Meat Cora Segal – IOTW Report

Meat Cora Segal

I mean “meet.”


This is the sippy cup “free speech” protestor —>

cora-segalCora Segal ’11 was an Emerging Leader with SLP this past summer, where she lead a peer action group on the Occupy movement. She is currently a first-year at Smith College and will be a featured speaker at the March against Rape Culture and Gender Inequality at Boston Common on October 13.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I’d like to become a radical therapist, someone who helps people psychologically through an anti-oppression, anti capitalist way. So, I see myself studying that in grad school, continuing to try and be a white ally and participating in various activist organizations.

Meet her dad—->

By this account he sounded like a great guy. Too bad he was a sh!tty white privileged scumsucking rape- culture bastard who died way before he could be re-educated.


Charles Paul Segal

Faculty of Arts and Sciences — Memorial Minute

Charlie as scholar and teacher is inseparable from Charlie the man. Despite his formidable learning and his many accomplishments, he retained an unaffected modesty and humility, as well as a delightful sense of irony. A remark he made about his much-admired Harvard mentor, Cedric Whitman, could equally well be applied to him: “he had the rare capacity to be profoundly serious without taking himself too seriously.”

ht/ reddecaesari

41 Comments on Meat Cora Segal

  1. Radical therapist? I’ll deliberately misinterpret that to mean she wants to be a therapist for radicals. In the spirit that the radicaller the better, I she decides to go to Syria to see what kind of therapy the radicals there might want her to administer.

  2. Putting up posters of her image would make for a terrific anti-rape campaign. After all, it is very difficult to be a successful rapist when your dick has shriveled and shrunk to the size of a cigarette butt.

  3. “So, I see myself studying that in grad school, continuing to try and be a white ally and participating in various activist organizations.”

    That sounds like a college application…
    from a retard.

  4. Rape? Thus bag of shit couldn’t get laid in a men’s penitentiary with a hand full of pardons. Who is she kidding? Her fat ugly face could knock a Pitt bull off a meat wagon.

  5. thanks for posting fur. as i read her ole dad’s obit, confirmed that bullshit courses were in full swing at hahvahd during his tenure.

    so his spawn learned well at his knee. oh and mom NANCY JONES refuses to use dad’s surname.
    nurture vs. nature? NURTURE. qed.

  6. “… it is very difficult to be a successful rapist when your dick has shriveled and shrunk to the size of a cigarette butt.”

    Your tellin me!

    I meen … hold on a sec … somthin aitn’t rite …

  7. Is it just me or are 99.9 percent of these women obese and ugly? It seems these twats all become part of this feminist/rape culture bullshit because no sane man will fuck them. It’s like “no man will fuck me, so a bunch of men must want to rape me”!! Twirl that around in your brain bucket for a second. What. The. Fuck. Then of course the natural is progression is to become a lesbian because they hate all the men that want to rape them. Go wallow around in you king sized sty with your cargo short wearing girlfriend and shut the fuck up. Please.

  8. She wants to be a therapist.

    Let’s unpack that one, shall we? A therapist is supposed to help people recognize areas that need improvement, and help develop coping mechanisms. Considering how glaringly obvious it is that she is utterly tone deaf to her own needs in these areas, I’d like to make two observations. First, she’s the typical Psych major (hush, y’all, I was a Psych major, crazy as a road lizard). Second, due to her inability to function beyond the cognitive level of a pot of spoiled sauerkraut, the scrutiny that has just been leveled on her by the wonderful global accountability of the internet leads me to guess she’s likely to self-destruct before the end of this week’s news cycle.

    If she doesn’t, Lena Dunham will escalate in her insane efforts to retain her crown as Most Vile Female Ever.

  9. Maybe those were just kind obituary words, but the dad sounded like a decent sort, “unaffected modesty and humility, profoundly serious without taking himself seriously, delightful sense of irony”. Having that daughter, all those attributes must have come in handy.

  10. I need a therapist to get me over my intense contempt for liberals. Especially the ones that run the New York State Unified Court system. I am depressed to be a union member that hasn’t had a contract for over five years, terrified that I’ll encounter a serial rapist in my rest room, and tired of working without proper training, equipment, or supplies.

    Can you help me, Ms. Segal?

  11. Good Lord in heaven. The video of her shouting gave the perfect picture of this overly self-important slime bag. How he hell does anyone so inarticulate get into college? America, we are in real trouble, if this is representative of the future.

  12. “I’d d like to become a radical therapist, someone who helps people psychologically through an anti-oppression, anti capitalist way.”

    So how will she support herself? How will she manage to cover the expenses of office space, receptionist, etc.? Or is she just planning to hang out on the streets, offering free therapy to the homeless while she collects welfare? Did her old man leave her so well off she doesn’t need to earn money?

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