitely get along, conservatives, love strenuous workouts, time at the range, sarcasm issues, a weakness for beer/whiskey and love freedom and having a great laugh. You are welcome around my campfire…Moose season opens in November BTW…ask me what happened to the rabbit I hit when I was loaded with a .308 180grain bonded bullet for Moose but happened upon the perfect shot to pop some appetizers in the freezer….oops…(Daddy, why did you only send us a photo of the head of the rabbit?)

  32. Loco, just made this up for your pleasure, you frieken’ Trump hating idiot!

    Two Corinthians walk in a bar, one says to the other, “Do you believe in God?”

    The two Corithian replies, “depends, is it an election year?”

  33. @Loco…dude…, just checked the tracking, apparently the US Border Service confiscated and destroyed it at the Newark FedEx Terminal…the bastards! They still charged me full price for the shipment too! Guess I shoudn’t have tried piggybacking the 1/2 kilo of BC Bud with the sandwich greens…sorry friend…I tried.

  34. Meerkat. Condi’s speech was made back in 2008 when the whole world (except me and Rush)) was proud of Obama. She, being African American, could say no less. I doubt she feels the same way today
    But then again I doubt if she would accept if Trump asked. It would be a hell of a battle though. Two ex Secs of State?
    One sharp and one worthless. Big win for Condi!

  35. Moe, Anyone that wanted the low down on Obama back then had enough resources to do their due diligence. Especially Rice who was hob hobnobbing with the GOP.

    I don’t buy it.

  36. @Loco, if you are headed to Whistler, you have to drive by my place…I’m sure we can make arrangements to ensure your textile enamoured companion is otherwise distracted while we turn to the oft forgotten art of slow roasting meats over charcoal while imbibing in spirits of the world.

  37. Meerkat, with blacks it is always black first.
    That is why they prefer African before American.
    Colin Powell was this way and Rush called him out for it.

    Only Thomas Sowell and Clarence Thomas have the dignity of their convictions.

    Funny how some liberal Jews put liberalism first.
    I cannot explain that.

  38. “Ok, I’m asking…two Corinthians…I’m no slouch when it comes to Biblical Literacy but I’m not sure of the reference here.”

    Come on Brian, get with the program, Glen Beck and Ted Cruz will tell you how to interpret the bible. There’s quite a few of their desiples here.

  39. Brian, two months ago Trump made an attempt at pandering to the Christian community.
    It failed big-time, he looked like a fool and then blamed his speech writer.
    The man is as thin skinned as Obama.
    That is why I cannot trust him.

    I am a true conservative.
    Trump has six months to get his shit together.

  40. Brian, it stems from a Trump speech. Trump said “Two Corinthians” was one of his Favs rather than “Second Corinthians”.

    No big deal generally, but he said it to students at Liberty University as I recall, and it showed that he really has no knowledge of the Bible, he was just pandering.

    Kinda like the “corpsman” vs. “Corpse man” thing.

  41. Brian, Trump understands Christianity like he understands foreign policy. It’s what is told to him or placed upon a teleprompter.

    What Trump does understand is international beauty queens! Oh Yeah!

    (Go Trump!)

  42. @ Menderman

    I stated that I had not followed the law. Plus, I said that there would be a problem if it applied to showers.

    So someone was grandstanding in Charlotte and started the whole mess? Or have I misunderstood?


    Transgender BS is an abomination, a mental illness, evil psychologists nurture this mental illness in children and adolescents. The parents who allow it are equally nuts plus a threat to the well being of their children.

    School systems who allow boys and girls in the same bathrooms, showers, locker rooms, sports teams should be run out of town and replaced by thinking adults.

    If Trump does not make a clear statement against this attack on the privacy and safety of women girls and boys I CANNOT VOTE FOR HIM.

    Trump people, use all of your connections and pull to get this issue in front of him for a clear declaration of his position.

    This is an issue of judges making laws.

  44. I guess it takes different things for different people Zonga.
    Trump lost me when he said he would force my son or others like him to obey illegal orders and kill innocent women and children.
    He then weaseled out of it by saying that he guessed he couldn’t do it because he had to obey the law.
    That showed me exactly what Trump thinks of our military, and we have already suffered through this CinC that thinks our servicemen are just tools to indulge a rulers whims.

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