Obama to Build Big Beautiful Wall… – IOTW Report

Obama to Build Big Beautiful Wall…

…around the white house.

The fence isn’t adequate in the “modern era.” They want to raise it 5 more feet to make it unclimbable.

A high fence, an unclimbable one, on our sovereign nation’s border, however, is simply stupid.

11 Comments on Obama to Build Big Beautiful Wall…

  1. As long as you control the gates, a wall or fence is a workable solution.
    At least Soetoro is not building the fence while leaving the gates open as Trump proposes.
    He is also not installing a river and calling it a wall, like Trump is (Trump is not building a river, it is already there).
    BFH, are you trying to make Barry out as smarter than Trump?
    To be fair, this is not Barry’s idea, and maybe Trump will follow suit and let smarter people manage security.

  2. Wassamatter Barry?
    One of your detail drop a hint they might be slow on the draw if somebody gets into the oval office again?
    Maybe they might let you get offed and you get to be a martyr for the cause.
    Maybe let Biden ‘drive the train’ back to the station?
    That would suck….for you

  3. Razor-wire coils on the top of this new wall would ease Obola’s transition to his future residence.

    Mooch and Barki in orange jumpsuits would be most glamourous.

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